I'm a god of medicine

Chapter 50 1 Must Be Calm

Chapter 50 Be Calm
It was three days in a flash.

In the past three days, the system did not torment Yang Xi out of depression.

In the task of the day, the most core 12-minute running requirement reached 3200 meters.

What concept?
More than 20 years ago, the national football team required a physical fitness test. The 12-minute run was one of them. If you ran 2900 meters, you were qualified, and if you ran 3100 meters, you were excellent. Yang Xi's 3200-meter standard...

Think about it, at 11 minutes and 59 seconds, the outstanding players of the national football team were still 100 meters away from Yang Xi, and at this distance, I am afraid that even Yang Xi's fart smell could not be smelled.

Not only is the 12-minute running standard raised absurdly, but the exercise requirements for push-ups and squat jumps have also almost doubled.In addition, from time to time, I have to come to the last two or three temporary tasks.

It's also thanks to Yang Xi's background is really good, since junior high school, his only entertainment is to play basketball, this is also helpless, who made Vice President Yang and Teacher Zhou so eager to hope that their son will become a dragon?When Yang Xi went to university, although he got rid of Vice President Yang and Teacher Zhou, but because he spent the money of his sister-in-law Xu Rujin, Yang Xi could save as much as he could. He was reluctant to change to a decent new mobile phone, let alone buy a gaming laptop. Therefore, during his five years in college, his only form of entertainment was basketball.

However, during the year in Liuquan Town, Yang Xi was obviously lazy, otherwise, completing the system's daily tasks and temporary tasks would be a piece of cake.

On Monday, at eight o'clock exactly, the system had just dispatched the task for the day, and Yang Xi, who had been waiting for a long time in the only park in the town, started running.While running, I looked at the electronic watch on my wrist. When it took 11 minutes and 50 seconds, an electronic sound sounded in my ear, reminding Yang Xi that he had completed the 12-minute running task.

Then, Yang Xi spent another half an hour to complete the other two tasks.

After returning to the kennel and scrubbing it clean, Yang Xi lay on the bed, took out his mobile phone, opened the official APP of the National Medical Examination Network, entered the candidate number and password, and completed the login. Yang Xi saw his test scores.

What a dazzling 599 points!
What the hell, why is the person who got this score so good?
After confirming that the examinee's scores had been released, Yang Xi calmed down and rested for about ten minutes, then changed his clothes, rode on the dilapidated bicycle, and drove to the town hospital.

Today's work content is quite a lot, and each item is extremely important.

At 10:30, Dean Lin will hold a meeting of the whole hospital to commend Yang Xi.

Before that, Yang Xi had to collect gambling debts one by one. A total of 25 yuan for 1 people is not an easy task.

In the afternoon, I have to go to Dawu Town. Yang Xi doesn't care about the banners and ribbons. All he cares about is the bottle of Moutai in the bet.

The town hospital has no shortage of expert talents who are good at gossip. Therefore, after three consecutive days of spreading and fermenting on Thursday afternoon, Friday, Saturday and Sunday, Yang Xi has reason to believe that the legend about the number one scholar has already spread in the hospital. The inside boils.As for the gambling debts, it is just a matter of individual labor. If each department walks around, all 25 debts can be recovered within an hour at most.

Unexpectedly, in front of the first target, Yang Xi suffered a lot.

When Li Xingzhou from the Second Internal Medicine Department heard that Yang Xi was here to collect debts, he immediately changed his face. First, Lai said the bet was just a joke, but later he turned his face and accused Yang Xi of affecting his normal work.

Yang Xi was very angry.

And Li Xingzhou was even more annoyed.

This is the fourth time he has taken the exam, and he just found out the score, which is 360 points.This score is not up or down, just hovering on the score line, very hopeful to pass the qualifying exam, and very likely to be eliminated again.Without Yang Xi, Li Xingzhou would still be quite satisfied with his results. After all, he has improved by more than 30 points compared to last year, and he still has a good chance of passing the test. There is no reason to be unhappy.

However, there happened to be such an evildoer as Yang Xi, who easily and casually scored 599 points in the test, what the hell, do you think there is justice in this world?

Yang Xi suffered from Li Xingzhou's side, but he did not lose confidence, and then found the second place, Sun Zaiquan, who is also in the second internal department.

No accident, another guy who fell out with Yang Xi because of 400 yuan.

The third place is from the Department of Stomatology, Qian Wei.

The fourth place is Jiang Shujuan from the Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology.

It was like an appointment, no one wanted to talk to Yang Xi at all.

In fact, these 25 people really made a joint agreement.

Looking at the problem from a middle ground, these 25 people are really aggrieved.They are all colleagues from the same hospital, and they went to take the exam together. You, Yang Xi, got the top score in the exam, and you can hold your head up to the sky, but as for us, only 5 of them passed 360 points, and the rest have to pin their hopes on you. To fight again in the coming year, the registration fee plus review materials will cost 2000 yuan no matter what.You said, we are all so pitiful, why the hell are you still cutting our leeks?Where is morality?
At five minutes to ten, Dean Lin saw an angry Yang Xi in his office. After learning about the situation, Dean Lin also gave similar consolation.After hearing Dean Lin's words, Yang Xi's expression gradually softened.

Dean Lin is quite relieved, this kid is much more mature than before, and he no longer accepts death so much.

"How is the preparation of the speech?" Half an hour later, it will be time for the commendation meeting. At the meeting, Dean Lin specially left 10 minutes for Yang Xi to speak.

Yang Xi replied easily: "Isn't that simple? Don't worry, the preservation is correct in three views, dignified in facial features, in line with traditional concepts, and conforms to the trend of the times."

Dean Lin really wanted to scold you, you little bastard, you want to brag anytime and anywhere, can you die if you don't brag?

However, when the words came to his lips, he swallowed abruptly.

A dean is more afraid of being slapped in the face than ordinary people!
Count with your fingers, how many times have you been beaten by this kid in the past 20 days or a month?Thanks to Lao Tzu's profound skills, he can defuse every time with four or two tricks, but people's luck is always limited. God knows if I won't be able to resolve it next time and will be beaten to the scene of a car accident?

Or Yang Xi is right, in order to preserve the glorious image of Lao Tzu, whenever you encounter something related to this little bastard, you must calm down and speak carefully!

At the same time, the big surgeon's office.

Gao Chao stood in front of the window, staring into the distance, and remained silent for a long time.

Sheng Dajun sat behind him, looking at Gao Gao's back, he couldn't stop sighing.

Gao Chao had already prepared the joint letter requesting the hospital to expel Yang Xi, and handed it to Dean Lin last Wednesday.But who could have imagined him? At noon on Thursday, it was reported that Yang Xi had won the first place in the exam, and he scored a sky-high 599 points.

The rumor was verified in the afternoon of the same day, so many colleagues came to me one after another, saying that they wanted to revoke their signature on the joint letter.

Gao Chao is worried!
I don't want to revoke it?
But that old guy surnamed Lin actually made an excuse that he lost the joint letter and couldn't return it.

Grass, this is clearly playing with people!
(End of this chapter)

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