I'm a god of medicine

Chapter 679 Who gave you courage

Chapter 679 Who gave you courage
At [-]:[-], Xie Zhonghua drove his big Mercedes into the gate of the hospital.

Lian Xiangdongchang and his wife got out of the car and dragged out four suitcases from the trunk.

What about Yang Xi?
Dean Lin first glanced into the car from the front of the car, and then turned to the rear of the car to take a look in the trunk.

Lian Xiangdong smiled and said, "Are you serious? Lin Yuan, how could Yang Xi be hiding in the trunk?"

Dean Lin poked his head, sniffed the trunk twice, and replied seriously: "There is no smell of blood, it seems that Yang Xi is still alive."

Xie Zhonghua got out of the car, pouted, and said regretfully, "Xi Shao, he got out of the car halfway."

Dean Lin said with a sneer: "Mr. Xie, you are an entrepreneur. You should always pay attention to your own image. How can you lie casually?"

Xie Zhonghua shrugged his shoulders, making a gesture of whether you believe it or not.

Wu Hongmei also came to the gate of the hospital. She was not used to and couldn't understand the gags among these gentlemen, so she caught Lian Xiangdong and asked seriously, "Where did you leave Yang Xi?"

Lian Xiangdong smiled strangely, and whispered something in President Wu's ear.

Hearing that, a flower bloomed on Wu Hongmei's face.

Xie Zhonghua went to park the car, and in the inpatient building, Gao Yong and Yin Wei saw Xie Zhonghua rushing into the hospital, and then led a large group of people out of the building and went straight to the hospital gate.

At this moment, Yang Xi's figure appeared on the road outside the courtyard.

There is a little loli riding on her shoulders, followed by a young lady.

Wu Hongmei saw it from a distance, and couldn't help but praise: "Well, it's a good match."

Yin Wei, who was farther away, also saw it, and couldn't help but gritted his teeth and said: "If you value sex and despise friends, you will be more guilty! Lao Gao, why don't you hurry up and pull me, or I will have to shoot that evildoer to death."

Sure enough, Gao Yong grabbed Yin Wei, and replied solemnly: "If you can't bear it, you will make trouble, old Yin, don't you see who is following that kid?"

Yin Wei's arrogance was instantly extinguished.

Dare to touch Yang Xi's finger?
So why don't Jiang Yubei ask Yin Wei to revisit the clinical manifestations of acute alcoholism?Don't look at this little girl who calls him brother-in-law cordially and warmly on weekdays, but when it comes to a critical moment, that girl can definitely turn her face and deny people.

"Didn't I, Nima, not recruit that evildoer Yang?"

Although Yin Wei lost the arrogance he had just now, his face was still full of unwillingness.

Gao Yong said solemnly: "Of course there are tricks, but it depends on your old Yin's willingness to part with the capital."

Yin Wei said pleasantly: "What kind of trick, let's talk about it."

Gao Yong said: "Give me 300 yuan, and I promise to lure Xiao Jiang to the city. Without Xiao Jiang's protection, just that kid, you can cut him as much as you want?"

Yin Wei burst out laughing.

"Boss Gao, to be honest, your brother has made a lot of progress in learning from that evildoer, but he is still far behind in learning from that evildoer in defrauding people!"

Gao Yong remained calm, but he was secretly happy in his heart.

What's the difference?
Where there is a gap, there is motivation!As long as you are willing to study hard and practice hard, sooner or later you will be able to make your old Yin regret it.

At the gate of the hospital, Jiang Yubei first greeted Dean Wu and Dean Lin sweetly, and then hugged Xiao Ruoyao from Yang Xi's shoulder.And Wu Hongmei finally got her wish, she opened her arms, took two steps forward, and embraced Yang Xi in her arms.

"Brat, great job!"

In her opinion, Yang Xi is a priceless treasure. Although she occasionally exudes a few traces of evil, her essence is transparent and crystal clear without any impurities.

But such a treasure was excavated by her, Wu Hongmei, how could she not love it?
Yang Xi is still a towering tree.

Although the trunk is not strong enough, the canopy is not lush enough, but he has supported a hospital, and he is willing to use his not yet lush canopy to shelter all his colleagues from the wind and rain.

Such Yang Xi, how could he not feel sorry for him?
Restricted by her past status, Wu Hongmei couldn't express herself in words, so she could only hug her instead.

Gao Yong and Yin Wei arrived.

The way of greeting between brothers is quite special. Gao Yong punched Yang Xi in the chest, while Yin Wei took advantage of the opportunity to pinch Yang Xi's ass.

"The rice of the rice is not delicious, is it?"

The pun in Gao Yong's greeting is obvious, and Yang Xi certainly understands it.

"It's okay, it tastes much better than expected." Yang Xi answered the pun with a pun. At the end, he asked again: "How is home? Is everything okay?"

Gao Yong sighed, and said, "Just two days after you left, Boss, I was slapped with a sap."

Yang Xi was puzzled, and doubts appeared on his face.

Yin Wei explained: "The article you gave him was returned."

Yang Xi said in shock: "Retired? What's the reason? Who did you vote for? Damn, I really want to see which bastard is so ignorant!"

Gao Yong sighed again, and replied: "Huaxia Journal of Surgery has no reason to reject the manuscript. I guess they didn't even read the article, because our hospital's level is too low, so they are not qualified to publish articles on their side."

Yang Xi froze for a moment, then suddenly laughed.

"That's not a bad thing!"

During dinner last night, the two big professors Qian and Chen couldn't help but look forward to the upcoming battle against the northern surgical community.At the dinner table, Yang Xi didn't say much, but there was always some awkwardness in his heart.

There is always a bad feeling of being used as a gun.

However, having said that, the old man Qian Xingjun's temper and character were quite comparable to Yang Xi's, and Yang Xi admired Chen Renran's grandeur during the process.

It's nothing to be used as a gun by such two elders.

Especially since he joined Qian Xingjun's sect, he was naturally a member of the Southern faction, and the Southern faction had indeed been suppressed by the Northern faction in recent decades.It is Yang Xi's duty to stand up for righteousness and fight for more room for survival and development for the brothers of the Southern School.

However, the young master has always kept a low profile and loves peace. He didn't provoke me, so how can I take the initiative to start a war?


Now I can't say that my master is an unknown teacher!
"Huaxia Surgery", a top domestic medical journal controlled by the imperial capital's surgical community, dares not to give me the face of Xi Da Shao...

Who gave you the courage?

Liang Jingru?

"Old man, contact Daniel immediately and send him this article. He knows what to do. Damn! I still don't believe it, such a hard dry article can't get a five-to-eight impact factor ?”

Hearing this, Yin Wei's eyes shone with splendor.

Who is Daniel, you can guess without thinking too much.And hearing Yang Xi's tone, it should be that Daniel has been completely taken down. With the blessing of Zhijiage University Medical Center, then, is it difficult to publish an article in a foreign medical journal?

(End of this chapter)

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