I'm a god of medicine

Chapter 524 This Kid Sleeps Really Soundly

Chapter 524 This Kid Sleeps Really Soundly
Sitting in the procuratorate's car driven by Fu Dashan, Yang Xi slightly closed his eyes.

If the speculation just now is correct, then I am afraid that I am really in trouble.

A suit of more than 2 yuan, a three-piece gift box of mobile phones, watches, earphones worth 4 yuan, plus a shirt, tie and leather shoes, the total amount exceeded [-] yuan.

If Xie Zhonghua and Su Dongming are really in the same group, then I really can't tell.

Is Xie Zhonghua the kind of insidious and cunning person who can even deceive himself?
Yang Xi carefully recalled the details of his relationship with Xie Zhonghua.


Xie Zhonghua is obviously the kind of person who has lofty ideals in his heart, and he will never do such a nasty thing that destroys his future for the sake of small profits in front of him.

Besides, Yang Xi was not the only one who took advantage of Xie Zhonghua's side to make cheap money, but also the boss Gao, the boxer, and the old brother three.If Xie Zhonghua ordered Lei, why weren't the three Maos invited to drink tea?

After thinking about this, Yang Xi naturally felt at ease, and after another three to five minutes, he actually snored evenly and steadily.

Pretending to be asleep?

Hearing Yang Xi's snoring, Fu Dashan couldn't help but look at Yang Xi in the rear seat through the rearview mirror.

On the passenger seat, Tong Xin couldn't help turning her head to take a look, and then gave Fu Dashan a wry smile.

This Yang Xi is really not pretending to sleep.

The vast majority of people who are invited to drink tea will be more or less anxious and restless, but there are also very few people who have relatively strong psychological quality and can act as if nothing happened. The best way to cover up is to pretend sleep.

However, sitting in the procuratorate's car, on the way to the procuratorate to drink tea, it was the first time he saw someone who could really fall asleep, be it Fu Dashan or Tong Xin.

"Captain Fu, do you want to ask him about your father's illness?" Tong Xin couldn't help but whispered to Fu Dashan.

Fu Dashan returned with a long sigh.

His father was diagnosed with rectal cancer half a month ago. He was seen at the county hospital, and also at the central hospital in the city and the Affiliated Hospital of Jiang Medical University. All the doctors suggested early surgery, but all the doctors said it was impossible. Anus-preserving surgery.

And his father has just passed the sixtieth year, and he would not want to live with a dung bag in his arms after the operation. He uttered cruel words to Fu Dashan. If he is forced to undergo an operation, he will hang himself with a rope. Own.

Fu Dashan had no choice but to procrastinate on this matter, and inquired about the relationship, to see if he could find a big-name expert in the imperial capital or the magic capital, and then go to consult him, and ask if he could perform anal-sparing surgery on his father.

However, how can the big-name experts in the imperial capital and magic capital be able to get in touch with people of his class if they want to get in touch?

Just last week, cancer patients in Dongshan County suddenly rushed to share the great news, saying that the doctor Yang Xi from the municipal hospital mentioned in the newspaper is really a rare surgical genius, and many of them are in the provincial capital. Hospitals, even the surgeries that cannot be performed in the Imperial Capital Metropolitan Hospital, are nothing to him.

Coincidentally, when Fu Dashan took his father to the county hospital for an examination, he met a patient who also suffered from rectal cancer and whose position was lower than his father. After waiting for nearly ten hours in the hospital, Dr. Yang Xi finally came to see him.

After the patient came back, he found his father and said that Dr. Yang Xi could perform an anal sphincter surgery for him, but the surgery would not be arranged until the laparoscope in their department was installed next week.

When his father told him the news, Fu Dashan couldn't help being stunned.

Doctor Yang Xi from the Municipal Hospital?
Isn't it the doctor Yang Xiyang who was invited to drink tea twice in a week by him more than a month ago, and ended up making himself ashamed?
The rate of duplication of this name is not high. There are only two thousand people in the municipal hospital. Will there be a second surgeon named Yang Xi?

Regarding this news, Fu Dashan's attitude is that he can't believe it all, but he can't believe it either.

So, he asked his wife to bring his father's examination materials to the city hospital to consult Yang Xi.

The day before yesterday, that is, Monday morning of this week, his wife brought his father's medical records to the Department of Oncology on the 18th floor of the Municipal Hospital. She did not find Dr. Yang Xi, but only saw a doctor surnamed Chi. In response, Dr. Yang Xi was indeed capable of performing anus-preserving surgery for patients with low rectal cancer like his father. This surgery is very advanced, but it is also quite difficult. He also wrote down the surgery and called it TaTme surgery.

That afternoon, Fu Dashan used all his resources to verify whether the TaTme operation was reliable or not.

But the feedback received was mixed.

Fu Dashan had the heart to wait for the rectal cancer patient he met not long ago to have an operation before discussing his father's treatment. However, due to his filial piety, Fu Dashan, who was afraid of delaying his father's condition, finally decided to go to Yang Xi for advice with a cheeky face. .

Unexpectedly, before he could arrange the time, the higher-ups would dispatch this case.

Someone reported with his real name that Dr. Yang Xi had accepted commercial bribes from the Huaguo representative office of a foreign medical equipment company, amounting to hundreds of thousands.

"This is fate!" After a long sigh, Fu Dashan sighed again.

Tong Xin comforted in a low voice: "Captain Fu, don't be so pessimistic. I believe that Dr. Yang was falsely accused. It is normal for an excellent surgeon like him to be jealous."

Fu Dashan shook his head and said, "It's not that simple! The other party, the chief representative of the representative office, why did he go abroad by such a coincidence?"

Tong Xin wanted to say something, but was interrupted by Fu Dashan: "Okay, stop talking, Xiao Tong, thank you!"

Regardless of whether Yang Xi was really asleep or pretended to be asleep, it was a violation of the rules to talk about the case in front of the parties involved.

But Tong Xin was brought out by Fu Dashan. Although she didn't say the title of master, in her heart, Tong Xin regarded Fu Dashan as a master from the bottom of her heart.

Therefore, on the way to invite Yang Xi to drink tea, Tong Xin deliberately violated the regulations and revealed a little bit of the case to Yang Xi before the trial, hoping that Yang Xi could prepare early and survive this interrogation.

As for Fu Dashan, whether he said it was out of selfishness or out of respect for Yang Xi, in short, he acquiesced in Tong Xin's violation and gave him active cooperation.

There were only three people in the car, and even if Yang Xi didn't appreciate it, as long as the master and the apprentice refused to admit it, there would be no risk of violating the rules.

It's a pity that after the two talked so much, Yang Xi, who was slumped on the back seat and snoring soundly, didn't respond at all.

Ma De, this kid slept soundly, all his efforts were wasted.

(End of this chapter)

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