I'm a god of medicine

Chapter 5 System Status

Chapter 5 System Status

Dean Lin grabbed a ball of gauze and wanted to seal the hole in the abdominal wall that was bubbling with blood, but it couldn't be sealed, and the gauze was soaked in blood in just a second or two.

"The patient's blood pressure has dropped drastically. Dean Lin, it's only fifty or seventy now." Anesthesiologist Li Ying's voice trembled unconsciously.

Dean Lin shouted eagerly: "Pressure blood transfusion! Pressurize transfusion!"

But everyone knew that the quicker the mending, the faster the leakage. If the bleeding could not be stopped quickly, the life of the wounded would probably come to an end within a few minutes.

How to be good?
Dean Lin's thinking is in chaos, although he can still make a clear judgment. According to the wounded part and the bleeding speed of the wounded, it can be judged that the injured organ is probably the spleen. The only way to save the wounded's life at this moment is to open it. The abdominal cavity, the splenic artery was sutured and the spleen was resected.

However, the dean can't do it!

The dean has never performed a splenectomy before!

At this moment, Yang Xi was very contradictory and sad, and he also judged that the steel drill should have injured the patient's spleen, otherwise, the bleeding would never have been so violent.

Director Qin has not yet arrived, if the patient dies on the operating table, the responsibility can only be borne by the town hospital itself, and as a result, the three-month bonus for the general practice will be withheld.If it is not handled properly afterwards, causing conflicts between doctors and patients, it is not impossible to lose the bonus for half a year.

However, splenectomy is a level 2 operation, which doesn't match the system's daily tasks!
Or, use a level 2 surgical skill card to save the wounded man on the stage?However, the level 2 skill card is worth 1 yuan, and the three-month department is less than 4000 yuan, and only 8000 yuan for half a year...

What's the matter, it's not worth it!

You don’t have to scold me for lack of medical ethics and don’t know the benevolence of doctors, and you don’t have to scold me for forgetting your duty of saving lives and helping the wounded. You are only a low-level doctor in the most basic hospital, and you can’t get 3500 yuan a month even with salary and bonus. , I am so poor that I don't even dare to flirt with my young lady, how can I talk about the benevolence of a doctor to save lives and heal the wounded!

【Ding!The system dispatched a temporary task, asking the host to use the general surgery level 2 surgical skill card to complete the splenectomy and successfully save the patient's life.Please select 1 to reject the task, and select 2 to accept the task. 】

Maybe it's because Yang Xi has the benevolence of a doctor, maybe it's because Yang Xi likes the generous reward after completing the temporary task. In short, at this moment, he made a choice without hesitation.


Dean Lin, who was in the chaos, was startled suddenly, and said in a daze, "What did you say?"

But at this time, a virtual interface appeared in front of Yang Xi's eyes. He stretched out his finger, clicked on [My Treasure Box], selected the level 2 surgical skill card, and then clicked on [Confirm Use].

Dean Lin was greatly astonished, this kid actually scolded me as a second child?How dare you point my nose in front of so many people?

【Ding!From Dean Lin Tong'an's mood swings, charm value +15. 】

【Ding!It comes from the mood swings of Wang Juan, the equipment nurse, with a charm value of +6. 】

But at this time, Yang Xi has entered the system state, and he is completely at a loss for these side details.


Equipment nurse Wang Juan was in shock and did not respond.

Yang Xi started directly, took the tissue scissors from the instrument table, picked up the mosquito forceps, and cut open the peritoneum with two clicks.Then, the left hand took the retractor to open the surgical field, and the right hand penetrated into the abdominal cavity of the wounded, and pinched the wounded's splenic artery.

"Aspirator, clean up the surgical area. Long-leg vascular forceps." In the first half of the sentence, Yang Xi greeted Dean Lin, and in the second half of the sentence, he ordered the equipment nurse to hand him the surgical instruments he needed.

