I'm a god of medicine

Chapter 486 Really Lucky

Chapter 486 Really Lucky

From a quarter past ten to twelve o'clock, Yang Xi and Gao Yong had seen 37 patients.

Just like yesterday, the harvest is full.

This harvest does not simply refer to how much benefit the department has earned for the hospital, but more to correct the wrong treatment plan for as many as 15 patients.

From the data, the three-year survival rate and five-year survival rate of cancer patients in Huaguo are far lower than those of the imperialists in the United States. On the imperialist side of the United States, the three-year survival rate and five-year survival rate of all tumor patients reached 80.00% respectively. A few percent and nearly 70.00%, but in Huaguo, these two figures have dropped by nearly half, to more than 50.00% and less than 40.00%.

what reason?
Most people may say that the medical level of the American imperialists is much higher than that of our Huaguo.

Actually it is not.

Hua Guo also imported all the medicines from the Mi imperialists, and all the equipment from the Mi imperialists were not lacking on the Hua country. The surgical methods mastered by the Mi imperialists, our Chinese surgeons immediately You can learn it well, and on the operating table, you can only do better than the American guys, and will never do worse than the American guys.

If it's not a level issue, then what's the issue?

Some bigwigs in the industry said it right.

Different diseases have different survival rates.

A good reason.

For example, American people have a high incidence of prostate cancer, while Chinese people have a much lower incidence of prostate cancer than American imperialists, and the degree of malignancy of prostate cancer is relatively mild. If you treat it casually, you can live for more than three years. Objectively speaking It has indeed improved their five-year and three-year survival rate.

But the problem is, just talking about prostate cancer, Huaguo's five-year and three-year survival rate is not as good as that of the American imperialists, and the gap is not small. How can this be explained?
Another big guy stood up and spoke.

race issue.

Are foreign devils inherently noble or something?
The Fusang country across the sea is very close to the Hua country in terms of race. Why is the five-year and three-year survival rate of people with the same disease much higher than that in Hua country?
If you question this, the big guys in the industry are just laughing and taking you around, let's go back to the medical level!
Not enough, then let's use the economic level to suppress all doubts.

When it comes to the gap in economic level, most Chinese people can no longer question it.

But there are still a few people who can see clearly and dare to continue to question.

The economic level of the imperial capital of China is not low, and all the foreign patients who go there to see a doctor are not short of money. However, the statistical results after treatment still show that the five-year and three-year The survival rate is still far lower than others.

What is the reason for this?

It may seem confusing and incomprehensible, but it is actually very simple.

It is a fact that the overall level of medical care is not as good as that of others. It is also a fact that there are differences in diseases and races. It is even more true that the economic level cannot keep up. Many people look down on diseases and medicines.

But these factors are not 51, they can only be 49 at most.

The root cause lies in Huaguo's medical system.

On the side of imperialism, almost all large hospitals will combine emerging marginal specialties such as surgery, radiotherapy, chemotherapy, and biological therapy to form a tumor diagnosis and treatment center, and implement the MDT (Multidisciplinary Joint Consultation) system. Every cancer patient who comes to see a doctor must be fully discussed, and the most reasonable treatment plan will be worked out, which will be implemented with the cooperation of various professional medical teams.

In China, cancer patients without resources can only try their luck. The doctors in the chemotherapy department will say that chemotherapy should be done, the doctors in the radiotherapy department will say that radiotherapy should be done, and the doctors in the surgery department will only look at the difficulty of the operation. If it is easy to do, then stay, and if it is difficult or risky, just say that you have lost the chance of surgery and dismiss it easily.

Whether it is true or not, only God knows.

And those cancer patients with money and resources are not much better. Yes, they can find many big-name experts for consultation, but today they listened to Director Zhang San’s speech, and tomorrow they listened to Dr. Li Si’s explanation. I found Wang Ermazi again the day after tomorrow... Everyone has their own understanding. For the patient, it's no wonder that he doesn't get dizzy. In the end, he still can't escape a chance.

No need to complain about the doctor either.

There are specialists in surgery, those who do chemotherapy don’t understand radiotherapy, those who do radiotherapy don’t know how to perform surgery, and those who know how to perform surgery don’t know how to do chemotherapy and radiotherapy at all.

Don't blame the hospital either.

The MDT system has long been promoted in municipal hospitals, but none of them can do well.Determined by the cultural genes of Chinese people, the so-called high EQ is not to offend others. Do you want three big names from different majors to sit down and have an academic debate over an irrelevant patient?I don't know if the dean's brain is short-circuited, or if we big-name directors have taken the wrong medicine.

Therefore, these patients who 'believed' in the newspaper propaganda and found Yang Xi were really lucky.

The three virtual e-books about radiotherapy and chemotherapy provided by Xiaodianzi to Yang Xi are really not available in the market, and their content is very close to clinical practice and absolutely objective.And because after Yang Xi used the super memory card, there are still some residual effects. After reading it repeatedly, I dare not say that I can remember it [-]%, but I have mastered it nine out of ten.

And medicine, especially clinical medicine, is quite similar to the martial arts cheats in martial arts novels. Even if people without talent and foundation practice day and night, they will not be able to achieve much in ten or eight years. People of the second vein can achieve a peerless skill with just a few casual glances.

Among them, the most core is a perception.

Yang Xi's savvy is not bad at all, otherwise, it would be impossible for him to practice all kinds of tricks just by watching the NBA live broadcast, and in medicine, he was inspired by the little epileptic, and his savvy is comparable to that of ordinary people. Compared, it is simply standing on the top of Mount Tai, looking at all the small mountains.

Therefore, at this time, Yang Xi can be said to be a top-notch existence in the field of surgery, and in the field of radiotherapy and chemotherapy, he is also at the level of a city-level expert.

The three main specialties are integrated into one body, and there is no need to argue when facing tumor patients. The most correct treatment plan is ready to come out after the eyes roll around twice.

"It's twelve o'clock, should the patients behind wait a little longer to give Dr. Yang Xi some time to eat and drink?" Nie Yadi pushed a treatment cart to the free clinic and stopped the latter patient, and placed two sets of boxed lunches on the trolley in front of Yang Xi Gao Yong. "12:30, leave half an hour for Dr. Yang Xi to rest, is that okay?"

Don't say that Nie Yadi's attitude is very kind, even if it is very blunt, the patients will not say a word of no.

But Yang Xi said: "Let's start at a quarter past twelve, have a meal, go to the bathroom, and smoke a cigarette by the way, 15 minutes is enough!"

(End of this chapter)

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