I'm a god of medicine

Chapter 613 Grandpa Master and Grandpa Master

Chapter 613 Grandpa Master and Grandpa Master
The medicine was used on Friday afternoon, and Zhong Shilin brought back new medicine on Saturday afternoon, and made fine-tuning on the plan. By Monday, the condition of little girl Yang Jingyi had been significantly relieved.

First of all, the physical examination showed that the ulcer in the girl's throat showed signs of healing.

Secondly, chest CT showed that the density of gnawing nodules in the little girl's lungs had decreased significantly.

Furthermore, the little girl's various laboratory test data have also undergone a huge improvement. For example, the blood oxygen saturation, which can reflect the respiratory function, has risen from 80 when she was first admitted to the hospital, which must be treated with oxygen inhalation, to almost normal now. People's 95 or so.

The change in the little girl's own state is even more gratifying.

When he was first admitted to the hospital, he could hardly eat on his own, his cheeks were dry, yellow and lifeless, and his eyes were lifeless, empty and hopeless.But during the ward round today, the little girl had already eaten a bowl of porridge. Although her cheeks were still thin, her complexion was no longer yellow, and even looked a little rosy.

Especially those two eyes, when looking at Yang Xi, they seem to worship, admire, appreciate, and the joy of being reborn after a catastrophe.No matter what it looks like, there is no more despair like before.

"Yang Jingyi, tomorrow is New Year's Day, do you have any New Year's wishes? Come, tell your big brother in a low voice." During the rounds, Yang Xi came to the bed, leaned down, and put his ear to the little girl's mouth .

"I want to change my name!"

Yang Xi stood up suddenly, rubbed his ears, and said with a wry smile: "If you want to change your name, just change it. Do you need to be so loud? It scares me."

"Yang Jingyi is already dead, bitten to death by germs, the person who was saved by brother Yang Xi should be called Yang Xiaoxi."

Liang Yan then explained: "She told me about this last night, and later called his father. We have already promised her that we will change it for her immediately after we leave the hospital and return home. name go."

Yang Xi smiled and said, "It's not impossible to use the same word as your elder brother Yang Xi, but you have to promise me one condition."

Yang Jingyi waited with bated eyelids for Yang Xi to say the conditions.

"After returning home, you have to study hard so that you can be admitted to a good university in the future."

Yang Jingyi nodded seriously, and replied, "I've made up my mind, brother Yang Xi, I will go to the best medical school in the future, and when I graduate, I will also be a good doctor like you."

Yang Xi couldn't help but tremble, and subconsciously turned his head to look back at Gao Yong, Gao Chao, Wu Weihua and the others.

His uncle, you guys have to testify to the young master, the young master has no intention of persuading people to study medicine.

God, you are not allowed to strike the young master with lightning!

Liang Yan continued, "Little girl has one more wish, which I am too embarrassed to say."

Yang Xi said, "Well, what's there to be embarrassed about?"

Liang Yan said: "Tomorrow is Dr. Lian's wedding, the little girl wants me to take her to Dr. Lian's wedding to personally send her blessings."

Yang Xi asked suspiciously, "I didn't inform you about this, how did you know about it?"

Liang Yan said with a smile: "All the patients in our ward know about it, and they have already discussed it. Tomorrow, each bed will send a representative to attend Doctor Lian's wedding. I will definitely go to our side , I just don’t know if Jingyi can withstand this situation.”

Gao Yong took a step forward and said, "It's not a big problem. The little girl's immune status has recovered pretty well. It's just that she won't be able to keep up with her physical strength for a while. Let her take a wheelchair. If you want to participate, then go ahead."

Yang Jingyi's face was immediately filled with a look of happiness.

On this day, only two surgeries were arranged, one was to take care of the patient's New Year's mood, and on the other hand, Yang Xi, Gao Yong and the others really didn't have so much time.

Tomorrow is Lian Xiangdong's big day, although the two of them don't need to worry about the wedding, but the two of them have to come forward to receive the distinguished guests who come from afar.

For example, the previous generation of Jiangbei surgical legend Jiang Pujun Jiang University Director.

Another example is Ma Zongtai, the little old man in Shanghai, who is not very tall and has a short temper.

Also, a mysterious young talent who rushed over from Shanghai together with Director Ma.

"Grandpa Master! Grandpa Master!"

As soon as Jiang Pujun and Ma Zongtai got out of the car, he heard Yang Xi's voice at the top of his voice.

Jiang Pujun couldn't help smiling triumphantly, patted Ma Zongtai on the shoulder, and said, "Did you hear that? Little Yangxi called me first."

Ma Zongtai gave a cold snort in return.

This is a pair of apprentices.

It is also a pair of friends who forget the year.

It is a pair of opponents who once fought to the death.

In terms of laparotomy, Ma Zongtai is the most proud disciple brought out by Jiang Pujun, not one of them.

But in laparoscopic surgery, the master and apprentice had a disagreement.

Jiang Pujun always believes that laparoscopic surgery can only be used as a supplement to traditional open surgery. It does have advantages in simple cholecystectomy, but it should be cautious, cautious, and cautious in other surgical procedures.

Ma Zongtai held the opposite opinion. He believed that minimally invasive surgery must be a major trend in the development of surgery. The general surgery department of the municipal hospital should not limit the application of laparoscopy to cholecystectomy, and should actively explore and try other surgical methods. , otherwise, the academic status of the department will be overtaken by others.

For this reason, the two have been fighting in Corey for three full years.

In the end, Jiang Pujun was defeated and gave up the position of director of the department to Ma Zongtai, but he retired sadly and sealed his sword.

There are legends in the world that when Jiang Pujun abdicated and retired, it was the moment when he broke with Ma Zongtai completely.

In this regard, Ma Zongtai always laughed and never gave any explanation.

But the fact is that during festivals, or when he goes to the provincial capital for meetings and business trips, Ma Zongtai always takes a detour and goes to Jiang Pujun's house to sit, chat and have lunch or dinner.

But this time, upon receiving Yang Xi's invitation, Ma Zongtai set off from Shanghai, went to Jiang Pujun's house in the provincial capital to stay for one night, and then took the high-speed train back to Jiangbei with Jiang Pujun.

Along the way, the two old men were still fighting each other, not wanting to give in to each other, and they fought all the way to Liuquan Town.

Yang Xi came up to meet him, first shook hands with Jiang Pujun, and then gave Ma Zongtai a hug.

Ma Zongtai immediately became complacent, and couldn't help but glance at Jiang Pujun beside him.

Did you see it?
Your master grandpa just grabbed a handshake, but what about my master grandpa?

Warm hugs!
Isn't the difference between far and near clear at a glance?
Yang Xi noticed the struggle between the two, and couldn't help feeling infinite grievances in his heart.

Old man Jiang, you are taller and wider than my grandfather. It is really uncomfortable to hug you.

How can it be like old man Ma?
She is short and thin, and holding her in her arms feels a sense of accomplishment!
Behind Yang Xi, Wu Hongmei smiled and hugged Jiang Pujun instead of Yang Xi.

(End of this chapter)

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