I'm a god of medicine

Chapter 475 The Shameless Only The Two of them

Chapter 475 The Shameless Only The Two Of Them
At 06:30 p.m., Yin Wei and Lu Haoming came to the third floor of the cafeteria together with Xiangdong and opened the door of the No. 1 private room.

Boss Gao informed that President Wu is treating guests to dinner tonight, and the three of you will not be late.

"Huh? Boss Gao speaks harshly, but he was late first."

"Is Boss Gao's department director for nothing? If you don't put on a show, won't you be looked down upon by your old rabbit Lu?"

Lian Xiangdong glanced at the two of them, smiled contemptuously, and said, "The Yanque An Zhihong told you his ambition... I bet, Boss Gao must be guarding the hospital gate now."

Yin Wei asked suspiciously: "It's so cold, what is he doing at the gate? Do you want to practice the gatekeeper skill?"

Lu Haoming suddenly said: "You mean that Boss Gao is waiting for Xi Shao to come back?"

Just as he was talking, Gao Yong pushed the door open and entered. The moment he entered the room, he immediately frowned.

"Hurry up and turn on the TV! Jiangbei News, we have an exclusive interview."

Lian Xiangdong reacted very quickly, immediately found the remote control, turned on the TV, and switched to Jiangbei TV Station.

The news has just started. According to the rules, the first third of the content should be about the busy leaders of the city, and the middle third should be about the happiness of the people of the city, such as the news just received by this station. The content should be placed in the last third of the program.

Fortunately, the news program on the city-level TV station is only 15 minutes long, so it won't make everyone wait too long.

"Let's play a message that our station just received..."

The four people in the room quickly cheered up.

"Last month, a sanitation worker in our city suffered a sudden cardiac arrest while cleaning the road near the municipal hospital at four o'clock in the morning... The judgment of the district court sparked debate among the people of our city. A retrial has been conducted, let us go to the courtroom to see the results of the retrial."

The TV camera switched to the trial scene.

The trial judge solemnly pronounced the verdict: "This court's judgment is as follows..."

Lian Xiangdong muttered impatiently: "Your sister, why can't you fast forward? My earwax is almost coming out from his nagging."

After the trial judge's sentence was played, the camera switched back to the studio.

"Our reporter interviewed the parties involved in this case, Dr. Yang Xi from the Oncology Department of the Municipal Hospital, and Director Nie Yadi, Director of the Medical Affairs Department of the Municipal Hospital. Let us listen to their views on the results of the retrial."

The TV screen returned to the trial scene again.

A beautiful and dignified female reporter held up a microphone and asked, "Hello, Doctor Yang, we noticed that after the announcement of the first-instance judgment of this case last week, many people complained about your injustice, and the topic of losing money to save lives even rushed to the top of the hot search list. , I would like to ask what kind of mood you were in at that time?"

In front of the TV camera, Yang Xi is in a suit and leather shoes, gentle and elegant.

"To be honest, I don't think there is any grievance. As a doctor, it is my duty to save lives and heal the wounded. Whether it is in or out of the hospital, or during working hours or off-duty hours, as long as patients need it, we doctors One should rush forward without hesitation."

That's a good thing to say...
The four big men in the room were quite moved.

"As for the first-instance punishment, I think it makes sense. I, Yang Xi, are known as No. 1 in Jiangbei surgery in the industry. I can easily lead a team to win the city's regular training doctor skills competition, and I can also set a record of 8 minutes to complete the hepatic artery. The city's record of anastomosis, but I lost my hand while doing cardiopulmonary resuscitation for the patient, so, out of self-blame, I don't think I should have much grievance."

This is saying...

The four big men in the room were even more moved.

Yin Wei sighed softly, and said what everyone felt: "How shameless!"

The TV reporter handed the microphone to Nie Yadi and asked, "Director Nie, on behalf of the hospital, please talk about your views on the results of the retrial."

Nie Yadi cleared his throat and said: "The name of the municipal hospital is just the customary name of the people in Jiangbei. In fact, the official name of our hospital is Jiangbei City No. 1 Civilian Hospital. Since it is a people's hospital, serving the people should be regarded as a The purpose of running the hospital, Dr. Yang's behavior and attitude well interpret the spiritual quality of all medical staff in our hospital..."

Lu Haoming took a deep breath, shook his head slowly, and said, "Boss Gao, do we have to find a chance to clarify that among all the medical staff in the municipal hospital, they are the only two who are shameless!"

Gao Yong nodded seriously.

Lian Xiangdong smashed his lips, and said: "But why do I think it's cool for them to be shameless? Or, count me in? Only the three of us are shameless in the municipal hospital?"

Yin Wei took a sip of tea and said, "Four! I also feel very cool, and I really want to learn from them."

Lu Haoming smiled and said: "Blessings and hardships, since I got on Xishao's thief boat, I don't plan to go down again, add me one, five."

Gao Yong looked around the crowd and snorted coldly: "Are you planning to take my Boss Gao out of the picture? I warn you, there is no door! Who the hell dare to exclude me Boss Gao? I will definitely prevent him from seeing the sun tomorrow." .”

Lian Xiangdong couldn't hold back his heart that wanted to be twitched, and said, "The weather forecast says it will rain and the sun won't come out."

Gao Yong glared angrily, and slowly got up.

Lian Xiangdong sneered, and rushed out of the private room, "Then what, I'll go and see what high-quality ingredients are in the back kitchen..."

Five minutes later, Wu Hongmei and Yan Hai came to the private room talking and laughing, followed by Lian Xiangdong with a proud face.

There are two deans here, let's see if your boss Gao dares to act wildly on this old ass?

After Wu Hongmei sat down, she ordered the cafeteria staff to serve the food, and then asked everyone, "Have you all watched the news?"

Everyone nodded.

Wu Hongmei then smiled and said, "I didn't expect Yang Xi to speak quite well, what do you think?"

Yan Hai followed closely: "Director Nie's speech was also very good, and it really showed the spirit of our hospital."

The faces of the four people suddenly showed varying degrees of sudden expressions.

Those two guys bragged to the TV camera without drafting, and their grotesqueness kept people shaking off goosebumps, but in the eyes of the leaders, they were quite good evaluations.

It seems that the truly shameless spirit has to be carried forward by the leaders!

"Well, I also think that the interview speeches between Yang Xi and Director Nie are very good. Yang Xi seized the opportunity to promote our municipal hospital from a technical level. This is commendable. And Director Nie followed Yang Xi Xi's speech promoted our hospital from a spiritual level, not only a summary of Yang Xi's speech, but also a sublimation on a level." Gao Yong said, serious and serious.

Lao Tzu is the director of the department, and he can be regarded as the middle-level leader of the hospital, so he has to have some shameless spirit.

(End of this chapter)

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