I'm a god of medicine

Chapter 522 The greater the ability, the greater the scourge

Chapter 522 The greater the ability, the greater the scourge

"I really can't tell, this Dean Jiang is really good!" After Jiang Shan left, Yang Xi expressed his heartfelt emotion.

Gao Yong agreed: "It's really rare. He doesn't put on official airs, is very friendly, has a clear mind, and quick thinking. He should be a good dean."

Several other doctors in Corey also sneaked back into the office at this time.

Lian Xiangdong answered: "No matter how good it is, it can't compare to Dean Wu! Dean Wu never pretends to others, but I think this Dean Jiang is definitely an Oscar winner."

Gao Yong stared and said, "What the hell are you talking about? No one will treat you as dumb if you don't speak."

Lian Xiangdong shut up angrily, and went away to smoke.

Lu Haoming said: "I can't help but want to talk nonsense. I think that the old man's opinion is not necessarily wrong. I have a classmate who is in the Municipal Health Commission, and he doesn't think very highly of Deputy Director Jiang."

Yang Xi said with a smile: "Maybe it's your classmate who judged Dean Jiang's gentleman's belly with a villain's heart."

Lu Haoming snorted and said, "This possibility is not ruled out, but it's unlikely."

Gao Yong put out the cigarette butt in his hand, stood up, and said, "Don't talk about the dean behind your back! You guys, save yourself a bit of saliva, it's getting late, it's time to eat."

At the same time, Jiang Shan went down to the 9th floor and knocked on the door of the office of the chief of general surgery.

"Congratulations, Dean Jiang." Qin Gewei was very calm when he visited Dean Jiang alone.

Jiang Shan entered the office, looked around, then sat down on the side of the sofa, took the mineral water Qin Gewei handed over, unscrewed the bottle cap, and took two sips.

"Director Qin, the layout of your office is a bit feng shui!"

Qin Gewei couldn't help being startled, and said: "This office was left by Director Ma, and I didn't change all the arrangements. When he was in office, things went smoothly, so why did it become a feng shui when he came to my place?"

Jiang Shan smiled and said, "Director Ma is Director Ma, and Director Qin is Director Qin. The Feng Shui in this office can protect Director Ma, but it cannot protect Director Qin!"

Qin Gewei smiled lightly, and said: "Communist, don't talk about superstition! Let's talk about work directly, Dean Jiang, have you had contact with that Yang Xi? How do you feel?"

Jiang Shan smiled and said: "Feng Shui is not a simple superstition, it is the metaphysical heritage left by the ancestors to future generations. If you learn it well and thoroughly, you can use it in your work and life. It can be said to benefit you a lot!"

Qin Gewei snorted with a Beijing accent and said with a smile: "You can pull it down, what Fengshui is not Fengshui, you, Dean Jiang, dare to nag in front of me, try someone else? See if you will be sued Go to the Municipal Commission for Discipline Inspection."

Jiang Shan took a deep breath, exhaled slowly, and said, "No matter what you think, the layout of this office still needs to be adjusted. There is no need to make major changes. Just adjust the direction of your desk so that it does not face the door."

Qin Gewei pondered for a moment, and said: "Okay, listen to you, I will find someone to help adjust this afternoon."

Jiang Shan said: "Why wait until the afternoon? The two of us can't move a desk, can we?"

Qin Gewei frowned, and said, "It's too much, Dean Jiang, you are young and powerful, but I have old arms and legs..." Before Qin Gewei could finish speaking, he could only stop abruptly.

Because, Jiangshan couldn't help but say that he had already started to fight.

Qin Gewei sighed, but he had no choice but to take his hand, and together with Jiang Shan, he changed the direction of the desk.

After finishing his work and washing his hands, Jiang Shan looked around the whole office again and nodded with satisfaction.

"Now, can we talk about that Yang Xi?" Qin Gewei was a little out of breath, and he didn't know if he was tired from moving the desk, or he was pissed off by Jiang Shan.

Jiang Shan smiled and said, "What's there to talk about? Can I still say that Director Qin misread people?"

Qin Gewei snorted and said with a smile: "Don't think of yourself as a lemon essence, everything you say must have a sour taste. To be honest, I personally have no prejudice against Yang Xi. He is a rare surgical genius who can't be seen in any school. Hospitals will become baby bumps. However, with his personality, he will become a disaster wherever he goes. Director Jiang, the development of a hospital must first be healthy, and the overall level must be sustainable. But it can only be extremely powerful at one point, while other points in the hospital can only be sucked by him. This kind of development model is extremely unhealthy for the hospital. What about the hidden danger behind it? If Yang Xi changes jobs, or if there is something wrong, the strongest point collapses suddenly, then the hospital will become a mess!"

Jiang Shan listened carefully, nodding from time to time in agreement.

"You are right, it is indeed the truth." Jiang Shan sighed, and continued: "The temple of the municipal hospital is not small, but it is not big. If there is a great god with ambition, we will still I really can't afford it."

Qin Gewei followed: "Don't look at the oncology surgery that is going to the sky right now, and the number of beds has been expanded from 30 to 60 in just over a month since the department opened. However, Yang Xi might have something wrong someday. Is it still difficult to find a bed in oncology surgery today? How will you, the dean, clean up the mess left behind?"

Jiang Shan sighed softly, smiled wryly and shook his head.

Qin Gewei couldn't stop talking about it.

"The greater the ability, the greater the responsibility. This is indeed true. But our genius has no ability, but he is unwilling to take responsibility. He only cares about his own happiness, but does not take the interests of his brothers into consideration. If things go on like this, the municipal The hospital has only one department of oncology and surgery, while the other departments are declining day by day. Can such a situation be a good thing for the overall development of the hospital? In my opinion, that boy Yang Xi is very important to our city hospital. In other words, it should be said that the greater the ability, the deeper the harm!"

Jiang Shan smiled and said: "I understand what you said, but, you have to eat food in bites, eat too fast, and you are easy to choke. Besides, Yang Xi seems to have calculated the timing, waiting At the juncture of my appointment, I encountered such a difficult problem as Dr. Xiao Zhong’s resignation. Now, if I want to get through Dr. Xiao Zhong’s hurdle safely, the cooperation of Yang Xi is indispensable!"

Qin Gewei cast a disdainful look and said, "Am I the kind of person who can't calm down?"

Jiang Shan laughed and said, "Of course you are not."

Qin Gewei rolled his eyes again, sneered, and said: "I just hope you know what's in your mind, don't like to take the edge of the sword like Dean Wu, and I have to remind you, tomorrow at the latest, you have to get Zhong Shilin as soon as possible." things are done.”

Jiang Shan shuddered suddenly, and blurted out: "You mean Yang Xi is going to have an accident?"

Qin Gewei took a deep breath, and said: "Who knows, just intuition, maybe it's okay."

(End of this chapter)

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