Chapter 650
I have to say that Chen Renran is awesome.

He had never met Professor Daniel and Professor Constantine, but Chen Renran had guessed their thoughts thoroughly.

Thanks to Chen Renran's warning in advance, Yang Xi had all kinds of psychological preparations, otherwise, he might be really confused and at a loss.

On Monday morning, Yang Xi took Lian Xiangdong Chang, accompanied by Kang Li and George, to the Department of General Surgery of Zhijiage University Medical College Hospital.

After a simple and dignified welcome ceremony, Professor Daniel went straight to the point and asked Yang Xi to perform another magical skill of peeling grape skins with his bare hands using conventional equipment.

Without top equipment, can Xi Shao peel the grapes well?
Without waiting for Yang Xi to react, Lian Xiangdong immediately stood in front of him, without needing an interpreter, and directly spoke in English.

"Peeling grape skins is a very delicate operation with very high requirements for instruments. I don't know if the conventional surgical instruments used in your hospital can meet the requirements."

When Professor Daniel watched the video of Yang Xi peeling grape skins with his bare hands, he realized that the quality of the conventional surgical instruments Yang Xi used was extraordinary. It's extraordinary, just think that the surgical instruments used by Yang Xi are just the top products of the top brands in the world.

"Three years ago, when I went to Europe for a surgical demonstration tour, I brought back a set of equipment from country D." Professor Daniel signaled to his doctors that it was time to reveal what they had prepared, and at the same time continued: "This This set of conventional surgical instruments, whether in terms of quality or price, should be said to be of the highest grade in the world, and I believe it will definitely meet Dr. Yang's needs."

Lian Xiangdong stepped forward and tried the thing that Professor Daniel's doctor showed up.

It's still a bit worse than the peak, but the gap is not too big. Xi Shao should be able to peel off the grape skins smoothly with it.

Lian Xiangdong immediately turned his head and made eye contact with Yang Xi.

Yang Xi understood, and felt even more depressed and regretful, why are you so stingy?I am always worried about traveling long distances across the ocean, in case I break that set of peak equipment.

Otherwise, if he showed his exclusive surgical instruments at this moment, wouldn't it just blind the titanium alloy dog ​​eyes of these foreigners!

"George, tell him that I was invited to exchange surgical operations, not to perform such low-level skills. However, seeing his warm reception from Professor Daniel, I, Yang Xi, can only be overwhelmed by my hospitality." , then just show your hands casually."

Yang Xi spoke Chinese, and the foreigners present couldn't understand it at all, but Yang Xi's deliberate arrogance and arrogance revealed in his words made them all tremble.

George's spoken Chinese is not bad, but he doesn't have a deep understanding of Chinese literature. A Chinese idiom that is hard to get out of kindness was translated into a reluctant meaning by him.

That's okay, this translation makes me more Yang Xi awesome.

Sitting in front of the stage, putting on surgical latex gloves, Yang Xi picked up a pair of mosquito forceps.

open, close.

After repeating it twice, he couldn't help but nodded.

It is indeed a fairly good set of conventional surgical instruments. With more effort, it can almost compare to the peak set of instruments that Xie Zhonghua worked out.

On the other side, Professor Daniel's assistant, Ms. Wellington, whom Conley said was very good at playing tricks, stepped on high heels and served Yang Xi a plate of grapes of different varieties.

"You can choose the breed you are best at." This woman looked very arrogant, she didn't even use an honorific title when talking to Yang Xi, and the look on her face was even more arrogant.

Yang Xi raised his head, glanced at Wellington, and then involuntarily glanced at Daniel who was directly opposite.

Dude, what the hell kind of old man are you?This kind of girl is old and ugly, and it can be used to ward off evil spirits when placed at the door of the department, but if you bring it by your side as an assistant, aren't you afraid of having nightmares at night?
If the young master brings this foreign girl to Boss Gao...

Will Gao Laohui choose to jump into the river or jump off the building?
George translated Wellington's words to Yang Xi. Yang Xi laughed and replied, "Tell her that what I am best at is not peeling grape skins, but slaying demons?"

"Slay demons and eliminate demons?" George couldn't help being startled, and asked later, "Xi Shao, what do you mean by that?"

Yang Xi picked grapes from the plate, one of each variety, and placed them neatly on the side of the console.

"There is no special meaning, you can just translate it casually."

As he spoke, Yang Xi chose a pair of pointed tweezers with his left hand and a pointed scalpel with his right hand, regardless of how George translated it, let alone Wellington's reaction after hearing it.

Start practicing directly!
I haven't touched grapes for a month and a half, so it's inevitable that I will feel a little unfamiliar when doing this kind of work again.

But it doesn't matter, just slow down a little bit.

10 minutes.

The skins of five grapes of different varieties were peeled off, revealing a crystal clear body.

Ms. Wellington, who was closest to Yang Xi, opened her mouth when Yang Xi peeled off the first grape skin. When Yang Xi put down the instrument in her hand and stood up gracefully, her mouth never closed.

A breeze sent the scent of Wellington's perfume into Yang Xi's nostrils, making him sneeze involuntarily.

Nima, it's okay to be ugly, why do you have to wear such a heavy perfume?I don't know if my grandpa is allergic to this smell?

It’s still good for our classmate Xiao Jiang, the fragrance on his body smells so comfortable.

Professor Daniel, who was directly opposite, remained calm, but nodded slightly.

Although I saw it with my own eyes today, although I was quite shocked in my heart, it only shows that he did not cheat in the video of peeling the grapes.

It is still the same sentence that I agreed with Professor Constantine when we discussed this matter before, that being able to peel grapes does not mean that he will be able to perform surgery.

Chinese surgeons...

How could it be better than American doctors?
Conley made a timely summary: "Professor Daniel, Dr. Yang Xi is the only opponent who has lost in the past [-] years since the advent of surgical robots. There is no doubt about this."

The implication is that you, Daniel, were still skeptical when you got the video, but after seeing it with your own eyes today, you will be convinced or not?

Professor Daniel shook his head slightly, and replied: "Peeling the grapes is just a performance of the surgical robot to show its precision and stability. In fact, its performance is directly related to the proficiency of the operator, and the operation of it It is impossible for a doctor to devote a lot of time to this kind of operation that is meaningless to clinical work. Therefore, Dr. Yang Xi's ability to defeat the surgical robot can only show that he is up and down in the project of peeling grape skins using conventional surgical instruments with bare hands. Hard work, that's all."

(End of this chapter)

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