Dean Lin was stunned and did not move at all, but the thoughts in his heart were tumbling, what a bastard, you can point to my nose and scold me, but you even decided to cut the wounded man's peritoneum... whatever, whatever Alright, this wounded man has both good and bad, and you should take the blame for it all!
Wang Juan, the equipment nurse, ignored Yang Xi. At this time, she was sorting out Yang Xi's funeral.This kid is really stupid. I don't know when he pointed at Dean Lin's nose and scolded Dean Lin... Well, but he was right, Dean Lin was indeed a bit of a dick.

Yang Xi, who was in the system state, didn't care about what to say to Dean Lin and the equipment nurse. He still pinched the wounded's splenic artery with his right hand, discarded the retractor with his left hand, picked up the suction device, and sucked up the accumulated blood in the wounded's abdominal cavity. .

"Blood pressure has stabilized!" As soon as the monotonous aspirator noise fell, the anesthesiologist Li Ying's surprised voice sounded in the operating room: "Dean Lin, the bleeding has stopped, and the patient's blood pressure is slowly rising!"

【Ding!From the mood swings of anesthesiologist Li Ying, the charm value is +8. 】

【Ding!From Dean Lin Tong'an's mood swings, charm value +12. 】

Yang Xi made enough food and clothing by himself, and then grabbed a long-legged vascular forceps from the instrument table, and in a state of blindness, just relying on the feel of the hand, clamped the wounded's splenic artery with a 'click' sound.

"Small round needle, four-gauge thread, suture the splenic artery."

It is completely professionalism. Just when Yang Xi grabbed the vascular forceps and was about to clamp the splenic artery, Wang Juan, the equipment nurse, had subconsciously threaded the needle and set the thread. He handed over the needle holder holding the small round needle.

It is still blindsight, and it still can only rely on the touch.

But Yang Xi was as relaxed as if he was sewing skin.

Two stitches were sutured, the vascular clamp was loosened in situ, and the splenic artery was cut off after confirming that there was no further bleeding, and the splenic ligament was freed.

Dean Lin was like a mallet, standing in the position of the main knife, but he could only mechanically pull the hook for Yang Xi.

In less than 10 minutes, the spleen of the wounded was completely removed.

After flushing the abdominal cavity with normal saline, and checking that there was no trauma to other organs that needed to be dealt with, Yang Xi performed abdominal drainage for the wounded and prepared to close the abdomen to end the operation.

【Ding!Congratulations to the host for completing the temporary task, gaining 40 experience points and three lucky draw opportunities. 】

Director Qin from the Municipal Hospital appeared in the operating room at the same time as the system electronic sound.

"The operation is over? Spleen cut?" Director Qin's surprised tone was mixed with a little unhappiness.

That's right, I came all the way in a hurry, not to mention the tire puncture, and I haven't got the hard money for the operation, so I won't be happy if I put it on anyone.

Hearing Director Qin's voice, Dean Lin immediately changed his face, smiled and dropped the instrument in his hand, stepped back from the operating table, and said to Yang Xi: "You can do the rest by yourself, young doctor. Well, we have to start with switching belly." Then he explained to Director Qin: "There was an accident on stage, and I can't wait for you, so I can only do it with Dr. Yang, thanks to Director Qin, It turned out pretty well, pretty well.”

After stepping off the stage, Dean Lin took off his gloves and mask, took off his surgical gown, came to Director Qin's side, and whispered something in Director Qin's ear.

Director Qin's expression softened after hearing this.

【Ding!Mood swings from Chief Physician Qin Gewei, charisma +30. 】

Yang Xi, who had just finished the system status, glanced at the backs of the two big guys who had already walked to the door of the operating room, and couldn't help but wryly smiled.

Look at Dean Lin, who is very good at talking, and he took all the credit for this operation with an understatement that he couldn't fault it.

And Director Qin must have heard Dean Lin's promise that the operation fee will remain the same as before, which caused such strong emotional fluctuations.

(End of this chapter)

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