I'm a god of medicine

Chapter 666 1 Family Don't Say 2 Family Chapters

Chapter 666

Before the operation began, Jiang Lai was asked out of the operating room.

Before the seats were warmed up in the family waiting area outside, Professor Constantine and Professor Fisher were the first to leave the operating room.

Jiang Lai's heart immediately felt chilled.


It came out so quickly, the operation must have failed.

Otherwise, how could the faces of those two be so obscure?

Jiang Lai got up in a panic, ready to go forward, but his legs and waist couldn't exert any strength.

And the pair of big professors with gloomy and obscure expressions didn't even look at the family waiting area at all. After leaving the operating room, they turned a corner and went straight.

Jiang Lai was powerless to catch up and wanted to call them down loudly, but the long-term cultivation of Western civilization prevented him from opening his mouth in such public places, so he could only watch the two people disappear from his sight.

Two lines of tears flowed down his cheeks, Jiang Lai covered his face with his hands, lowered his head, his shoulders twitched uncontrollably.

"Uncle Jiang, what's wrong with you?"

Suddenly, a greeting in Chinese sounded above his head, Jiang Lai hastily wiped away his tears, raised his head, and saw Doctor Nalian's smiling face.

The operation failed, but you can still laugh?
Jiang Lai was very annoyed, but unable to get angry, he could only let out a long sigh of grief.

"Aunt Han's operation is over and it's very successful. Yang Xi and Daniel are waiting to send Aunt Han to the intensive care unit..."

Jiang Lai was startled suddenly, and he didn't know where the strength came from, but he stood up suddenly, grabbed Lian Xiangdong's arm, and said eagerly, "What did you say? The operation is over? Very successful?"

Lian Xiangdong couldn't help grinning.

Jiang Lai's grab really made him a little bit overwhelmed.

"You heard me right, the operation was indeed completed, and it was very successful!" Lian Xiangdong had a polite and even flattering smile on his face, but he had already scolded him in his heart, Mad, it really hurts!If it wasn't for the sake of Jiang Yubei's own father, your uncle, I would have to take revenge on you twice and three times.

Jiang Lai froze for a moment, then suddenly lost all strength, and collapsed on the seat.

Surgery done...

The surgery was a success...

Lisa, she can survive...

After all, the three of them retained the hope of being reunited...

The automatic door of the operating room opened again, and a push bed was pushed out smoothly. After pushing the bed, three people, Yang Xi Daniel and Ha Kong, chatted and laughed.

The energy that disappeared inexplicably just now returned to him inexplicably, Jiang Lai left Lian Xiangdong beside him, and rushed to the door of the operating room.

"Thank you, Professor Ha Kong, and thank you, Professor Daniel." Jiang Lai, who has become an elite in the United States, naturally cannot ignore his gentlemanly demeanor. Express thankfulness.

Professor Daniel frowned, obviously, he was very dissatisfied with Jiang Lai's behavior.

Why not thank Dr. Yang?

Besides, shouldn't he be the first to thank Dr. Yang?

Professor Ha Kong's personality is more straightforward than that of Professor Daniel, and he directly expressed his dissatisfaction on Jiang Lai's face.

"You should be most grateful to Dr. Yang, who is from the same country as you. Without him, we can only taste the bitter fruit of failure today, and we are not qualified to enjoy the joy of success."

Jiang Lai had no choice but to look at Yang Xi.

Is it the young doctor in front of him who devised a new surgical method and performed the surgery himself, winning the chance and hope for his wife to survive?
This seems to be true.

But Jiang Lai refused to believe it.

Huaguo is so backward, even though it has made breakthroughs in many fields, it is still a developing country after all.Especially in the medical industry, whether it is medical concept, medical technology, or the research and development and application of medicine, which one is not the only one that follows the lead of the United States?

Moreover, the gap must be at least ten years.

Even when it comes to manipulative ability, Jiang Lai admits that the dexterity of Chinese surgeons is generally higher than that of Western surgeons due to the ethnic characteristics of oriental people. In addition, due to the large number of patients, certain mature surgical techniques In general, the performance of Chinese surgeons is indeed more proficient than that of Western surgeons.

But this does not mean that the level of surgery in China can catch up with the level of the United States.

Especially like today, how can you, a small doctor in a backward country and a backward hospital, surpass the four great professors of Professor Constantine, Professor Daniel, Professor Fisher and Professor Hakong of the School of Medicine and Medical Center of Jujiage University? Woolen cloth?
Doesn't conform to scientific logic!
Therefore, although Jiang Lai had confirmed the facts in his heart, he couldn't get around this detour in his mind.As a result, the words of thanks circulated several times in his throat, but he couldn't get it out.

Yang Xi waved his hands and smiled: "Thank you, thank you, you don't have to thank us, we are all one family, so what are you talking about? Later..."

Wouldn't it be more cost-effective to ask for less dowry when proposing marriage in the future?
Yang Xi thought so in his heart, but he only said the first three words and then stopped abruptly.

The young master has deposited millions of cash in the account of the little maniac, would he care about the gift money of one hundred and eighty thousand?

According to ten times the asking price, if you frown, the young master loses!
Yang Xi was indeed sincere, but when Jiang Lai heard it, he took it as ridicule and contempt.

He understood the family mentioned by Yang Xi as the same motherland.

As for the meaning after the three words "wait later", he understood that Yang Xi concluded that he would return to his roots in the future.

At this moment, Jiang Lai's mood was as if he had knocked over a bottle of five flavors.

It is an indisputable fact that China is backward.

It is also an indisputable fact that China's higher education level is not as good as that of the United States.

It is an indisputable fact that Huaguo's medical industry, especially the field of pharmaceutical R&D and pharmacological research that the couple are engaged in, is far behind that of the United States.

But all of this does not mean that Jiang Lai no longer loves the land where he was born and raised.

As a scientist, especially a scientist engaged in pharmaceutical research and development, he just cultivated the objectivist values ​​of speaking logic, emphasizing facts, and speaking with data.

If it wasn't for my daughter...

Thinking of his daughter, Jiang Lai's heart twitched involuntarily, and the piercing voice of that defeated greasy director of Liuquan Hospital unconsciously echoed in his ears.

The daughter didn't want to see them, and she didn't even want to answer the phone. The last WeChat message was an "oh" when the couple informed their daughter before boarding the plane last Saturday.

But right now, Yang Xi Yangwei Zhijiage University Medical Center, the dean surnamed Lin won the bet, and he has reason to prevent the couple from seeing their daughter...

At this moment, Jiang Lai felt such a strong sense of frustration that he had never experienced before.

(End of this chapter)

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