Chapter 637
But, sir, I like it.

Hospitals are short of money right now.Although the business income is rising steadily, but at the same time, he owes a huge amount of debt. Lao Xie can pay back the more than 6000 million yuan slowly, but Lan Yao believes that the repayment of the financial lease of the company where his nephew and daughter-in-law works cannot be delayed.

In order to improve the morale of the hospital, after the new year, the hospital raised the basic salary of each employee by several hundred yuan. A few hundred yuan per person does not seem to be much, but there are more than 100 doctors and nurses in the hospital plus dozens of logistics staff. It is also a small investment.

Therefore, the medical aid fund is basically in a state of only going out but not getting in. Just Yang Jingyi, who is the recipient of the rescue, almost spent two donations from the superstar Wang Jie.

I have to find a way to make some foreign money.

But seeing Yang Xi nodding in agreement, Dean Lin couldn't help feeling proud.

Xiao Mian, aren't you awesome?But in the end, didn't he still fall into Lao Tzu's trap?
Why does Yang Xi recommend merchants?

That's what I just thought of, okay?

As for what is the intention?


I didn't think so much.

It is also a picture of happiness.

Ever since, Dean Lin happily left the operating room.

Back to the operating room.

Lian Xiangdong's gastrectomy has come to an end.

On the stage, Jiang Yubei was closing her abdomen under Lian Xiangdong's guidance.

Yang Xi glanced at Jiang Yubei's technique and nodded with satisfaction.

"Your parents have been sent away by Dean Lin."

Jiang Yubei didn't affect the operation in her hands at all, but just responded lightly: "Oh."

Yang Xi said again: "The two of them came here by car, I guess they have already got on the highway. If you regret it..."

Jiang Yubei responded to Yang Xi while stitching the skin: "Mr. Yang, you taught me that as a surgeon, you should have no distractions on stage, so please don't influence me, okay?"

Yang Xi was choked and speechless for a moment.

Lian Xiangdong laughed and said, "It's cool! How cool! You are the first one who dares to contradict Young Master Xi like this, student Xiao Jiang."

Jiang Yubei glanced at Lian Xiangdong who was facing him while changing needles, and said coldly, "Mr. Lian, you have paid me a lot today. If there is a chance, I must toast you a few glasses."

Lian Xiangdong immediately shut his mouth tightly.

After the operation was over, Jiang Yubei stepped back from the stage, first stretched exaggeratedly, and then returned to her previous playful state.

"Mr. Lian, you don't have to be afraid. I won't treat you like I did with Dean Lin."

Lian Xiangdong couldn't help shivering.

It's true that you don't need to deal with Dean Lin. My old man's drinking capacity is much smaller than that of Dean Lin. Auntie, grandma, if you moisten your throat casually, it is enough to turn me over.

Hmph, my old ass won't fall for the tricks of your bastard girl.

Seeing that Jiang Yubei's emotions were not affected much by her parents, Yang Xi was relieved and prepared to go to another operating room to guide the operation.

Jiang Yubei chased after her.

"Teacher Yang, I want to discuss something with you."

Yang Xi slowed down, and when Jiang Yubei caught up with her, she said kindly, "What's going on?"

Jiang Yubei muttered, "I want to be a general surgeon, not an obstetrician."


Jiang Yubei tilted her head and thought for a while, then replied, "General surgery is a big operation, and it's fun to do. Obstetrics and gynecology are small, and it's really boring to have a cesarean section."

Yang Xi said solemnly: "Your thinking is unacceptable. Although obstetrics and gynecology is the most difficult and tiring specialty in the surgical system, its clinical significance in surgery is no less than that of other specialties..."

Jiang Yubei couldn't help but pouted when she heard it.

Yang Xi was distressed that she had just been angry in front of her parents, so she quickly changed her words: "However, general surgery is the foundation of all surgical specialties. After practicing general surgery, it will be easier to transfer to obstetrics and gynecology. .”

Jiang Yubei was pleasantly surprised: "Then you agree to my transfer to the general surgery department?"

Yang Xi said seriously: "Of course I agree to things that are beneficial to your development."

Jiang Yubei was happy, and turned around happily.

Looking at her back, Yang Xi couldn't help shaking his head and sighing.


We don't take it so hard.

It's enough to have a good time, to experience the awesomeness of your grandpa back then.

If you also become a surgeon who is so busy that you can't even take care of food like my master, would I still dare to bully you, a Chinese cabbage?

After the arch, can this house look like a home?

Is it embarrassing to think so much now, anyway, he is still a student.

Yang Xi's cheeks became slightly hot, and she stepped into another operating room.


In the county, it can be said that the fleeting years are unfavorable.

After Principal Zhu, a female teacher surnamed Li who taught Chinese in the junior high school was unfortunately diagnosed with lung cancer.

Teacher Li is not very old, just passed her [-]th birthday. Her husband works in a large state-owned enterprise and is stationed overseas all the year round. There are two elderly people in their [-]s at home. The next child is a son who is in the third grade of middle school. Inside and out, this family is supported by Mr. Li alone.

Vice President Yang...

Yes, that's right, Vice President Yang is still Vice President Yang. Although, Principal Zhu no longer served as the principal after he fell ill, and also strongly recommended Vice President Yang to the organization to take over his position, but Vice President Yang is a virtuous and honest person. , recommended another younger and more capable vice-principal to the organization to replace Principal Zhu.

After Vice President Yang learned of Teacher Li's condition, he immediately called his daughter-in-law Xu Rujin and instructed her to use all resources to find the best surgeon for Teacher Li.

But after putting down the phone, he was firmly resisted by Principal Zhu.

Isn't it your old Yang's son who did the best surgery?Why are you pretending to be on the phone with your god-daughter-in-law?

Vice-principal Yang sighed, and said, "Old Zhu, you're a layman. It's absolutely okay for my Xiaoxi to open up the knife on his stomach, but the operation on the lungs is another specialty, understand?"

Principal Zhu looked at Vice Principal Yang coldly, and couldn't help but snorted contemptuously.

"It's as if you're an expert, but I heard that Xiaoxi has returned to the Liuquan Town Hospital now. Many patients from our Dongshan County, other counties, and the city have come to him for surgery, and even went to the hospital. Patients from thousands of miles away also come to Liuquan Town, and Xiaoxi's surgery department can accept any kind of tumor patients."

Vice President Yang was stunned.

Is my Xiaoxi so powerful?

Principal Zhu continued: "Don't worry about this matter. I will find a car to take Teacher Li to Liuquan Town in the afternoon. Don't think I can't see it. In front of your Xiaoxi, my teacher Zhu speaks better than you It's much more useful to be a father."

Vice President Yang became impatient.

"Bullshit! Xiaoxi is my son, how can there be any reason why father can't use his son? I'll go with him in the afternoon!"

(End of this chapter)

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