I'm a god of medicine

Chapter 484 I'm Really Jealous Of Him

Chapter 484 I'm Really Jealous Of Him

Just like a fan meeting an idol, when Yang Xi appeared in the outpatient hall, more than [-] cancer patients who were originally quiet could not help but become agitated.

Everyone wants to be closer to Dr. Yang Xi, and it is best for him to hear his warm greeting.

Yang Xi was quite understanding, accompanied by Gao Yong, and followed by Director Nie Yadi Miao, he did not go straight to the free clinic, but walked around the clinic hall.

After turning around, I turned my head and looked, huh?What about the two leaders Nie Miao behind him?

These patients are really urine.

Dr. Yang Xi is their life-saving hope, of course they can't squeeze him. Director Gao is Dr. Yang Xi's right-hand man and should be taken care of. As for the two leaders behind them... I'm sorry, I'm so sorry, you guys The two of you shouldn't be following Dr. Yang Xi and Director Gao. We really didn't mean to squeeze you two out of your way.

After meeting the expectations of the patients, Yang Xi and Gao Yong began to see patients.

With yesterday's experience, today's efficiency has been significantly improved when dealing with this type of patients who have a definite diagnosis or are receiving treatment or have already received treatment.

About 10 to 3 patients can be seen in 4 minutes.

Yang Xi has already started the [Intelligent Diagnosis Program], therefore, there will be no mistakes in checking the patient's previous diagnosis, and it will not take long. For him, the main communication with the patient is whether the operation can be performed or not. question.

Even so, for tumor diseases, the communication time between doctors and patients of 2 or 3 minutes is still much shorter.

Yang Xi still has a lot to explain, but he can only be bored in his stomach due to time constraints. The patient still has many questions, but looking at the patients behind him, he can only sigh and get up.

Fortunately, every patient who sees Yang Xi can get a Yang Xi business card with Yang Xi’s WeChat QR code printed on it, and then Dr. Yang Xi’s WeChat can be added. Dr. Yang Xi promised that as long as he After freeing up time, he will take the initiative to contact the patient, continue to answer the patient's questions, and guide the patient to fight against cancer.


Next to the railing on the second floor of the outpatient hall, Wu Hongmei put one hand on the railing and turned to look at Yan Hai, the vice president of business, who was walking towards her.

"Is it all arranged?"

Yan Hai nodded and said, "I've been secretly filming the two of them as soon as they left the operating room. I have arranged four camera positions in the outpatient clinic, which are absolutely concealed."

Wu Hongmei nodded and said with a smile: "This is a historic day. For Yang Xi, this is the day when he leaped over the Dragon Gate. For our hospital, it is also the day when the phoenix is ​​reborn. Starting today, our municipal hospital Oncology surgery will occupy a dominant position in nearly 20 prefecture-level cities in Jiangbei City and Jianghai Economic Zone. Taking it as the leader of the discipline will also greatly enhance the academic status of other surgical departments in our hospital... Hahaha..." The more I talk, the happier I am After all, Wu Hongmei couldn't hold back, and burst into hearty laughter.

Yan Hai followed: "I think back then, when you supported Director Gao in creating oncology surgery, you were also gossiped by the leaders of other hospitals, saying that Gao Yong was stupid and embarrassing, and Yang Xi's personality made it difficult to become a great weapon...I really want to think about it now." Ask a few of them, doesn't that old face hurt?"

Wu Hongmei smiled and said: "To be honest, I didn't have that much confidence at the time. It was only because I trusted Director Ma that I made such a decision. Many times, when making an important decision, I often take a gamble. If you win the bet, that is a wise decision. If you lose the bet, there is nothing you can do about it. You can only accept the bet and deserve to be poked behind the back. But there is one thing that must not be shaken..."

Yan Hai answered in time: "The starting point! Just like Director Ma, everything you do is for the good of the department and the collective interests of the hospital."

Wu Hongmei nodded in agreement, then pointed to Yang Xi downstairs, and said: "After the old horse fell ill, he called me to his ward one day. The two of us chatted with this boy for more than two hours. The old horse and I Said that the reason why he recommended Yang Xi to take over his class was not only because of the kid's surgical talent, but also because of his spirit." Wu Hongmei was slightly satisfied, and turned to look at Yan Hai asked, "Can you understand what spirit the old horse is talking about?"

Yan Hai opened his mouth, but showed a lack of confidence. After hesitating for a moment, he shook his head and said, "I think it's the spirit of being willing to suffer for the collective benefit, but... I feel that I haven't said enough yet."

Wu Hongmei said with emotion: "It's really not in place! Those of us who are the leaders of the hospital, including his old horse, always think about the word interests every day. The interests of the hospital, the interests of the departments, and the interests of the medical staff are the only ones that we think about. He ignored the interests of the patients alone, and Yang Xi always had a cunning appearance, only thinking of taking advantage of others, and never willing to suffer for himself, but that was just the appearance, just used to cover up his innermost feelings. A show of stock spirit."

After a short pause, Wu Hongmei continued: "Lao Ma told me that for so many years, Yang Xi is the only doctor he has seen who puts the interests of patients in the highest position! I couldn't believe it at first, but the first two days , I had a deep talk with Gao Yong, and only then did I understand why Yang Xi misses Liuquan Town Hospital so much and is so hard to let go of."

Yan Hai frowned and stared, and asked: "Yeah, I still can't figure this out."

Wu Hongmei took a deep breath, calmed down, and said: "He has an ideal, summed up in eight words, to practice medicine for the heavens, to rob the rich and help the poor, and Dean Lin of Liuquan Town Hospital has the same vision as him. "

"Practicing medicine for heaven, robbing the rich and helping the poor..." Yan Hai couldn't help murmuring, then raised his head suddenly, and said to Wu Hongmei, "President Wu, don't say I'm hypocritical. My heart is churning, I really want to cry?"

Wu Hongmei smiled bitterly, and said, "Why am I not? That day, when Gao Yong said these eight words to me, tears welled up in my eyes. Isn't this exactly what you and I dreamed of when we chose to apply for medical school?" ?However, time has passed, the ruthlessness of society has smoothed our edges and corners, and our ideals have long been left in the most remote corners of our minds. Up to now, we can only live for interests, personal interests, departmental interests, It is really sad that the interests of the hospital have become the whole of our work and life!"

Yan Hai took a few deep breaths, then looked at Yang Xi downstairs, smiled and said to Wu Hongmei: "President Wu, look at him, he was surrounded by so many patients just after the operation, it's very hard, Very tired, but his smile is so sincere, I, I really envy him!"

(End of this chapter)

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