I'm a god of medicine

Chapter 519 The New Dean Arrives

Chapter 519 The New Dean Arrives

Yan Hai didn't know whether to rejoice or feel depressed.

Although he can clearly figure out that the meaning of the above is to parachute a great director for the municipal hospital, but he still can't hold back the fantasy deep in his heart, maybe the above will not be able to pick a suitable candidate for a while, and he will be promoted in the end It's over.

Unfortunately, this fantasy only lasted for about thirty hours.

At 08:30 on Wednesday morning, the leader of the Municipal Organization Department accompanied the new director to the municipal hospital with the letter of appointment.

Yan Hai could reluctantly accept the embarrassing result that he was only a one-day tour of acting dean's duties, but when he saw the new dean, he couldn't help but feel a sense of resistance in his heart.

The new dean was actually Deputy Director Jiang of the Municipal Health Bureau.

Can such a person who is not a good doctor and has never had experience in leading a hospital lead a municipal hospital?

No bullshit!

The resistance can only be buried deep in the bottom of my heart, and the face must not show the slightest bit. What is displayed on the face must be the brightest smile, and the words spoken must also reflect the highest level of welcome and respect.

Comrades from the Organization Department announced the appointment of Jiang Shan at the temporarily convened Standing Committee of the Academy, and then left in a hurry.

Jiang Shan wasn't too wordy, he said a few beautiful words to everyone on the scene, and after accepting the compliments from all the members of the Standing Committee, he broke up the impromptu meeting.

To be honest, Jiang Shan's appointment was indeed a bit unexpected, the hospital had no time to prepare, and the office of President Wu who had just been vacated still had many of President Wu's personal belongings to deal with, so it would be inconvenient for a while Hand it over to the newly appointed Dean Jiang for use.

Of course, even if Dean Wu's office is cleaned up, Dean Jiang will not move in.

The reason is simple, I think it is unlucky.

"It's okay, I'll just work in this small conference room for the time being." Dean Jiang's performance can be said to be approachable without any official airs. He pointed to a seat in front of him and said to Yan Hai: "Yan Yuan Long, take up your time, tell me about the situation in the hospital."

Jiang Shan was so polite, he omitted the adverb word in Vice President Yan, and changed the word report to talk about it.

Such an attitude eased the resistance in Yan Hai's heart a little.

"It's like this..." Yan Hai pulled the seat aside a little, sat down, took out his work diary, and flipped to the latest page. "It's nothing serious. It's just a matter of asking for instructions from various clinical departments. I've sorted it out and I can print it out for you right away. However, there is one more tricky thing, and it's because I didn't do my job well."

Yan Hai Ba La Ba La reported Zhong Shilin's background, the reason for his resignation and the result of his resignation to Jiang Shan.

"Dean Jiang, I'm all to blame for my negligence. If I had grasped the situation in time yesterday, I would have instructed the personnel department not to accept Xiao Zhong's resignation application, and the matter would not be so troublesome."

Jiang Shan nodded slightly, thoughtfully, and said, "I can't blame you for this matter. There was such a sudden change in the hospital. I can fully imagine how busy you were yesterday. In addition... I always feel that Xiao Zhong's matter It's not that simple, I always feel from your statement that someone is deliberately picking things up."

Yan Hai's heart trembled suddenly.In his report, he had downplayed Yang Xi's role as much as possible, but unexpectedly, Dean Jiang was keen to capture the crux of the problem.

"Someone is picking on food on purpose?" Yan Hai put on a blank look, pretending to be stupid, and said, "Dean Jiang, you mean..."

Jiang Shan smiled faintly, and said, "That Yang Xi is a ghost! I guess, the difficult situation we are facing today should have been calculated by him."

This is the truth.

Before eight o'clock in the morning, when Yan Hai received Gao Yong's call, he also had the same judgment in his heart. Moreover, this kind of calculation should not be a passive calculation for himself to retreat, but should be to put Wang Ran to death. active calculation.

Yan Hai nodded unconsciously.

Jiang Shan continued: "Yang Xi is the great surgical banner set up by the municipal hospital, and also President Wu's most proud work. From the perspective of professional ability alone, he is indeed a rare talent!"

Yan Hai's right eyelid couldn't help twitching.

The leader's speech is best at turning points. No matter how nice the previous speech is, it is useless. The important thing is to listen to the leader's speech but the content after it.

Yang Xi has teased this Dean Jiang, so, is Dean Jiang so broad-minded that he is willing to let Yang Xi go?

"President Yan, I also heard that the hospital has not signed a formal employment contract with Yang Xi so far, and there is only a training agreement at present, is that true?"

There was no but as expected.

Moreover, this President Jiang is always concerned about Yang Xi's organizational relationship. Could it be that he has misunderstood the new President?

The resistance in Yan Hai's heart could not help but subside a bit.

"That's true..." Yan Hai sighed and reported: "The courtyard has long planned to apply for a career establishment for Yang Xi, but Yang Xi has been procrastinating. If you say that he doesn't care about it, it seems That’s not right, Professor Su Dongmingsu’s olive branch from Provincial People’s Hospital has already been stuffed into his hand, and he didn’t respond at all.”

Jiang Shan nodded and replied: "I've heard of these things. This kid is eccentric, and his thoughts will never be limited to the conventional. Geniuses are like this. He doesn't have a maverick personality. Then It’s not worthy of the title of genius.”

Yan Hai nodded in agreement.

Jiang Shan continued: "Okay, this matter, even if he Yang Xi gave me a test question for the new dean, if he dares to ask, then I dare to do it. I don't ask for full marks, I hope I pass."

Yan Hai was overwhelmed by Jiang Shan's open-mindedness, and the resistance that still existed in his heart just now was gone now.

"Dean Jiang, how can I cooperate?"

Jiang Shan pondered for a moment, and said: "I guess, the fermentation period of this matter will not be too long, now is the time for internal medicine rounds and surgery, and when the various departments are busy with the things at hand, I am afraid they will flock to the administrative building to ask for help. Let's talk!"

Yan Hai looked at his watch subconsciously, and responded: "It's ten past nine o'clock now, I guess we still have an hour of preparation time."

Jiang Shan waved his hand and said, "There is no need to make special preparations, just tell the truth. I am a new dean who has just taken office, and the bench has not been warmed by his buttocks. Can he handle it correctly? Let them give me two days , go to various departments and walk around, it is always necessary to fully familiarize yourself with the hospital! Besides, after they make such a fuss, the tricky things will no longer be tricky, Dean Yan, think about it, then Director Wang Seeing so many people speaking for Xiao Zhong, can he not be afraid?"

(End of this chapter)

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