I'm a god of medicine

Chapter 462 This Seems... Shameful

Chapter 462 This Seems... Shameful
In the summer seven years ago, Qin Gewei, who was only 35 years old, had just been promoted to deputy chief physician.

According to the rules of the department, once you have obtained the title of deputy senior professional, you don’t have to work on the front-line night shift. But that year, there was a shortage of attending physicians in the department. For three months, at the same time, Corey also took on the task of helping the side.Therefore, although Qin Gewei was promoted to the deputy high school, he had to continue to work the night shift on the front line.

In mid-July, the attending doctor who was studying in Shanghai was about to return. For Qin Gewei, the day of being on the front-line night shift every six days was about to come to an end, but on his last front-line night shift, late at night, nearly 7 At one o'clock, a patient with abdominal trauma was sent to the emergency department.

That's right, it was the little thief who was kicked down the stairs by Gao Lao Er and stabbed in the stomach with a screwdriver in his hand.

Facts have proved that obesity is not useless to people. If the thief can pay attention to the horizontal development on weekdays and make the fat pile on the belly thicker, the screwdriver will not be able to poke so deep, nor can it be aimed so accurately.It's a pity that the thieves look like a little chicken, thin and muscleless, with a belly as thin as a layer of paper, and the resistance to the screwdriver is almost negligible.

As a result, the screwdriver was accurately pierced on the inferior vena cava.

That night, Qin Gewei, who stood at the position of the chief surgeon, was flustered just by exposing the peritoneum, and lost the tension of the abdominal muscle layer.Qin Gewei didn't dare to neglect, so he quickly called Director Ma.

I can't remember the rest of the surgery clearly, but what impressed Qin Gewei most was the last scene.

The surgical towel laid on the wounded man on the operating table was completely soaked in blood. On the stage, under the stage, and on the floor of the operating room, the three surgeons were all covered in red...

This scene appeared in Qin Gewei's dreams many times in the following five years.

After he was successfully promoted to the chief physician, such a nightmare finally left him.

But today, there was another similar trauma operation, and the nightmare reappeared uncontrollably. How could Qin Gewei not feel flustered and short of breath, and his hands and feet felt weak.

There is still a cover for the iron cloth shirt of the golden bell cover, and Qin Gewei is not a god, so how could he not have a weakness.And the operation seven years ago was the first and only case in which Qin Gewei died on the operating table since he was a doctor. The last scene was so shocking that in the following In the past seven years, what Qin Gewei was most afraid of was hearing the medical term inferior vena cava.

However, compared with the operation seven years ago, today's operation should be similar in difficulty, but the degree of danger is much less dangerous.The reason is that the stick needle is thinner than a screwdriver, and it is regular and smooth. Although two holes were poked out in the inferior vena cava, the elasticity of the blood vessel wall made the wound stick tightly to the stick needle, and the amount of bleeding was not large.

The hemorrhagic shock that the wounded showed when he first entered the hospital was because the man's body was really thin, coupled with nervousness and worry, the bleeding volume of just 400 milliliters caused his blood pressure to drop, and his heart rate to be shallow and fast. . 400 milliliters is just the upper limit for normal people to donate blood without remuneration, but when it fell on this man, he showed signs of hemorrhagic shock. As a doctor, he can't accept it.

Although the danger of the operation was not revealed, the difficulty of the operation was in front of his eyes. Qin Gewei couldn't overcome the demon hidden in his heart, so he had absolutely no confidence in this operation.

I had to ask others for help.

You Canghai can't count on it. According to the doctor on duty, Director You's tongue got drunk when he was on the phone just now.

Director Ma should be the most suitable candidate.The operation seven years ago was also a pain in his heart. Today, seven years later, Director Ma must be eager to make a comeback.At that time, Director Ma was over half a hundred years old, and he had experienced bigger storms before, so it was impossible to leave any psychological shadow on Director Ma.

It's a pity that Director Ma took his wife to the magic capital a week ago, and even if he flies to invite him now, it may be too late.

Brother Kong from Jiang Medical Affiliated Hospital or Director An from the Department of Vascular Surgery can also help him solve the problem. It is unacceptable.

There is only one last road left.

Ask Yang Xi to come and save Taiwan.

This seems... embarrassing!

It's really embarrassing.

A chief physician is hanging on the stage, and a resident doctor who is still in the training period needs to be invited to rescue the stage. Even if this kind of bloody plot is told to the directors of the anti-Japanese drama, they will be shocked Came out stunned.

However, after thinking about it again, Qin Gewei suddenly felt relieved.

Ever since that Yang Xi appeared in the city hospital, which day has he not been slapped in the face by him?Not to mention Director Ma's misdiagnosis and correction, 8-minute anastomosis of the hepatic artery, crushing the Quartet in the live broadcast, etc., just talking about this daily operation, the nurses in the operating room will use Qin Gewei to meet Yang Xi last month In comparison, this month, he, Qin Gewei, is nothing but air in front of Yang Xi.

To actually lose the qualification to be compared... Isn't it embarrassing enough?

That being the case, then it doesn't make much sense to have one more time and one less time.

However, from the point of view of the result, Qin Gewei could reluctantly accept holding his nose, but from the point of view of the process, Qin Gewei absolutely refused to call Yang Xi directly in front of his own doctor.

Losing again and again, how can I hang out in the hospital from now on?Even if he found a chance to drive Yang Xi out of the hospital in the future, wouldn't he be unable to hold his head up again?

Therefore, Qin Gewei must not call Yang Xi directly, nor can he call Gao Yong who is with Yang Xi.

Isn't there an administrative staff on duty in the hospital on Saturday afternoon?
who is coming?

Nie Yadi from the medical office.

Whoever he is, as long as he is the chief executive on duty, tell him that there is an emergency operation for a ruptured inferior vena cava in the general surgery department, and continue to organize consultations for the whole hospital. As for whether he knows who to call and who not to call, that is His affairs have nothing to do with Qin Gewei and me.

Of course, Qin Gewei's heart is very clear. As the director of the medical department, if Nie Yadi doesn't even know who can win this operation, he might as well go home and sell sweet potatoes.

After receiving a call from the operating room, Nie Yadi understood Qin Gewei's intentions in seconds.

Since Director Qin wants to save face, as the service support department of the clinical department, he should fully cooperate.

Therefore, Nie Yadi only called Gao Yong to notify him of the task of 'hospital consultation'.

(End of this chapter)

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