I'm a god of medicine

Chapter 528 Are You Aren't Afraid Of Losing Money?

Chapter 528 Are You Aren't Afraid Of Losing Money?
Yang Xi said with emotion: "It's rare that you have such filial piety, and you can actually find out about TaTme's surgery. It must have taken a lot of effort, right?"

Fu Dashan told the truth: "I have spent a lot of time and effort for my father's illness, but I was lucky to find out about this kind of operation." After a short pause, Fu Dashan continued: "It's from your department. Doctor Chi told us."

After smoking one cigarette, Yang Xi threw the cigarette butt into the paper cup, then took a sip of tea from the teacup, and when he put down the teacup, Fu Dashan had already handed over the second cigarette.

Yang Xi hesitated for a while, but still took the cigarette, and lit it with the fire that Fu Dashan sent up later.

"TaTme surgery has a history of decades of development. Today, it should be said that it is a very mature operation. The traditional operation method for rectal cancer is laparotomy, and the operation direction is top-down. Because the location is too deep Therefore, there must be a sufficient distance between the tumor and the anal verge, otherwise, the tumor will not be cut cleanly, and it will not benefit the progress of the disease if the patient suffers in vain.”

Fu Dashan nodded frequently.

Yang Xi continued: "The same is true for laparoscopic surgery. The low-lying rectal cancer lesions are also not completely removed, so ah, we can only do anal surgery. The essence of TaTme surgery is that it changes the traditional top-down surgery. As for the method of tumor resection, it starts from the steel door and performs bottom-up resection of the tumor. Don’t underestimate this change. Because of this change, the biggest problem in clinical surgery has been solved. As long as the tumor has not invaded If it reaches the anal edge, then, starting from the steel gate, there is a high degree of confidence that the tumor can be completely removed.”

Starting with the steel door?

Is it?
Fu Dashan was stunned for a while when he heard it, and he couldn't help but see the scene of hyenas drying bison, the king of the African savannah.

These surgeons really dare to think and do it!
Yang Xi seemed to see Fu Dashan's confusion, and explained in time: "In the beginning, the experimenters used a rectoscope to complete this operation, and achieved satisfactory results. The rectoscope is an inspection tool, and it should be used for To complete an operation, it must be modified. There are actually several manufacturers of endoscopic instruments that have developed this product and launched an anoscope that is suitable for this type of operation, but the price is too high. "

Fu Dashan sighed: "It's no wonder that capitalists always want to pursue profits."

Yang Xi nodded in agreement.

"Later, some people tried to replace this type of anoscope with a laparoscope. Not to mention, it really works! Although the laparoscope is not cheap, it is a must-have instrument for general surgery. As a result, in the field of general surgery The implementation of the TaTme operation has a foundation."

Fu Dashan couldn't help shaking his head, and asked back: "Then why didn't it be promoted? I consulted the anorectal experts from the Central Hospital and the Affiliated Hospital of Jiangxi Medical University, and they haven't performed TaTme surgery at all."

Yang Xi took a puff of cigarette, then smiled playfully at Fu Dashan.

"How do you conclude that they didn't perform the TaTme operation?"

Fu Dashan said firmly: "They told me themselves!"

Yang Xi took another puff of cigarette and said with a smile: "Then I will tell you personally that I, Yang Xi, have never had a single operation in the municipal hospital, do you believe it? Fortunately, you are still an investigator of the Procuratorate!"

Fu Dashan couldn't help but blush.

Yang Xi said again: "TaTme surgery is easy to say, but it is too difficult to do. Right now, it seems that a doctor who can't perform TaTme surgery is not a qualified anorectal doctor in the imperialist side of the United States, but you know How high are the various complications of this operation?"

Fu Dashan shook his head blankly.

Yang Xi smiled lightly, and continued: "In the imperialist side of the United States, if the operation is not done well, it will be bad, and complications will appear, and even more harm will be caused to the patient, and it will be harmful to the surgeon. It doesn’t matter much, at least they won’t be sued in court, and they won’t be chased and beaten by the patient’s family members, so they can boldly try to develop it.”

Fu Dashan couldn't help sighing, and replied: "But in our country, doctors don't have that much space."

Yang Xi took a puff of cigarette, spit it out heavily, smiled helplessly, and said, "That's right! As long as the result of the operation is slightly bad, the surgeon must be prepared to lose money, and the hospital must nod at whatever price they offer. Agree, otherwise, you will be in a state of chaos in your hospital, and you will beat your doctor to death. You said, in such a medical environment, who the hell would be so stupid to take such a big risk to carry out such a difficult operation? "

After a short pause, Yang Xi took another puff of cigarette and made an attributive conclusion: "So, what you heard is not true, but the real fact is that whether it is Jiang Medical Affiliated Hospital or Central Hospital, they have sent people to study They have undergone TaTme surgery, but without the escort of surgical robots, they can only throw aside the skills they have learned. In a word, it is not easy for doctors to earn some money, and they cannot afford it!"

Fu Dashan couldn't help having doubts, and blurted out: "Then, aren't you afraid of losing money?"

Yang Xi replied seriously: "Afraid! Why not? I don't have a mine at home, and my salary and bonus are only a few thousand dollars a month. A random lawsuit can make me go bankrupt immediately."

Fu Dashan doubted: "Then you still have to take such a big risk to carry out this kind of operation?"

Yang Xi smiled back.

The young master is escorted by that little lunatic, and in terms of practical skills, it is much higher than the surgical robot.Moreover, Xiaodianzi also provides [intelligent laparoscopic operating system] and [intelligent surgery prognosis assessment program]. , as well as instant assessment.

With such safety measures, even if it is the first time to try a new surgical method, there is no possibility of any accidents, and even those surgical complications that cannot be avoided by other doctors can be reduced to the minimum in my own hands. Inside.

But this smile was unpredictable in Fu Dashan's eyes.

Could it be that the purpose of Yang Xi accepting commercial bribes is to wait for a lawsuit to lose money?

Seeing the doubts on Fu Dashan's face, Yang Xi gave his answer: "For me, the risk of this operation is not great. Besides, as long as it can benefit the patients, it is worth taking some risks. And , I believe that most patients are reasonable, if you treat him honestly, you will definitely get honesty in return.”

Fu Dashan looked a little moved, but the doubts on his face still existed.

"However, you are just planning to carry out this type of operation, how can you say that the risk is not high?"

Yang Xi could understand Fu Dashan's question. After all, his own father was a rectal cancer patient, so he was naturally more sensitive to the safety of surgery than others.

However, understanding does not mean accepting.

(End of this chapter)

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