I'm a god of medicine

Chapter 66 I Will Dedicate Everything

Chapter 66 I Will Dedicate Everything

After the operation, I returned to the department, and the meal time in the cafeteria was already past.

Xiang Dong didn't even mention the matter of having lunch, and plunged into the duty room.

He said that he should rest first when he was tired, but any fool could tell that this guy was over-stimulated and couldn't digest it for a while.

Yang Xi didn't care either, went to the street alone to have a light meal, and then went back to the dormitory for a lunch break.

Feifei Qiuyu is still in the middle of Feifei, it seems that this day should not stop.

After exercising for 20 days, I suddenly stopped, feeling a little uncomfortable all over.However, the amount of exercise done lying on the bed and doing push-ups could not meet the needs of the body at all. After half an hour of conflict, Yang Xi still couldn't bear it. He changed into old shoes and old clothes, and plunged into the drizzle.

After running around the football field for twenty laps, and then carrying the basketball to the basketball court to complete the system's daily tasks, Yang Xi felt happy.

Especially when you're back in bed after a hot shower.

Just thinking about taking a nap, Gao Yong called.

Yang Xi suddenly remembered Gao Yong's confession in the operating room, quickly changed his clothes, held an umbrella, returned to the surgery building, went up to the 9th floor, and knocked on the door of Gao Yong's office.

Gao Yong flicked over a cigarette, cut straight to the point, and asked, "Who did you learn the operation from? I just called your Dean Lin. Don't tell me that you practiced it during your internship. The General Hospital of the Mine is a What level, I know better than you, I can't teach you this kind of technique at all."

Yang Xi was a little speechless.

The overall level of the mine is not enough, so can it be said that he learned from that old man Lin Tongan?
"Hmm... Doesn't Director Qin often go to our town hospital for surgery?"

Gao Yong sneered and said, "You can achieve this level of skill with just a hook? When I just graduated, I worked with the hook for a year and didn't learn a few operations."

"I..." Yang Xi smiled wryly, if the young master said that he was cheating, would you believe it?For the sake of society, I'd better lie, so as not to send you to the mental disorder appraisal center of the affiliated hospital. "Okay, then I'll tell you the truth, I used rabbits as patients and secretly practiced surgery at home."

"Rabbit?" Gao Yong had a serious face. Obviously, he was dubious about Yang Xi's answer, but it seemed that the element of faith was greater than doubt. "During the year you were in Liuquan Town, how many rabbits have you slaughtered?"

"12..." Yang Xi blurted out, but immediately realized that this number is too small and must be increased. "In 12 months, I bought a total of... almost 300 rabbits. Sometimes it's easy to play, and it's normal to kill 4 or 5 rabbits a day."

Gao Yong believed it was true, and pondered: "No wonder... Don't say it, this is a good way to practice surgical skills. It's a pity that there are few young doctors nowadays who are willing to work hard like you."

Feeling emotional, Gao Yong stood up, took a bottle of water, handed it to Yang Xi, and continued: "Studying medicine is hard work, especially in surgery. Without solid theoretical knowledge, you can't go far, and you can't go far. Hands-on ability, you can't stand up, it's rare that you are a monster, the theory is as extraordinary as the hands-on ability, although acquired hard work accounts for most of the reasons, but if you say you have no talent, I, Gao Yong, will be the first to stand up and say no."

Yang Xi laughed and said, "Director Gao is really flattering the award. The so-called genius is just 90.00% of talent plus [-]% of sweat. I know that my hard work is not enough, and I am still far from being a genius."

Gao Yong was stunned for a moment, these words sounded quite modest, but judging by the boy's expression, why did he feel like he was bragging about himself?

"You, that is, you are short of your undergraduate degree. By the way, you are so good at taking exams. Why did you only take three exams in the college entrance examination?"

Yang Xi's face changed, piercing his heart, old iron, can you not talk like this?

"There are two reasons. One is that when I was in high school, I was playful and didn't like to study seriously. The other is that I am interested in medicine, but not in English, mathematics, English, physics, chemistry, so I just...hehe, but Well, now that I think about it, I really regret it, if God can give me another chance, I will definitely work hard to prepare for the college entrance examination, if I have to set a new goal for the college entrance examination, I hope it will be the provincial champion."

Gao Yong felt a little regretful, he asked you to come here to tell you something serious, not for you to brag.

Don't take a chance and just beep. Talk endlessly, do you still have a teacher in your eyes?

Gao Yong said patiently: "But it doesn't matter, as long as you can get a score of 599 in the doctor's qualification examination, it is not a big problem to pass the master's and doctoral exams. At that time, I can help you find a tutor with enough weight .”

Yang Xi shrugged his shoulders, smiled lightly, and said, "I don't think I will consider further studies for the time being. A bachelor's degree is enough for the town hospital."

Gao Yong was stunned again, he's lying to ghosts, people go to high places, water flows to low places, only the brainless will believe that you don't want to jump out of the town hospital and enter the big hospital in the city.

Yang Xi noticed the change in Gao Yong's expression, and then explained: "Since practicing medicine, you must have a benevolent heart. Although the conditions of the town hospital are simple, but the charges are low, it is more suitable for the hard-working people. I have forgotten my original intention of becoming a doctor, and I have to be worthy of my benevolence."

Gao Yong was startled, his mouth was half-opened for a long time and could not be closed, what is this?Madonna bitch?

Yang Xi curled his lips secretly. What the young master said was from the bottom of his heart. If he didn't hang up, how could the young master have the ability to take the postgraduate entrance examination?
Besides, why does Xiao Ye have to go to the postgraduate entrance examination for the doctoral examination?Why do you have to fight your life to go to a big hospital?

Isn't it very comfortable for my young master, An An, to stay in the town hospital as a miracle doctor!

After a moment of awkward silence, Gao Yong said, "I plan to recommend your experience of practicing knives with rabbits to other young doctors in the department. You won't object, will you?"

Yang Xi shrugged and replied: "I have nothing to object to, it's not my intellectual property." At the same time, she snickered in her heart, there is a P use, and those people didn't open it.

Gao Yong paused, and then said: "There is one more thing. The Health and Medical Commission is planning to hold the first Jiangbei Doctor Training Skills Competition. Each of the five qualified hospitals will send a team to participate. Our hospital is selecting Participants, I plan to recommend you to go up..."

Yang Xi didn't wait for Gao Yong to finish, and asked, "Is there any advantage to winning the game?"

Gao Yong smiled lightly, and said: "After winning the game, Dean Wu should take a high look. At that time, if you want to stay in the municipal hospital, isn't that a matter of one sentence?" Gao Yong was a little tired. It's just that material.

Yang Xi pursed her lips and said, "It's boring, I don't plan to stay in the municipal hospital..."

Gao Yong hastily added: "For No.1, there is a bonus of 5000 yuan, and Corey has at least 5000 yuan as a reward."

Yang Xi's eyes lit up immediately: "Director Gao, let me finish my speech. Although I am not interested in this kind of competition, I am willing to dedicate everything to the honor of the hospital and the department."

(End of this chapter)

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