I'm a god of medicine

Chapter 592 System Task Library

Chapter 592 System Task Library

After eating, lying on the bed in the hotel, Yang Xi summoned the system interface.

"Grandma, you little lunatic with one leg, you can't survive if you don't lie to your father, can you?" After careful inspection, Yang Xi couldn't help scolding, that little lunatic actually deducted 480 points of life, so he called it :spare.

Prepare your head!

Use your sister!

Not assigning my weekly missions, cutting off my way of earning life points, and even deducting 480 points of my life without my permission...

Depend on!
If you offend me, I will throw you into the toilet sooner or later.

Yang Xi cursed secretly, while flipping through the interface of each layer of the system.


Excuse me.

I'm sorry, little epilepsy, it's the young master who wrongly blamed you.

After a few flips, Yang Xi found an alternative board for Zhou's mission.

【Task library】:
The host personally performs a third-level and above operation with a prognosis of 90 points, and the experience value is rewarded with 500 points, and the life value is rewarded with 80 points;
Guiding and assisting Gao Yong as the chief surgeon to complete a third-level and above operation with a prognosis assessment of 80 points, the experience value rewards 400 points, and the life value rewards 60 points;
Guiding and assisting Lu Haoming to complete a third-level and above surgery with a prognosis assessment of 75 points, the experience value reward is 300 points, and the life value reward is 40 points;
Guide and assist Lian Xiangdong/Chi Xiang to complete a second-level and above operation with a prognosis assessment of 75 points, experience reward 200 points, life value reward 20 points;
Using the [Intelligent Paper Generation System] to write an academic article and publish it, the experience value will be rewarded with 600 points, and the life value will be rewarded with 100 points.

There are a total of five tasks, each of which has a lot of rewards, and it doesn't look difficult.

For example, for the first item, when I was still in the municipal hospital, I could almost get a score of 85 or more. After returning to Liuquan Hospital, I obviously felt that I have improved again. Surgery with a score above 90 should not be a big problem.

I am so sorry!
If he had been more careful and had seen this task library earlier, wouldn't he have made a lot of money!
Yang Xi couldn't hold back the excitement in his heart, so he started directly, and after hitting the first task, [task claim].

【Ding!Congratulations to the host for completing this task and gaining 500 experience points and 80 life points. 】

Yang Xi couldn't help but burst into ecstasy.

Lying on, lying on the trough, lying on the sun...

Little epilepsy, you are so righteous!

When I came back and looked at the task library, I found that there were still five tasks, but the requirement for the first task was to complete a surgery with a prognosis of 91 points and above.

Received the task again, but didn't hear the sweet [Ding! 】Beep.

In other words, in the near future, among the third-level and above operations performed by Yang Xi, the highest score is 90 points.

Out of curiosity, Yang Xi received a second task.


Dead old Gao, really stupid, until now he has not been able to complete a tertiary surgery with a prognosis of 80 points.

But thinking about it again, since I came to Liuquan Hospital, these days, I have been racing against time to rush for surgery, and the number of times I have been given to Gao Yong as the chief surgeon is not much, so it is understandable that I can't score 80 points.

As for Lu Haoming behind, Lian Xiangdong or Chi Xiang, that's even more impossible.

Overcoming these two tasks, Yang Xi fixed his sights on the last task.

[Intelligent paper generation system] But the price is 20!

20, if you withdraw cash, you can buy a three-bedroom apartment in Liuquan Town. If you don't want to buy a house, you can also go to the city and drive a pretty good car.

Is it worth it to spend such a high price to fiddle with an article to earn so little experience and life points?
Yang Xi couldn't help but hesitate.

At this moment, Gao Yong's hearty laughter was suddenly heard in the next room.

The conditions in the town are just like this. The price of a standard single room for one night in the most luxurious hotel, which claims to be a three-star hotel, is only around a hundred yuan. With a 100% discount, a room that costs less than [-] yuan a day, the sound insulation effect is the same.

Gao Yong probably was talking to his family members, it doesn't matter what made him laugh so much, the key is that this laughter reminded Yang Xi of something.

One thing he owed Gao Yong.

Next year's Municipal Science and Technology Progress Award.

This is very important to Gao Yong's future.

It is also very important to the future of Liuquan Hospital.

There is already a chief physician like Dean Wu in the Department of Internal Medicine, but the highest professional title in surgery is only Gao Yong's Deputy Chief Physician.

And Gao Yong left the municipal hospital, which meant that the promise of Director Wan of the Municipal Science and Technology Bureau was like a wind blowing gently, let alone want to catch it, I am afraid that it would be impossible to sniff the aftertaste.

Therefore, if you want to give Gao Yong the title of Zhenggao, there is only one way left—sufficient and important scientific research and academic articles.

"Well, I can't bear the fact that the child can't be used by wolves, isn't it 20? I can afford it!"

Yang Xi made up his mind, turned the system interface to the system mall, and bought [Intelligent Thesis Generation System].

Then start the system and fill in the relevant options according to the system prompts.When filling in the topic of the thesis, Yang Xi hesitated a little, thought twice, and decided to take the most important TaTme operation as the pioneer.

After filling in all the options, press the confirmation button, and the system interface suddenly becomes like a snowflake.

Yang Xi closed her eyes slightly, waiting patiently.

After 5 minutes, there was a pleasant [Ding! ] rang in my ears, the system interface returned to normal, and what caught my eye was an academic article in both Chinese and English translations.

The problem is coming.

How to convert such a virtual document into an electronic document that can be stored in a computer?
Copy and paste?
But he doesn't have a mouse!

Think of it as a touchscreen?
I touched it back and forth, and fiddled with it for a long time, but there was no movement at all.

Helpless, Yang Xi had no choice but to adopt the most stupid method, laying out a piece of paper and taking a pen, and copied it down word by word.

The Chinese paragraphs are fine, you can read and copy one sentence, but when it comes to the translated English paragraphs, Yang Xi can only read one word and copy one word, and most of the words are so unfamiliar that he even needs one letter at a time. Transcript of the alphabet.

It's really hard work.

From nearly ten o'clock to twelve o'clock, the article was finally copied to the end, but at this moment, Yang Xi was suddenly stunned.

At the end of this virtual document, I suddenly saw an option button: [Confirm Selection].

There is also a fill in the blank under the option key: please fill in the email address of the host.


You can see it clearly with your butt, this little lunatic clearly has the function of sending virtual documents to e-mail.

Ma Dan, did you deliberately hide this function at the end?Did you deliberately torment the young master?

At this moment, in Yang Xi's mind, the little epileptic once again returned to the position of cheating.

(End of this chapter)

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