I'm a god of medicine

Chapter 515 Don't Underestimate This King 8

Chapter 515 Don't Underestimate This Bastard
Two laparoscopic surgeries and one conventional surgeries were scheduled on Tuesday morning.

Yesterday, Lian Xiangdong and Dai Hui got addicted to the new equipment, and today it will be Chi Xiang's turn to say anything.

There is also Guan Beishan, a trainee doctor from Sushan County People's Hospital who claims to be Yang Xi's loyal fan, iron fan, and diamond fan. He is an old acquaintance, and he has to take care of him no matter what.

"I'll take care of the house with Lao Te, you can go at ease." Lian Xiangdong was very rare not to fight or fight, and took the initiative to give up the opportunity to others.

Yang Xi intends to let Chi Xiang be the first assistant in the two laparoscopic surgeries, but Chi Xiang has self-knowledge. His routine surgeries are passable, but he has done too few laparoscopic surgeries and his basic skills are not solid enough, so he should start with the gun .

That's right, not just anyone can be like him, Yang Xi, who has a super talent for manipulating the cavity mirror.If you want to improve your skills quickly, you should first watch more and then practice more. If you are familiar with Corey's practice equipment, you will have the confidence to stand in the first aid position.

Yang Xi gave Chi Xiang an OK gesture of approval, and then personally helped Gao Yong.

Now, that Gao Yong is amazing. It would be a little too much to say that his performance on stage is the same every day, but if he compares it with last week, it can make people see his obvious improvement.

Two major indicators.

One is that sweating is significantly reduced.

The second is that the invalid movements during the operation are significantly reduced.

Especially with Yang Xi helping him, Gao Yong's performance was even more perfect.

In the anesthesia area, Yin Wei folded his arms and squinted, staring at the display screen after watching Gao Yong's first operation, and said with emotion: "Boss Gao, it's too much, it's almost enough to have a Yang monster in your department, you have to give it to me." Leave a mouthful for someone else to eat."

Gao Yong laughed and said: "Where, where, compared with your fellow brothers, I am still far behind."

Yin Wei's entire face was filled with the word contempt, and he shook his head and sighed: "The world is getting worse, people's hearts are not old! I didn't expect that even you Gao Dadou became so hypocritical."

Yang Xi answered seriously: "In your brother Yin's opinion, is Boss Gao a big change or a small change?"

Yin Wei held back his laughter, and echoed, "At first glance, it looks like a big change, take a closer look..."

Itinerant nurse Wen Yanyan blurted out, "It's still a big change."

Gao Yong said with a sullen face: "The operating room is very important, joking is strictly prohibited." Turning his face around, he gave Yang Xi another look, but he couldn't hold it back and let out a snort.

Regardless of whether he has undergone major changes or minor changes, it is a great joy that his surgical skills have been appreciated by that bastard Yin Wei.

In the second laparoscopic surgery, Gao Yong performed even better. A laparoscopic radical operation for gallbladder cancer was turned into an ordinary cholecystectomy by him in terms of time.

50 minutes, seems to owe a little.

Chi Xiang couldn't help but shook his head and sighed. In his previous hospital, laparoscopic surgery was used to treat a gallbladder stone patient within 50 minutes, which was already a remarkable level.

It's just that Yang Xi and Gao Yong's surgical skills are super high, and Chi Xiang can accept it calmly. After all, Yang Xi is a man of heaven, and Gao Yonggui is the director of the department, so his level is naturally much higher than others.

However, it has been a week since he came to the city hospital's oncology surgery department. He has seen Lu Haoming's performance on stage and Lian Xiangdong's surgical level, and his impression is only one sentence.

Completely inconsistent with seniority!

Let me talk about Dr. Nalu first. He is just an attending doctor with less than five years of experience, but his skills and self-confidence on the operating table are even better than the director of the department in the hospital where he was before.

Besides, the old butt is facing east.

In the year of his undergraduate internship, Lian Xiangdong almost gave up his surgical internship in order to test himself.And after three years of master's degree, there should be very few opportunities for him to get exercise in clinical surgery.

And the general surgery department of the municipal hospital is not like the general surgery department of the traditional Chinese medicine hospital where Chi Xiang works. There are few doctors, but there are more opportunities to practice on stage. The opportunity to exercise that he has seized is definitely not as good as Chi Xiang.

However, Nalian Xiangdong's surgical skills were not inferior to him at all, and he had even left him behind in terms of laparoscopic surgery.

Fortunately, I was wise and seized the opportunity to enter this demon's den, otherwise, it wouldn't take long for that old butt to trample me under my feet.

The third operation was mastectomy. This time, Chi Xiang didn't give in, and took the initiative to stand in the first assistant position.

"You come and I come?" Gao Yong asked, while wearing gloves, he rushed to the position of the chief surgeon.

There are many sutures and ligatures in breast cancer resection, and the first assistant's cooperation requirements are relatively high. This is also the main reason why Yang Xi was able to exhaust Director Ma when he started hanging.

Chi Xiang's basic skills in abdominal surgery are quite solid, but he has never had breast cancer surgery. Although he made up for it with a book last night, he still felt a strong sense of unfamiliarity when he came on stage.

Fortunately, Gao Yong's level is right there. Although he was hindered by the first assistant's unfamiliarity with the operation, he moved his mouth to remind and guide while operating, and the operation was relatively smooth after one operation.

But that Chi Xiang, when Gao Yong finished sewing the last stitch, slumped down on the floor.

The physical consumption is not a big problem, but the mental consumption is really too much for Chi Xiang.

Looking at Chi Xiang whose chest and back were already soaked, Gao Yong smiled and said, "It doesn't matter, I'll get used to it after a few more sets."

Chi Xiang gave Yang Xi a sad look.

Yesterday afternoon, when Yang Xi took him for surgery, he didn't put so much pressure on him. Now it seems that it's not because of Chi Xiang's solid foundation, but that Yang Xi is obviously taking care of him.

That plaintive glance was clearly a protest to Yang Xi, I, Chi Xiang, don't need to be taken care of, as long as I can improve my surgical skills as soon as possible, no matter how much you abuse me, I will gladly accept it.

Yang Xi understood the meaning of Chi Xiang's eyes, but smiled slightly, brother, you are not qualified to be abused by the young master!Just wait, when you reach Lu Laotu's current level, it won't be too late for my master to let you taste the feeling of being abused.

After the operation was completed, thinking about the promise he made to Tudou Zhong Shilin, Yang Xi rejected Gao Yong's invitation to smoke a cigarette before going back, hurriedly changed his clothes, and returned to the 18th floor.

The door to the doctor's office was locked?
Yang Xi took out the key and opened the office door, only to see that Lian Xiangdong and Dai Hui were lying on the ground with their buttocks pouted head to head, teasing a turtle.

"Isn't it fun?" Yang Xi was furious.

That tortoise is not too big, and has no special features. It is not worthy of being a pet if it is talking about eating, but it can't eat a few bites of meat.

Lian Xiangdong chuckled, raised his head and responded: "Young Master Xi, don't underestimate this bastard, after all, it's also a turtle!"

(End of this chapter)

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