I'm a god of medicine

Chapter 618 An Extra Bed Is Necessary

Chapter 618 An Extra Bed Is Necessary
No form of advertising can compare to consumer word of mouth.

This sentence is even more vividly displayed in the medical industry.

For Yang Xi's team, its "consumers" have two levels, one is patients, and the other is peers.

As for the patients, they either went to Yang Xi’s team directly after the tumor was detected, or went to several hospitals and finally turned to Yang Xi’s team helplessly, but the results were the same. Not only did the surgery go smoothly Yes, moreover, it was done very cleanly and thoroughly, and the postoperative recovery was also very fast and stable.

Therefore, after they were cured and discharged from the hospital, even while they were recovering from the hospital, they had already become voluntary propagandists of Yang Xi's team.

Take yourself as proof!

Who can believe it?

Naturally, it will produce the effect of one spread to ten, ten to hundreds.

The majority of colleagues from other places should also be regarded as the "consumers" of Yang Xi's team.

Especially in the disease of low rectal cancer.

It cannot be ruled out that there are a small group of doctors who do not consider the interests of patients for their own interests, but after removing this small group, most of the remaining doctors still have a conscience and speak medical ethics.

Before, when encountering patients with low rectal cancer, they would consider whether to recommend TaTme surgery based on the patient's economic basis.

After all, the TaTme operation requires the use of surgical robots, and the cost of using surgical robots is quite high, and it is not covered by medical insurance, so it is not affordable for most patients.

On the other hand, any hospital equipped with surgical robots and capable of carrying out TaTme surgery is either the top hospitals in the capital city or the best hospitals in the province. In short, it is hard to find a hospital. The big-name directors of the hospital are all very good, and it is not possible for the doctors below to contact them if they want to.

Even if you can get in touch, you may not be able to walk through the back door and make an appointment for the next bed.

But since Yang Xi's team broadcast the first TaTme operation live on Xinglin Garden, the situation is different.

In terms of cost, the cost of special consumables is only 2000 yuan more than that of ordinary laparoscopic surgery, which is less than a quarter of the cost of more than 20 million yuan for TaTme surgery performed by surgical robots.

Moreover, all expenses are covered by medical insurance and can be reimbursed.

When encountering patients with low rectal cancer, why not recommend Yang Xi's team to the patients?

Especially after the previous surgical patients were successfully discharged from the hospital, these fan doctors who watched Yang Xi’s team’s live surgery on Xinglinyuan have already regarded Yang Xi’s team as the first solution for low rectal cancer.

The two factors work together, and the result is that the 60 beds of the newly built general surgery department are simply not enough.

Local patients can also let them go home first, and then notify them to come to the hospital after the vacant beds are vacated, but how should patients from other places be handled?
"Additional beds are necessary!" Gao Yong found Dean Lin during the surgery gap, and made an imperative request: "20 beds are not enough, at least 40 more beds."

Dean Lin said with a sad face: "Even if you, Lao Gao, throw me into the oil pan and fry me to make the outside scorched and the inside tender, I won't be able to squeeze out 40 beds for you in a while. Besides, you have expanded nearly a whole lot at once. times the scale, can this staff and management keep up?"

Gao Yong replied with a dark face: "Do you care if I can keep up or not? If I dare to speak, I will be able to eat and digest it."

Gao Yong's confidence is not groundless. Although Lu Haoming is only a senior resident doctor, if his level is placed in the city, I am afraid that more than half of the deputy high-ranking officers are inferior to him. In Keli, he can definitely be independent. .Lao Bai's level is not bad either. Laparoscopic surgery may still be a long way from the main surgeon, but laparotomy is basically safe.As for Gao Chao, he is similar to Lao Bai. Being on the same level, he may be a bit weak on his own, but in terms of hard work, he can definitely be the best.

Besides, these doctors who come to study have all sacrificed their wealth and future. If they succeed in their studies, they will naturally have a bright future. If they fail to study, they may not even get a good death.Those who love to learn, are willing to learn and can bear hardships can grab a lot at random, and those who are lazy and troublesome can't pick any one out of their eyes. Therefore, the management of the department is not as complicated as imagined.

In addition, there is another point in the department that is an important factor for Gao Yong's confidence.

Dear Lian Zong.

Or call it Mr.

Regardless of whether it is the total inpatients of those top hospitals or the total inpatients of general city-level hospitals, their level is only between the residents and the attending doctors. Excellent must be excellent, but if you want to say how excellent it is, it may not be possible. More than junior attending physician.

But it's different when it comes to President Lian.

This guy let out the wind and said that he wanted to compete with Lu Laotu to be a male and female... Really, isn't he just bragging and talking big.

After clamoring for a breakthrough years ago, Lian Xiangdong took a wedding leave, until he was appointed as the hospital chief and returned to the team after his vacation was ended early, but he showed an astonishing level of surgery.

If it is really compared with Lu Haoming, it may be a little weak in comprehensiveness and experience, but in some Yang's techniques and skills, Lu Haoming cannot compare.

Especially in terms of laparoscopic surgery, for a simple cholecystectomy, Lian Zong's performance on stage as the chief surgeon was even smoother than that of Lu Haoming.

The strength of Gao Yong's confidence has no effect on Dean Lin. The so-called personnel management is just an excuse he found out without reason.The reason why he would be unreasonable is that he really couldn't think of where he could squeeze out 40 beds for the general surgery department.

"Old Gao, don't make a fool of yourself, we can discuss things." Dean Lin smiled apologetically while quickly going over the overall situation of the hospital in his mind. "Let's go on, I'll think of a way first, squeeze out 20 beds for your department, and the remaining 20... you have to allow me a little time, don't you?"

Gao Yong still had a dark old face and refused to show Dean Lin any good looks.

"Then tell me clearly, how long? Is it ten days, or half a month?"

Dean Lin smiled wryly and said, "It's not like you don't know what's going on in our hospital. In ten days and a half a month, where do you want me to get you another 20 beds?"

Gao Yong snorted coldly and said, "Okay, then I'll pass your words on to Yang Xi."

Dean Lin panicked immediately.

At this moment, Old Liu Fu, who was serving tea and water, whispered something in Dean Lin's ear.

Dean Lin immediately changed his face, patted his forehead with a happy smile, and responded to Gao Yong: "Half a month, just half a month, I will definitely build a new ward with 40 beds for your department."

(End of this chapter)

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