I'm a god of medicine

Chapter 625 A young man with ideals

Chapter 625 A young man with ideals

Putting his hands behind his back, he raised his middle finger at Wang Ran. This was the first time Zhong Shilin did such absurd and excessive things in his life.

so guilty...

But it's so cool!
When he stepped on the escalator and was about to go up, Yang Xi had already sent Lao Liu a WeChat message. When the four arrived at the entrance, Lao Liu just arrived in his car.

Gao Yong's SUV is relatively spacious, and Zhong Shilin is short and thin, so although there are five people in the car, the interior is not crowded.

"Teacher, you must not have eaten in the car at noon, okay, why don't we go and try Jiangbei's special snacks?"

Changing his name to call the teacher, seeing Professor Wang's smile became even sweeter, Zhong Shilin had a little more admiration for Yang Xi from the bottom of his heart.

The old lady replied bluntly: "No, I want to save my stomach to eat twice-cooked mutton in the evening."

Zhong Shilin couldn't help but glance at Yang Xi who was sitting in the passenger seat.What should I do?Don't expect me to settle the matter you caused, I, Tudou, don't have that ability.

Yang Xi didn't take it seriously, and turned his head to the old lady and said, "Come on, it's rare for you, old lady, to have such a bite of mutton. Tonight, I'll take care of it and serve you well!"

Along the way, the old lady only chatted with Zhong Shilin and Yang Xi about the family's short-sighted customs and customs, but she didn't mention a word about the main purpose of her trip.

A little after three o'clock, the car drove back to Liuquan Hospital, and just after turning the corner, I saw a banner hanging on the hospital gate: Warmly welcome Professor Wang, an inspection expert from xh hospital, to come and guide us!

Under the banner, there is a row of hospital leaders headed by Dean Lin.

People do not blame.

The old lady saw it, and although she wasn't very happy, she didn't show any disgust either.

After getting out of the car, Zhong Shilin took the initiative to introduce the leaders of the House of Representatives to Professor Wang.

After the inevitable exchange of pleasantries, Professor Wang rejected Dean Lin's invitation, and bluntly asked to go to Zhong Shilin's laboratory for a sit-down.

Dean Lin was very embarrassed, but he could only quickly adjust the plan and planned to accompany Professor Wang to the laboratory.

But the old lady didn't give face at all, she declined in front of everyone: "I don't need to waste Dean Lin's precious time, I just want to see Xiao Zhong's working environment alone."

Dean Lin reacted very quickly, adjusted the plan again, and said with an apologetic smile: "That's okay, I'll have dinner with you again in the evening."

The old lady smiled slightly, refused again, and said: "I told you that you don't need to delay the dean's time. For dinner, it is enough to have Xiao Zhong and Xiao Yang to accompany you."

Zhong Shilin immediately cast a beseeching look at Professor Wang.Teacher, Dean Lin is a very nice person, please give him some face.

Professor Wang turned a blind eye.

This fat, big-eared and ruined thing is not a good thing at first glance, and it just happened to annoy him. Isn't there a good reason to bring you, little potato, back to xh hospital?

On the side, Yang Xi couldn't help laughing out loud, patted Dean Lin on the back, and said, "Are you deflated? Are you still bragging to me that your flattering skills are unmatched in the world?"

Dean Lin exaggeratedly wiped away the sweat beads that didn't exist on his forehead, and responded with a dry smile: "Don't brag, don't brag, you Xi Shao are truly unique in the world."

Professor Wang saw it in his eyes and heard it in his ears, but he couldn't help being taken aback.

This Dean Lin...

Yang Xi then smiled and said: "For the sake of your self-knowledge, I will give you a trick. In the evening, show your unique skills and cook the most authentic twice-cooked mutton for Professor Wang."

Dean Lin immediately smiled, patted his chest and responded happily: "Don't worry, wrap it on me."

Professor Wang was stunned for a moment, and couldn't help asking: "Dean Lin, are you not angry at all?"

Dean Lin hurriedly apologized and said with a smile: "I did something wrong, which disturbed you..."

Professor Wang interrupted Dean Lin with a wave of his hand, and said, "That's not what I meant, I mean, Xiao Yangxi is as old as you are, so you are not angry at all?"

The pain in Dean Lin's heart!
I want to be angry, but would I dare to show my face to this kid?

"To tell you the truth, in the first two years when I became the dean, I really had a little bit of fun, but after being the dean for a long time, I also figured out a truth. The main responsibility of the dean should be to serve the clinic well, and It’s not about showing off in front of these clinical doctors and nurses, so as long as they can do their job well and joke with me or something, I’m very happy to accept it.”

After hearing this, Professor Wang couldn't help sighing, and said with emotion: "It's rare to see a dean like you!"

Dean Lin straightened up immediately, and responded modestly: "Where, where, I still need to improve further."

Professor Wang pondered: "If, I mean, if I take Little Tudou and Little Yang Xi to XH Hospital, how will your Dean Lin react?"

Dean Lin smiled contemptuously in his heart.

Well, you old lady, you still kicked your nose on your face, didn't you?
Want to poach Xi Shao and Tudou?

Why don't you say you can turn the earth over?

But on the surface, Dean Lin did not dare to reveal the slightest.

"Both of them are young people with ideals. If they have the idea of ​​leaving Liuquan Hospital, I will definitely reflect deeply on what they did not do well enough to make them feel disappointed. Of course, I will definitely respect Their choice, and wish them a bright future."

As he said that, Dean Lin glanced at Yang Xi, his expression suddenly dimmed, and after taking a long breath, he continued with a very heavy heart: "But I never hope that there will be such a day, because the two of them leave Not only is it a heavy blow to the hospital, but it also declares that the ideals of the two of them have been shattered."

Yang Xi looked at Dean Lin's performance with cold eyes, and sighed in his heart, he really knows how to act, well, I will leave the title of best actor to you.

Professor Wang said thoughtfully: "Then can you tell me what the ideals of these two young people are?"

Dean Lin responded solemnly: "Build Liuquan Hospital into a hospital that allows the poor to receive affordable and good medical treatment!"

Professor Wang took a deep breath, looked at Dean Lin, then stared at Yang Xi for a few seconds, and finally fell on Zhong Shilin's face.

"Little Tudou, the teacher really wants to bring you by his side, but the teacher doesn't have the heart to deprive you of the right to realize your dreams. However, the teacher must accept you as a student. Before I came, I told the school principal After a quarrel, I won a chance for you to be exempted from the exam. From now on, it will be fine if the teacher sees you every week, even if it is a weekend, it doesn’t matter, can it?”

Zhong Shilin was too excited to speak.

Yang Xi rushed over, grabbed Zhong Shilin's neck, and bent Zhong Shilin's waist forcefully.

"Why don't you hurry up and say thank you teacher?"

Zhong Shilin waited for Yang Xi to let go, bowed to Professor Wang again, and choked up, "Thank you teacher."

(End of this chapter)

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