I'm a god of medicine

Chapter 583 Are You Still Willing To Chapter?

Chapter 583 Are You Still Willing to Come Back?
It's two o'clock.

Gao Yong drove into the gate of the municipal hospital.

5 minute later.

Lian Xiangdong rang the doorbell of the operating room.

The automatic door opened silently, and Sister Meng appeared. Seeing that it was Nalian Xiangdong, without saying a word, she picked up the registration book in her hand and gave it to her head.

"What doorbell are you ringing? You haven't handed in your access card yet."

Lian Xiangdong covered his forehead with his right hand, and said aggrievedly: "It was arranged by Master Xi..."

Unceremoniously, Sister Meng pointed at Lian Xiangdong with her hands on the forehead again, and laughed and scolded: "Young Master Xi's farting is delicious, isn't it?"

Lian Xiangdong replied seriously: "I haven't smelled it, that kid seems to have never farted."

Sister Meng rolled her eyes from choking.

"What about Young Master Xi? Why didn't he come with you?"

Lian Xiangdong pointed upwards, and replied: "I'm going to see a patient on the 18th floor, I'll come over and get ready first." Then, he raised an ordinary suitcase in his left hand, and continued: "TaTme surgery needs some Special consumables, a few need to be sterilized in advance."

After entering the operating room, Sister Meng arranged for a nurse to pick up the consumables that needed to be sterilized in advance, and then chatted with Lian Xiangdong.

"Little Lian, how are you doing over there? Is life convenient?"

Lian Xiangdong complained proudly: "No movies, no bars, no shopping, nothing but surgery all day long, these days are simply not human's life... but the days of gods. , Hehe, Sister Meng, don’t believe me when I tell you, in just one week, I feel that my surgical skills have improved again, and I don’t have an attending doctor with three or five years of experience, hmph, there’s no way to compare with me.”

Sister Meng sighed leisurely: "But, the foundation of Liuquan Town Hospital is weak after all, don't you feel aggrieved?"

Lian Xiangdong shuddered suddenly, why does this sound a bit provocative?

Sister Meng noticed the change in Lian Xiangdong's expression, and then added: "I feel wronged for you, I feel wronged for Xiao Gao and Xiao Yin, and I feel wronged for that little Yang Xi. What Sister Meng means is that if possible , are you still willing to come back?"

Lian Xiangdong took a long breath, and replied: "Sister Meng, I know what you think, you have the same thoughts as Director Ma, and you only want to make the hospital recover. I don't want to hurt your heart, but I I can't lie to you..."

Sister Meng waved her hand with a wry smile, and said, "Stop talking, Sister Meng already knows your answer, alas..." Sister Meng sighed heavily, with a complicated expression on her face. "Ten years ago, the uphill road of the municipal hospital came to an end. If it weren't for the support of Director Ma, and then Wu Hongmei became the chief dean, our hospital would have gone downhill a long time ago!"

Lian Xiangdong said: "No, isn't the total income of the municipal hospital increasing all the time in the past ten years? How can it be said that it has gone downhill?"

Sister Meng raised her lips slightly, snorted coldly, and said: "Ten years ago, although the municipal hospital was not as good as Jiang Medical Affiliated Hospital, in terms of overall strength, it was not much worse than Jiang Medical Affiliated Hospital, but now? Not only was he thrown away by the Jiang Medical Affiliated Hospital, but he was also chased by the Central Hospital. You see, within five years, our municipal hospital will have to be overtaken by the Third City Hospital and the Mine General Hospital.”

Lian Xiangdong laughed suddenly, and said, "Sister Meng, you missed one family, Jiangbei Liuquan Hospital led by Young Master Xi."

Sister Meng was shocked suddenly.

Lian Xiangdong then added another knife: "Actually, it won't take five years. If we only talk about influence and don't compare total income, at most five months, our Liuquan Hospital will be able to crush the municipal hospitals. Hehe, Big Sister Meng, you know Young Master Xi's temper, if this kid can't crush his opponent in the face of competition, it won't be called a win."

Sister Meng responded with a long, speechless sigh.

Her mood was very complicated, so complicated that even she couldn't explain it clearly.When she was not in the hospital, thinking about the lack of success in the city hospital, she also had the idea of ​​pulling it down. She was about to retire in half a year, so how much did the city hospital have to do with her?

But once he went to work and entered the hospital, his thinking changed uncontrollably.

Why can't the municipal hospital just start over a section of the uphill again?
Keep Yang Xi behind, and educate those surgeons to let go of their arrogance, like Gao Yonglian Xiangdong, study hard with Yang Xi, and it won't take long for the surgeons to make a qualitative leap. At that time, how could the city hospital's surgical banner fail to overwhelm other hospitals?
For this reason, she called Director Ma and talked for a long time, and also took advantage of the opportunity of Director Jiang to come to Jiangbei to chat with him at the dinner table.

However, Sister Meng found that the two generations of flag bearers seemed to have changed.

When they mentioned how about the municipal hospital, the two of them were very calm, but once they mentioned what about Yang Xi, the two of them immediately felt like they had been injected with chicken blood.

Time is also life.

Even those two generations of flag-bearers no longer cared about the fate of the municipal hospital. She, Meng Guiqin, a near-retirement head nurse in the operating room, has much ability to support the municipal hospital?

Just when Sister Meng was in a trance, there was a burst of talking and laughing outside the operating room.

"Master Xi has arrived." Lian Xiangdong immediately stood up, ready to go out to greet him.

Sister Meng nodded and stood up, but just as she stood up, she sat down suddenly.

In addition to Yang Xi's voice, she also heard the voice of Dean Jiang.

Both for things and people.

My aunt, Meng Guiqin, felt disgusted when I saw that Jiang!

If it weren't for him, how could Yang Xi have left the city hospital?

If it weren't for him, how could the municipal hospital, which has developed the banner of surgery, have declined?

The more she thought about it, the more angry Sister Meng simply turned around and rushed towards the door of the operating room.

Suddenly, Sister Meng felt hands on her shoulders, and then heard that annoying and cute voice.

"This big beauty, can you leave a WeChat message? Can we watch a movie together at night?"

Sister Meng couldn't hold it back, she let out a puff, turned around, slapped Yang Xi lightly, and at the same time scolded with a smile: "You little thing, you are always the same."

Yang Xi's face was covered with rock sugar scum, and he said glibly: "So it's Sister Meng, it's all because of my poor eyesight, I thought it was some girl who just graduated!"

It's so weird between people.

If this kind of words were spoken by other people, such as Ling Ran, Sister Meng kept her mouth and twitched it.

Flattering is so frivolous, it's not an exaggeration to make you look like a gold star.

However, when these words came out of Yang Xi's mouth, the eldest sister Meng felt extremely comfortable when she heard it, and even the nausea caused by the river and mountains just now was swept away.

(End of this chapter)

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