I'm a god of medicine

Chapter 473 Who Makes Our Relationship So Strong?

Chapter 473 Who Makes Our Relationship So Strong?
Yang Xi calmed down, thinking, while observing Yue Wenhui's stitching method, a smug smile gradually appeared on his face.

When suturing the skin, in order to reduce the trauma to the skin, it is important that the needle point is directly on the skin surface and penetrate the skin at a vertical angle as much as possible.Applying this habit to the grape skin, and the grape skin does not have the tension and elasticity of human skin, this kind of needle hole that goes straight up and down is bound to form water seepage.

But if we learn from Yue Wenhui's method of sewing clothes, the needle point will form an angle of 45 degrees or even lower with the grape skin, and then use the tension of the suture, will it solve the problem of water seepage through the needle hole?
I dare not say [-]%, but the theoretical possibility will reach [-]% or [-]%.

Damn, that's so smart... Take the mirror, I must worship it!
Yue Wenhui noticed something strange, looked up, and happened to meet Yang Xi's evil smile.One is Yang Xi, the other is Lian Xiangdong, if these two treasures don't talk to her a few days, that day will be in vain.And at this moment, Yang Xi's wicked smile was a sign of preparing to talk poorly. Instead of passive defense, it is better to take the initiative to attack.

The best defense is offense, which makes sense.

"Young Master Xi, what's wrong with holding back? Let it out, and I promise I won't prick you with needles."

Yang Xi was in a daze, realizing his gaffe, and just about to explain, the guy next to him grabbed Yang Xi's shoulder and shouted: "Xi Shao's underwear has a hole..."

Dare to make fun of my young master?
Yang Xi was not polite at all, twisted his waist and straightened his hips, and staggered Jiang Lian to the east.

Yue Wenhui's reaction was also extremely fast, and immediately made a posture of sticking a needle, waiting for Lian Xiangdong to hit him.


Even Xiang Dong couldn't dodge in time, and his thigh hit Yue Wenhui's twisted fingers.

Yue Wenhui glanced at Dongdong blankly, and said mockingly: "What are you talking about, don't you see that the needle is still on the clothes?"

Lu Haoming said solemnly: "Director Gu took a closer look, it really is so."

Don't talk about fixed eyes, but talk about fixed eyes. Whoever thinks in a wrong way is playing hooligans.

Yang Xi sighed and shook his head. These bastards pretended to be dogs in front of patients, but when they closed the door, they were more than one. Especially when they entered the operating room, as long as it was an operation If it goes well, it becomes a concentration camp for jokes, and it's a combination of meat and vegetables, hot and cold.

"You guys are so hooligans! Damn, I won't be polluted by you." Yang Xi left as soon as he said that, thinking about the stitching method he had just figured out. He really couldn't stand the one-minute delay, and just wanted to buy it quickly. Come and try Grapes.

Lian Xiangdong grabbed Yang Xi, and said: "What are you doing, wait for the boss to come back later, let's have a meal together, and take it as a welcome for Chi Xiang."

Yang Xi shook off Lian Xiangdong, smiled and said, "Why are you so ignorant? Can't you see that I have something important to do quickly?"

Lian Xiangdong said: "To pick up girls?"

Yang Xi sighed, "That's right."

After going to the supermarket to buy two catties of grapes, Yang Xi hid in the dormitory and started practicing.

The first pill achieved quite satisfactory results. The situation of water seepage in the needle hole was greatly improved. Adjust the suture angle and change the suture method. An hour later, Yang Xi uttered a muffled roar, followed by a frenzied laugh.

The grapes that had been sutured and filled with normal saline were soaked up with a paper towel to absorb the water stains on the outside, and then a new paper towel was spread out, the grapes were placed on it, and rolled gently, there was no water mark on the paper towel.

【Ding!Congratulations to the host for completing this week's task and getting the reward...]

Yang Xi, who was in ecstasy, only knew that it was enough to complete the task. Laughing, he didn't care what kind of reward he got.

Well, I have to go to the bathroom to look in the mirror, such a genius, it's really hard not to compliment her.

My lord, this genius is so handsome and handsome, I really envy the dead who don't pay for their lives!
Standing in front of the mirror and being intoxicated, the cell phone thrown on the bed suddenly rang.

"Damn, who the hell is he, why is he so ignorant?" Yang Xi deliberately refused to answer the phone, and was afraid that there was something urgent in Liuquan Town or that there was something wrong with the surgery in another department of the hospital.

Reluctantly saying goodbye to the genius in the mirror, Yang Xi returned to the room and picked up the phone.

Nie Yadi called.

"Leader, it's time for a personal nap, answering your phone call, does it count as overtime?"

Nie Yadi said with a smile: "Forget it, of course, 1 yuan per minute, how about it?"

Yang Xi said: "Could it be Zimbabwean currency?"

Nie Yadi said: "You are so smart, you can guess right."

Yang Xi lit a cigarette and said, "Mosquito legs are also meat. No matter what kind of currency they are, it's good to use them to fold airplanes. Leader, have we talked for [-] minutes?"

Nie Yadi said with a smile: "Okay, I will stop joking with you. At three o'clock in the afternoon, the Intermediate People's Court will re-examine your case and require you to be present. Then what, don't say no, they can explain what they said. As long as you There will definitely be a lot of benefits.”

"A lot of benefits?" Yang Xi suddenly became interested, took a puff of cigarettes, and asked anxiously: "Tell me, what are the benefits?"

Nie Yadi said: "In future cases in our hospital, as long as you speak, the intermediate hospital will definitely take care of them."

Yang Xi smiled disdainfully, and said: "It's just a scene, leader, you won't be so simple and believe it."

Nie Yadi said: "Having such words is better than not having such words, isn't it? Besides, this is only one, and there is another."

Yang Xi said anxiously: "Then you should hurry up and say it, time is precious, and 1 minute is worth 1 yuan."

Nie Yadi laughed happily twice before saying: "After the trial is over, the morning newspaper, evening newspaper, and the city's TV station will conduct an exclusive interview with you and our hospital. Will be given a 3-minute coverage on the news column tonight."

Yang Xi's little heart couldn't help but tremble twice.

Who the hell said that blessings never come together but misfortunes never come singly?
Such a beautiful event, when the young master is about to complete this week's task, can it be said that it is a blessing?
Proper double happiness!

Nowadays, medical care is not allowed to advertise. Whether it is a hospital or a department, if you want to make a publicity through the media, you can only find a relationship and ask a reporter to write a soft article and publish it. The cost is not low, the layout is not good, the audience is not large, and the effect is mediocre.

But the news column of the TV station, as well as the front page headlines of the morning and evening papers, are different.

If you blow it up well, its publicity effect... Hehe, Boss Gao will be softened when he accepts cigarettes.

"Leader, let's talk about it, I'm really not interested in this kind of publicity, but, your leader Nie has spoken, and I, Yang Xi, have to give it to me. Who made our relationship so strong? "

(End of this chapter)

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