I'm a god of medicine

Chapter 530 You Can't Get Rid of Suspects

Chapter 530 You Can't Get Rid of Suspects
At 06:30 that night, Fu Dashan and Tong Xin replaced the two who were on the afternoon shift.

The first thing is to change the bedding for Yang Xi.

As soon as Tong Xin made the bed for Yang Xi, the waiter at the guest house brought four dishes and one soup for dinner.

"I don't know what you like to eat, and if there are any taboos, so I arranged some home-cooked dishes, Dr. Yang, let's... just eat something."

It's really not the right word to use.

The four dishes arranged by Fu Dashan can be said to be quite rich. The main dish is a favorite of Jiangbei people, roasted lamb haggis, two side dishes are Kung Pao chicken and Mushu meat, and the other vegetarian dish is green bean sprouts choked with vinegar.

Yang Xi washed his hands and happily picked up the chopsticks.

There were no other cases on the fifth floor of the south building, so Fu Dashan and Tong Xin were quite relaxed. They chatted and laughed with Yang Xi during the meal.

But Fu Dashan seemed to be very thoughtful, and he would be taken aback from time to time.

In the end, it was Tong Xin who was happy and revealed Fu Dashan's thoughts.

"Captain Fu, if you can't say it, let me do it." Tong Xin put down the chopsticks in her hand, turned to Yang Xi, and said, "Captain Fu firmly believes that you, Dr. Yang, were wronged, so the two of us I will go all out to tell you the truth, Dr. Yang, you have been reported for accepting commercial bribes from Xie Zhonghua, the chief representative of the Huaguo representative office of Da X Qi surgical robots, involving an amount of up to 30 yuan."

Yang Xi smiled lightly, glanced at Fu Dashan, and responded: "It seems that the person who reported me has a conscience, and he didn't intend to put me to death."

Last year, Nanjiang Province set off a wave of crackdown on commercial bribery. The main target was not the medical sector, but it was swept away by the wind, and the major hospitals in the province were all over the place.It's not clear how other cities ended up, but Jiangbei's rule is that if the amount involved is less than 50, you only need to return the stolen money to avoid prosecution.

Tong Xin opened up, and Fu Dashan had nothing to hesitate, so he said: "The current situation is not good for you. We traced to the 28th of last month that you opened an account at the Huaihai West Road Branch of the City Commercial Bank. Less than 5 minutes after the account was opened, a sum of money was remitted in, the amount was exactly 30 as mentioned in the report materials."

"The 28th of last month..." Yang Xi narrowed his eyes, counted with his fingers. "What day was it last week?"

Tong Xin responded, "Wednesday."

Yang Xi suddenly laughed.

"Come on, why did you choose this day, buddy? It's really bloody!"

Fu Dashan and Tong Xin couldn't help becoming nervous.

Yang Xi smiled and said, "What time does the bank go to work in the morning? It doesn't open at eight o'clock, does it?"

Tong Xin nodded and said, "Bank outlets usually open at nine o'clock in the morning."

Yang Xi smiled again and said, "What about closing time? It won't be until eleven o'clock in the evening, right?"

Tong Xin then replied: "They get off work at 05:30, and usually stop issuing numbers at 04:30."

Yang Xi nodded and said with a smile: "But that day I entered the department at [-]:[-] in the morning until after [-]:[-] at night, and I was never idle during that time. Even going to the bathroom was a race against time."

Fu Dashan suddenly showed joy, and said eagerly: "Is there any witness to testify for you?"

Yang Xi gave Fu Dashan a blank look, and said, "Nonsense! I'm not the only one in tumor surgery, there are more people in the operating room..."

Fu Dashan hurriedly explained: "I mean, you can't have surgery all day, right? After the operation, is there anyone who can prove that you didn't leave the hospital that day?"

Yang Xi curled his lips and smiled, "That's too much." Looking at Fu Dashan's anxious appearance, Yang Xi was a little moved, and gave up the idea of ​​teasing him, and told the truth: "On Tuesday, the Morning News and The Evening News published my exclusive interview. On Wednesday, at least five or six hundred tumor patients had poured into the hospital. That day, after I had the surgery, I went to the outpatient department to provide free consultations for these patients. I was busy from ten o'clock in the morning until night Eleven o'clock, and the next two days, Thursday and Friday, will be the same."

Fu Dashan pondered: "Then have you lent your ID card to others?"

Yang Xi shook his head and said: "I still have this awareness of precautions, but as far as I know, as long as there is a relationship with the bank, you only need to provide a copy of your ID card to open an account. The original ID card, let alone being present.” This insight comes from when Yang Xi first started working, the accountant of Liuquan Town Hospital handled salary cards for new recruits, and only a copy of personal ID card was required.

Tong Xin said: "Doctor Yang, with all due respect, you can't get rid of the suspicion based on this alone."

Fu Dashan sighed, and said: "Yes, under the logic of inference of guilt, you can completely instruct Xie Zhonghua to handle the bank card for you."

Yang Xi couldn't help frowning, feeling very depressed, even a little angry, but he could only bear it in his heart.

"There is another direction. You can track it down. Who is the person who transferred money to this new account?"

Tong Xin smiled wryly, and replied: "This has been found out a long time ago. The transfer account is Xie Zhonghua's private account."

Yang Xi couldn't help being startled, the doubts he had dispelled towards Xie Zhonghua resurfaced in his mind.

Fu Dashan said: "However, the fact that it was impossible for you to open an account in person last Wednesday is also very important. At least it can prove that there are many doubts in this case..."

Yang Xi couldn't listen to Fu Dashan's words at all. At this moment, he was thinking about whether Xie Zhonghua could be trusted or not.

"Why don't you invite Xie Zhonghua over for a cup of tea?"

Tong Xin said with a wry smile: "We would like to, but he has already left the country."

Yang Xi whimpered and remembered a message sent to him by Xie Zhonghua on Monday morning, saying that he was on his way to the Shanghai Airport, and that he would take a flight to the United States in the afternoon to negotiate investment matters with the financial tycoon, and asked Yang Xi wants to order some special products from the rice imperialists.

In this state, it doesn't look like the performance of someone who has been fooled and wants to run away!

"Captain Fu, I think you have overlooked an important issue."

Fu Dashan regained his spirit suddenly, and said, "How do you say it?"

Yang Xi lit a cigarette, took two puffs, and said slowly: "Since the person behind the scenes can get a copy of my ID card and go to the bank to open a card, then he can get Xie Zhonghua's card. A copy of the ID card, and a card was issued for Xie Zhonghua, all you need to do is..."

Fu Dashan hurriedly said: "I also thought of it, as long as you find out the person who opened the account for you, everything will be cleared up."

Yang Xi nodded with a smile and said, "If you really believe me, I can provide you with a suspect."

Fu Dashan replied seriously: "Of course I believe you, tell me, who is it?"

Yang Xi took a deep breath, and said slowly: "Provincial doctor, hepatobiliary and pancreatic surgery, Sun Hao."

(End of this chapter)

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