Chapter 661
The aorta originates from the left ventricle and runs to the upper right. This section is called the ascending aorta. It reaches the height of the second sternocostal joint on the right side, turns to the left rear in an arc shape, and reaches the left lower border of the fourth thoracic vertebra. This section is called the aortic arch. .The aortic arch then turns downward to become the descending aorta.

Aortic dissection occurs in the aortic arch and its anterior and posterior ascending aortic end and descending aortic beginning.

The wall of the aorta is divided into three layers: intima, media and adventitia.The aortic arch has a particularly turbulent blood flow due to its unique inverted U-shaped anatomy.If the intima of the aorta is damaged, the turbulent blood flow is likely to break through the intima and enter the middle layer of the arterial wall, thereby forming a dissection hematoma.

Once a dissection hematoma is formed, if it cannot be treated and corrected in time, the arterial wall at the hematoma will become weaker and weaker until it ruptures and leads to death.

Even if the arterial wall at the hematoma is in a balanced state, although there is no fear of rupture, the hematoma is also very easy to form a thrombus.After the thrombus falls off, it will travel with the blood, which has great potential danger to various organs. If it flows back to the heart, the consequences will be unimaginable.

According to statistics, the mortality rate of patients who have not received treatment is extremely high, 25% of patients died within 24 hours after the onset of the disease, more than half of the patients died within one week after the onset of the disease, and the mortality rates after 1 month and 1 year after the onset were respectively higher than 75% % and 90%.

Even with effective treatment, the 10-year survival rate of patients with aortic dissection is only about 50% worldwide.

Therefore, it is reasonable to say that it is one of the most dangerous surgical diseases.

Jiang Lai was completely stunned when he received a call from the Department of Pharmacology, School of Medicine.

Although his major is not clinical, what he has learned is closely related to medicine. Jiang Lai does not know much about the disease of aortic dissection, but he also knows that the disease is quite dangerous.

The wife has always been in good health, so how can she say that she is sick when she is sick?And it's such a dangerous disease.

Jiang Lai asked for leave in a panic, and drove towards the medical center.

Fortunately, it was around three o'clock in the afternoon, and there were not many vehicles on the street. The only thing that could hinder Jiang Lai's speed was the traffic lights at the intersection.


One lunch is over.

Professor Daniel, Associate Professor Randall, and Yang Xilian Xiangdong have become close friends who never met each other.

During the conversation, Associate Professor Randall showed a different emotional intelligence. He not only fixed the target of praise on Yang Xi, but also Lian Xiangdong by the way.

Professor Daniel also felt the same way. When he was helping Yang Xi as the first assistant on stage, he felt that the second assistant on the other side was not easy. He, the first assistant, did not seem to be dragging his feet in the cooperation.

These two Chinese surgeons have already seen the level of laparoscopic surgery, so can they show a little bit about the level of conventional surgery?
With such a proposal, Professor Daniel and Associate Professor Randall had no doubts but wanted to verify it. They both wanted to see Yang Xilian and Xiangdong fully displayed from the bottom of their hearts.

Because, Professor Daniel and Associate Professor Randall had already watched Yang Xi's routine surgery video, but at that moment they were sure that the video was fake, so they didn't pay much attention to it.

Now that their doubts have been dispelled, the two professors really want to see Yang Xi show off his miraculous conventional surgical skills again under their own eyes.

They are all close friends, how can they refuse such a request from the other party?

Even Xiangdong didn't care to translate it for Yang Xi first, so he readily agreed.

It just so happened that at three o'clock in the afternoon, there was a liver abscess recurring in Corey, which required a complete resection of the abscess.

It's better to catch up sooner or later.

The time was just in time, and the operation seemed not too difficult, but it was not easy to do it well. First, it had to be cut cleanly to avoid recurrence, and second, the incision should be as small as possible to benefit the patient. For postoperative recovery, the third point is the most reflective of the surgeon's surgical skills, that is, the surgical field should not be polluted by the pus in the abscess.

Lian Xiangdong immediately laughed.

As for why he laughed, Lian Xiangdong didn't mention a word.

Hehe, for this kind of operation, for Xi Shao, it takes at most half an hour. You two keep saying that you want to watch Xi Shao's operation, and it only takes half an hour. Can you enjoy watching it?
At [-]:[-], the four returned to the operating room.

"Contact George and ask Conley to send your wife to the operating room." Yang Xi ordered Lian Xiangdong, obviously, he planned to perform this operation with an all-Chinese class.

Conley and George are not eligible to enter the operating room unless they have the approval of Professor Daniel.And early in the morning, Professor Daniel had a ulterior motive, so he naturally wanted to avoid Conley on purpose, so he arranged the two of them to rest and wait in Corey.

As a nurse, Fang Chang was also deprived of the right to observe the operation by Professor Daniel.

However, early in the morning, now in the present.At this moment, not to mention that Yang Xi asked to use his own equipment as a nurse, even if he was appointed by Professor Daniel to be responsible for handing over the surgical equipment, he would have nothing to say, and would only regard it as an honor.

If the news in the morning reaches the Department of Surgery of the medical school, it will naturally reach the department. Therefore, when Conley sent Fang Chang into the operating room, the proud expression on his face was extraordinary.

Fang Chang suddenly came from a township-level hospital to the operating room of this palace-like hospital, feeling a little nervous inevitably.Lian Xiangdong gave several comforting eyes, but the effect was mediocre.

Yang Xi brushed Fang Chang's shoulders as if inadvertently, and just said three words softly: "You can do it." Fang Chang felt relieved immediately, and the slightest nervousness was no longer visible on his face.

Lian Xiangdong couldn't help but gasped, could it be that this is the legendary spiritual derailment?

At ten past three, the operation began.

Just as Yang Xi cut open the patient's abdominal skin, he heard a noise coming from outside the operating room.

On the stage, Lian Xiangdong was slightly distracted, and Yang Xi knocked the vascular forceps in his hand.

The operator needs to concentrate on it without the slightest distraction!

open belly.

Explore the location of the abscess.

The abscess was cut open, the pus was sucked out with an aspirator, and the abscess cavity was washed repeatedly.

The incision was expanded, and the outer capsule wall of the abscess was peeled off.

The wound was debrided and the liver wound was sutured.

Clean up the abdominal cavity, close the abdomen and step down.

From the first incision of the abdomen to the last injection of the abdomen closure, the total time was 28 minutes.

Professor Daniel was stunned.

In other words, since Yang Xi took the knife, he has never been normal.

too fast!
So clean!
Moreover, during the nearly half an hour of operation time, Yang Xi was never seen to have paused at all.

(End of this chapter)

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