Chapter 526

Professor Su is indeed a ruthless person!
Last Saturday, in the academic lecture hall, Qin Gewei saw the figure of Kan Changjiang, and he already understood Professor Su's overall plan.

It may not be very sure to get Yang Xi into prison, but if he seizes the opportunity and encourages Director Kan to use his power to revoke Yang Xi's medical license, then this scourge will be completely eliminated.

Yesterday, when Qin Gewei was chatting with Jiang Shan about Yang Xi, he faintly noticed that Jiang Shan's eyes showed a little pity for talent.

Qin Gewei wasn't worried that Jiangshan would ruin the big event, as he just took office as the chief dean of a city-level tertiary hospital, he didn't have the ability or qualification to change the outcome of the matter.

What Qin Gewei was worried about was that if Jiang Shan lost his temper and did something like a mantis' arm with a little brain, it would be too cost-effective.

It was not easy for him to seize this opportunity and run Jiangshan to the position of the chief director of the municipal hospital. Moreover, by God's favor, someone helped him get rid of Yang Xi's biggest obstacle.From now on, the various resources of the hospital will naturally lean towards him. Whether it is the academic status in the region or the personal prestige in the hospital, Qin Gewei will usher in the moment when he is in full swing.

Surpassing Ma Zongtai will no longer be an unattainable dream, but a small goal within easy reach.

Therefore, he must remind Jiangshan in time that he must not act out of loyalty.

As for Jiangshan, under Qin Gewei's reminder, he can naturally see clearly.

"Forget it! When the opinions from above are clarified, we can do whatever we want..." Jiang Shan let out a long sigh in his heart as he watched Qin Gewei leave the small conference room.

Here, Jiang Shan was lamenting the official motto that the higher the position, the less freedom, and there, in the office of the director of the Municipal Health Commission, where the vertical distance was only a few hundred meters away, Lan Yaoxin was sulking at a document.

Grandma has a leg, this Kan Changjiang is really full, why do you want to have a hard time with a regular training doctor?
How the hell do you want to revoke his medical qualifications, then you can just revoke him as follows. Why do you force me to be this villain?
To be honest, Lan Yaoxin would not be so depressed just being forced by Kan Changjiang to be a villain.

Isn't he just a top medical student?

The addition or loss of such a champion in the medical field of Jiangbei City does not actually have much impact. The hospital is open for business as usual. Who should patients go to for medical treatment? Lan Yaoxin is still in this office Drinking tea and reading the newspaper, neither can go up nor down, and after a few more years of retirement, it will be a fortune to retire.

However, that Yang Xi is the treasure in the heart of that old woman Wu Hongmei!

If he personally revoked Yang Xi's qualification as a doctor, then after Mrs. Wu came out, wouldn't he have to tear him alive?
As for the incident at Wu Hongmei's stall, Lan Yaoxin didn't believe in its authenticity at all. Since he became a classmate in college at the age of eighteen or nineteen, he has known each other for more than [-] years. Lan Yaoxin is confident that there is no one else. He knows Wu Hongmei better than himself, including Wu Hongmei's husband.

If it is said that Wu Hongmei's amount involved in the case is as high as millions, Lan Yaoxin has no doubts. With the courage of that old woman, Wu Hongmei, she is absolutely capable of such a thing.But if it is said that Wu Hongmei accepted a bribe of 5 yuan from an unreliable factory salesman, Lan Yaoxin would not believe it.

The level is wrong!
It's not that the salesman's level is definitely not up to the dean of a tertiary hospital, but that old lady Wu Hongmei is too vain. When she became a department director, she didn't bother to meet with ordinary medical representatives or ordinary salesmen from consumable manufacturers, etc. Becoming the dean, this old woman is even more excessive. Domestic manufacturers, who have not reached the level of vice president, will not be seen. Foreign multinational companies must at least be at the level of regional managers or above.

As for the legendary little salesman of a domestic film manufacturer, let alone giving Wu Hongmei a gift, if he could say a few words, he, Lan Yaoxin, would give him a thumbs up and say to the salesman, awesome!
Therefore, Lan Yaoxin firmly believes that it will not take long, at most two weeks, for Wu Hongmei to return to her freedom amid repeated apologies from the relevant departments, and the organization will definitely take care of Wu Hongmei's emotions, and she will resume her post as an official It seems impossible to take the position of chief dean of a municipal hospital, but it is a trivial matter to change another hospital to be the chief dean.

But when the old woman regained her freedom, she learned that her doctor's license had been revoked for the baby bump she dug out...

Lan Yaoxin couldn't help shivering.

I would rather wear the little shoes of that old man Kan Changjiang than be torn alive by that old lady Wu Hongmei!

"Reply a letter to the provincial department, saying that we have received the instructions from above and are studying and researching seriously."

The section chief under his command comprehended, and responded with a smile: "Understood, the attitude must be positive, and the action must be cautious. It can be delayed for a day."

Lan Yaoxin squinted his eyes and pondered for a moment, then instructed: "You have to think carefully about the wording of this letter, so that Director Kan can understand our attitude, but also can't let him grasp the reason for our disobedience. "

The chief of the subordinate said: "Don't worry, Director, we have some experience in this kind of thing. After I have finished my words, I will bring them over for you to review."

Lan Yaoxin nodded in relief, and said with emotion: "Yang Xi is the pride of our Jiangbei medical community, and it can't be ruined by our own people!"

The section chief under him solemnly replied: "In this matter, the subordinate's attitude is highly consistent with that of the director."

Saying that Yang Xi is the pride of Jiangbei's medical community, Lan Yaoxin suddenly had a flash of light in his heart.

Why is this sentence so familiar?
I remembered!

At the end of September, at the basketball league awards ceremony held by Sanitation Port, the big boss in the city personally presented the awards to the municipal hospital basketball team. When he came to Yang Xi to hang the championship gold medal for Yang Xi, he and Wu Hongmei presented the awards in front of him. In the face of the accompanying, personally comment on Yang Xi.

That was not a polite word from the big boss, Lan Yaoxin could tell that the big boss really admired that kid Yang Xi.

Wealth and wealth are in danger!

Find a way to tell the big boss about the difficult and dangerous situation Yang Xi encountered.

If, then Yang Xi is really innocent... Hehe, do I need to say more?

It is bound to leave a good impression in the mind of the big boss, maybe he can become the deputy mayor in charge of culture, education and health!
If that Yang Xi is really a lump of mud that can't support the wall, then it's no big deal, just continue to nest in this office honestly.

As soon as the idea was born, the decision was quickly made up, Lan Yaoxin suddenly felt that his eyes were bright, and his bones seemed to be more than ten years younger.

There is a huge difference between pursuing and not pursuing.

(End of this chapter)

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