I'm a god of medicine

Chapter 64 Article 2

Chapter 64

The next day, autumn rain started falling.

But the system didn't show affection, and still assigned the day's task of basketball skill training.

Yang Xi was very upset. If the system could transform into a human form, he would definitely beat the system.

On this day, after the department was handed over, Gao Yong made a quick ward round. There were 25 beds and 23 patients. He took the doctors in his group for a walk for only 15 minutes before returning to the doctor's office.

"Today we are grouping three laparoscopes, and we are the main class again. Dr. Feng Zhang Yao came on stage with me, even Xiangdong, you stay at home to take patients, and today you have to provide 3 beds, leave one bed for me, and accept 4 Patients are enough." Before Gao Yong finished making arrangements, even Xiang Dong offered a cigarette.

Doctor Feng's name is Feng Hu, and he is a senior attending physician. If everything goes well, he can be promoted to deputy senior next year.This kind of qualifications is nothing in the general surgery department, but in the group, he is the second most famous person. Even Xiangdong Yan, of course, cannot do without Dr. Feng Hufeng.

However, Yang Xi and another doctor, Zhao Wei, were directly ignored by Lian Xiangdong.

As for Zhang Yao, a non-smoker doesn't count.

Good old bastard, you dare to look down on me, I will make you look good sooner or later.

Yang Xi remained calm, took out a cigarette, put one on Zhao Wei, and asked at the same time: "Director Gao, can I go into the operating room with you?"

Lian Xiangdong answered first: "What's so good about laparoscopic surgery? I want to see it. I can take you to see it anytime, but I can't do it today." Saying this, Lian Xiangdong turned to Yang Xi's ear , lowered his voice and said: "Brother feels that he will come to the emergency department in the morning. If you want to have an operation, you can stay and hang out with me."

Gao Yong said: "Doctor Lian is right, Zhao Wei has something to ask for leave today, and there is only one doctor in the family who is too busy, so you should stay. If you want to have an operation, there are many opportunities, not less than a day or two. "

Yang Xi glanced at Zhao Wei, feeling very unbalanced, the cigarette just now was a waste.

Feng Hu looked kindly, patted Yang Xi on the shoulder, and said comfortingly: "Laparoscopic surgery is too far away from you, let's start with laparotomy first, and you will work night shift with me in the future. As long as you have an emergency knife, everyone Open it for you."

Yang Xi had nothing to say, so he had to obey the arrangement.

After quickly giving the doctor's order for the day, Gao Yong, Feng Hu and Zhang Yao went to the operating room. Zhao Wei said hello and asked for leave to go out. In the group, only Lian Xiangdong and Yang Xi were left.

"Our group has a total of 25 beds."

Yang Xi nodded. It's the second day of entering the department. If you don't even understand this point, you might as well go home and sell sweet potatoes.

"Downstairs from 31 to 40, Zhang Yao is in charge. Upstairs from 126 to 140 beds are all in our group. When Zhao Wei finishes his training, the 5 beds he manages will be distributed to you."

Yang Xi hurriedly took out his cigarette and put it on. The moment he handed it out, he suddenly regretted it. The matter of bed separation in the group should be decided by Mr. Gao.
Lian Xiangdong took the cigarette, showing quite a satisfied expression: "Bed 37, bed 126, bed 132, change the dressing, bed 33, bed 128, remove the stitches, let's go and let yourself go, brother cares about you!"

Yang Xi's remorse was even stronger, the cigarette must have been fed to the dog, and cooperating with this old man, he assigned all the dirty work in the group to himself.

"Brother Ji, Boss Gao said that I don't have to write medical records, don't have surgery, and don't work night shifts, as long as our basketball team is not at the bottom..."

Lian Xiangdong had a smirk on his face, interrupted Yang Xi, and said, "Yes, brother also remembered it, but Boss Gao didn't say he wouldn't let you change the medicine and remove the stitches."

Yang Xi froze immediately.

It makes sense, but the young master was speechless.

Generally speaking, the work of removing stitches and changing dressings is the job of interns.There is no shortage of interns in the general surgery department, and there are seven or eight interns in the three medical schools, but one female student is assigned to the group of Boss Gao.

It is not very reassuring for a female student to do this kind of work. In addition, the female student is determined to take the postgraduate entrance examination, so Boss Gao simply gave her a vacation. It doesn't matter much.

No interns are easy to bully, Yang Xi can only do what he does.

Hang Chi Hang Chi, I was busy downstairs and upstairs, and when Yang Xi finished the work and returned to the office, Lian Xiangdong was nowhere to be seen.

Just as he was about to slander Brother Xun, he heard a WeChat notification from his mobile phone in his trouser pocket.

From the old butt.

Only two words: two.

Followed by a string of surprised expressions.


Twenty thousand, two cakes... Could it be that this old man went to play mahjong?
Confused, Lian Xiangdong called on WeChat.On the phone, even though Xiangdong blamed him, he couldn't hide his joy. "Why didn't you reply to the letter for a long time? Hurry up and get ready to pick up the patient. With two appendices, we brothers can have a full meal at noon."

The meaning of Lian Xiangdong's words is easy to understand. To be able to perform two appendectomies consecutively is a rare opportunity for young doctors.But, why does this sound so strong?

Sitting opposite Brother Ji, each of them holds a bowl of rice in his hand, and on the table in front of him is a dish with two steamed appendix...

At this moment, I must retch!

At 10:30, the task of treating 4 new patients was successfully completed, 2 with acute appendicitis, 1 with gallbladder stones, and 1 with rectal space occupying.

Lian Xiangdong dumped two patients with gallbladder stones and rectal space-occupying to Yang Xi, and prepared two appendix surgeries himself.

The reason...Yang Xi could only chuckle.

The old man has been a graduate student for three more years. He is 27 and [-] years old. He just hooked up with a young lady, and he is at the stage where he needs to spend money.

Yang Xi completed the hospitalization procedures for the other two patients and recorded the course of the disease. Over there, even Xiang Dong finished the preoperative interview with the two appendicitis patients.

Ten minutes later, under the leadership of Lian Xiangdong, Yang Xi opened the outermost door of the operating room of the municipal hospital.


Yang Xi only felt that his voice was dry and his eyes were bloodshot.

Look at the operating room of the big hospital, how luxurious and magnificent it is... If you compare it with the operating room of Liuquan Town Hospital, a country farmhouse can be compared to the imperial palace in the capital.

"How about it? Are you envious or jealous? The 8 outside are just ordinary operating rooms, and there are 8 laminar flow operating rooms inside, and there is a hybrid operating room in the innermost. After the operation is over, I will show you around and let Keep your eyes open." Lian Xiangdong saw Yang Xi's thoughts, and there was a lot of arrogance on his face.

Yang Xi swallowed his saliva, and replied in a hoarse voice: "What is there to envy? Sooner or later, Liuquan Town Hospital will be able to build such an operating room. Let's wait and see, when the time comes, the storage will surpass that of your municipal hospital."

Lian Xiangdong sighed softly, and replied: "Brother, although daydreaming is not against the law, it is still a disease, and it must be treated immediately!"

(End of this chapter)

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