I'm a god of medicine

Chapter 471 Do You Like Chi Xiang?

Chapter 471 Do You Like Chi Xiang?
The question is, what can this improvement in system integration do?

The answer is revealed in an instant.

When Yang Xi saw the system mall, he was so shocked that his jaw dropped.

The strongest nirvana - the surgical skill card, has disappeared without a trace.

Instead, it is [Conventional Surgery Design Card] and [Laparoscopic Surgery Design Card].

The price is ridiculously expensive.

[Conventional Surgery Design Card] is priced at 15, while [Laparoscopic Surgery Design Card] is priced at 20.

It’s fine if you don’t have the surgical skill card. Now, for Yang Xi, whether you have that thing is just a matter of whether you can increase your confidence. There is one thing to say, even if you don’t use the surgical skill card, Yang Xi’s surgical level is not bad. How many.

But the question is, what the hell are these two replacement spell design cards?

Does the surgical procedure still need to be designed?

Doesn't that "Huang Jiasi Surgery" explain all the surgical procedures of various operations clearly?

I don't understand!
Since you don't understand it, then don't do it, so as not to cause yourself a neurasthenia, insomnia and dreamy dreams, Yang Xi waved his hand to hide the system interface, took out his phone, and opened a certain app.

Read a novel for a while, get a good night's sleep, and welcome the new week with the most energetic state.

The new week is also the last week of the late autumn season. After this week, when the weekend comes, it will enter the winter of December.

At the turn of autumn and winter in Jiangbei, it is either windy or rainy, or it is windy and windy.

When I woke up, God really maintained a good reputation. Although the rain was not poured down, it was still cloudy and the cold wind was blowing.

Although the weather is so bad, Yang Xi still maintains the habit of running in the morning. 200-meter lap, 10 minutes, run 15 laps, sweat all over, and then take a hot shower, and the mental state is immediately full.

After breakfast, I came to Corey, far away, and heard cheers in the doctor's office.

Chi Xiang is on duty.

"Head nurse, do you like Chi Xiang?" Lian Xiangdong asked Yue Wenhui seriously.

Yue Wenhui, who had just entered the room, didn't know what to do, she nodded subconsciously, and said, "They are all colleagues in the same department, of course I like it."

Lian Xiangdong immediately changed his face, showing contempt, shaking his head and sighing: "You actually like Chi Xiang? The taste is too strong, head nurse."

The people in the room couldn't help laughing.

Yue Wenhui reacted, she didn't have time to laugh, and shot first, taking advantage of Lian Xiangdong's unpreparedness, she grabbed the guy's ears.

"I let you be big or small... let you talk nonsense..."

The head nurse's hand was a little stronger, and Xiang Dong grinned and grinned in pain.

Yang Xi just entered the room, and upon seeing this, he couldn't help but ask, "Old man, why did you provoke the head nurse?"

Yue Wenhui squeezed Lian Xiangdong's ear and refused to let go, and said with a smile at the same time: "I asked you if you like Chi Xiang?"

Yang Xi said solemnly: "You have to ask Boss Gao about this matter. He is the director of the department and has the most say."

As soon as the words fell, Gao Yong appeared.

"What do you want to ask me?"

Lian Xiangdong was suffering from pain, but his mouth refused to be idle, he said anxiously: "Director, the head nurse asked you if you like Chi Xiang."

Gao Yong glanced at Chi Xiang, then at Lian Xiangdong and Yue Wenhui, frowned and said, "Of course I like it, what's the matter? You old man..." Before he finished speaking, the office was full of laughter.Gao Yong was puzzled, looked at everyone and asked, "What are you laughing at?"

Yue Wenhui let go of Lian Xiangdong's ear, suppressed a smile and responded to Gao Yong, "Do you really like Chi Xiang?"

Gao Yong nodded seriously, and said, "Of course I like it! Is there any need to doubt it?"

Yang Xi sighed and said, "I'm not familiar..."

Lian Xiangdong immediately followed up: "Mustard and soy sauce, it's pretty good to make a sashimi."

Yue Wenhui bent over laughing, and the others couldn't bear it any longer, and a doctor's office was turned into a special session for Master Guo, causing the family members of passing patients to keep looking inside.

Gao Yong finally figured out the homophonic stalk, but it is rare that he didn't teach Xiangdong a lesson. After laughing a few times, he ordered: "Okay, okay, it's almost done, it's time to hand over the shift!"

The arrival of Chi Xiang can be said to have greatly relieved the pressure on the bed management. To be honest, the two of them can manage 30 beds.However, Dai Hui's foundation was poor, and even Xiangdong had to take him to the Liuquan Town Hospital to practice his hands frequently, so he was too busy at both ends.

Dividing the beds is also simple, the three of them each receive 10 beds, Gao Yong is too lazy to take care of these trivial matters, after the shift, he emphasized the problem of equipment.

On Saturday, Xu Xing had already made a plan, and on Sunday morning, he got Corey to review and discuss with Gao Yong.

After reading it, Gao Yong was very satisfied. Apart from modifying a few wordings, he really couldn't make any comments on other aspects. Dean.

"If everyone has no objections, this matter will be settled like this. Mr. Xu has already arranged the shipment on Saturday, and it is estimated that it will arrive tomorrow or the day after tomorrow. Hurry up, maybe we can have our own endoscope next week used."

In fact, everyone knows about this matter, but when Gao Yong mentioned it again, his face was still full of pride. Although Xu Xing was brought to him by Yang Xi under the banner of Dean Lin, he was able to do it in a short time. Talking about Dean Tongwu within ten minutes is quite awesome.

As for driving out Yang Xi twice in the process as a shield... Ahem, if I don't tell you, who of you would know?
After finishing the shift, Gao Yong did not participate in the ward rounds, but went to the administrative building with Xu Xing's plan.

The boss is not here, come on the old rabbit.

Lu Haoming couldn't hold back Yang Xi, so he took the lead in turning the 30 beds around.

"Doctor Chi, come with us to the operating room later, get familiar with the environment first, and then let the old man take you to the medical office to apply for a prescription." After checking the room and returning to the office, Lu Haoming arranged: "Let's have an operation." The big sister Meng in the room is not usually fierce, but as long as she is by Xishao's side, then the big sister Meng will always be amiable."

Chi Xiang said: "Before I came, the old man told me about the head nurse Meng in the operating room. It doesn't matter, as long as I can learn some skills from Xi Shao, it's worth getting scolded a little more."

Lian Xiangdong said: "Listen? Chi Xiang likes to be scolded. Brother Tu, Young Master Xi, please don't be polite in the future."

Yang Xi stretched his waist and said: "You should be a little poor, hurry up and give the doctor's order. Brother Tu will be the chief surgeon for the two operations this morning, and the old special will be the first assistant. Finish the work early and rest early."

Dai Hui was startled suddenly, and said embarrassingly, "Let me help? Can I do it?"

Lian Xiangdong snorted, and reprimanded: "Young Master Xi came to the stage, are you afraid of being killed? To do surgery, you have to be more courageous and practice. You can take as big steps as you can. If you get stuck, Young Master Youxi I'm carrying it for you."

(End of this chapter)

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