I'm a god of medicine

Chapter 453 Systemic Sclerosis

Chapter 453 Systemic Sclerosis
Director Qi from the outpatient department brought a middle-aged rural woman in her forties.

"I can't breathe when it's a little cold, and I often wake up at night. I went to the county hospital and the city's central hospital. They said it was interstitial pneumonia. It would be better if I stayed in the hospital for a few days, but I was discharged from the hospital. What should I do?" Rural women are not good at speaking, Director Qi was afraid of delaying Yang Xi's time, so he stated the illness on behalf of the rural woman.

Yang Xi took a few glances at the woman's chest CT film, and it did show signs of interstitial pneumonia. However, in the diagnostic prompts given by the [Intelligent Diagnosis System], interstitial pneumonia was ranked behind, and the diagnosis rate was only pitiful. less than ten percent.

"Basically, the diagnosis of interstitial pneumonia can be ruled out!" Yang Xi turned to the rural woman, observed it, and asked, "Are there any other bad things?"

The woman seemed a little awkward when she opened her mouth to answer Yang Xi's question, as if she couldn't fully open her mouth. "I always feel bad when I eat and drink water."

Yang Xi nodded, and continued: "Show me your hand, any one will do."

The woman hesitated for a while, but still handed over her right hand in accordance with folk customs.

"The skin is very hard and tight. Director Qi, feel it." After handing over the patient's hand to Old Qi's, Yang Xi asked, "Is it difficult to bend your fingers?"

The woman nodded vigorously, and replied: "Well, well, I thought it was because I worked too much and ruined my hand."

Yang Xi smiled at Director Qi and said, "Look at the sister-in-law's nose and mouth again, the same skin is tight, and the mouth can no longer be fully opened. Do you think interstitial pneumonia can cause this symptom?"

Director Qi silently shook his head.

Dean Lin also looked blank, and interjected: "What kind of disease is this? Looking at the film, it is indeed interstitial pneumonia!"

Yang Xi smiled lightly and said: "This disease is called systemic sclerosis. This disease is mainly caused by systemic organ vasculitis and tissue fibrosis. The main clinical manifestations are sclerosis of the skin and internal organs. The sclerosis of this sister-in-law Mainly in the lungs and esophagus, so the false appearance of interstitial pneumonia and the performance of dysphagia will be produced."

Systemic sclerosis?

Isn't it scleroderma?
This disease belongs to my relative's rheumatology and immunology major, but, but, why didn't I think about it?
After listening to Yang Xi's diagnosis and explanation, Lao Qi suddenly realized that many atypical clinical diseases are like this, like a layer of paper covered, making it difficult to see through, but once this layer of paper is uncovered, everything It is so simple and clear.

"How to cure it?" Lao Qi immediately felt uncomfortable after asking these three words, and quickly added: "I mean, is there any clever trick?"

The treatment plan for scleroderma is very simple. The three drugs are used in combination or in combination. One is glucocorticoids, the other is immunosuppressants, and the third is vasodilators.Although the level of clinicians exists in many aspects such as drug screening, matching, dose control, and adjustment, the prognosis results are almost the same—not very satisfactory.

Even some cutting-edge treatment methods, such as targeted monoclonal antibody drugs, or mesenchymal stem cell therapy, still have the embarrassing result that a small number of patients are effective while most patients are not effective.

Moreover, whether it is targeted therapy or stem cell therapy, there is a real problem of high cost, which is obviously not suitable for the rural wife in front of me.

"Brilliant trick..." Yang Xi pondered and at the same time, a wretched little old man appeared in his mind: "I can't think of a cheap and effective trick, but there is someone on your old relative who may be able to cure it." This disease."

"Old Zhangtou?" Old Qi thought of it, but at the same time there was a look of distrust on his face.

Practitioners of western medicine mostly treat Chinese medicine with the same urine nature, and they look down on Chinese medicine in their bones.Based on the principle of not causing trouble, most Western doctors will not oppose Chinese medicine on the surface, but in their hearts they often shake their heads and sigh that Chinese medicine is just a pseudoscience that cheats people out of money.

For example, this old relative.

Another example is the old Lin next to this old Qi.

That's all for old Qi. After all, as a specialist in rheumatism and immunology, he knows that scleroderma is really difficult to treat. Not only are western doctors quite helpless, but in the hands of Chinese medicine, it is also difficult to be effective.

But why do you, Old Lin, show disdain?

To put it bluntly, if you are a knife maker, can you understand what kind of disease scleroderma is?
Thanks to Dean Lin's quick response, he saw Yang Xi's expression was wrong, and immediately realized his problem, quickly changed his expression, and turned his attention to Zhu Lin who had been silently observing Yang Xi after returning from the bathroom.

"Ah, Mr. Zhu, I'm sorry, our small hospital has limited conditions, so you have been wronged." As he spoke, Dean Lin hurriedly bypassed Yang Xi, walked towards Zhu Lin, and made the gesture of seeing off the guests. attitude.

Coincidentally, Zhu Lin's major in the hospital is also rheumatism immunity, and she is no stranger to scleroderma. However, when she sees the patient, she has never been able to think in the direction of scleroderma.

Is it because I have been away from the clinic for too long?
There are factors in this aspect, but it cannot be said to be the main factor. The main reason is that the patient's clinical signs are not typical enough, which makes it easy for doctors to go astray when thinking about diagnosis.

However, Yang Xi is not a specialist in rheumatology and immunity, nor does he have much clinical experience. How do you think he made the diagnosis so easily?

For a moment, Zhu Lin was no longer simply surprised by Yang Xi, but mixed with a little admiration.

We can't just leave like this.

It is necessary to establish a close cooperative relationship with this kind of god-like doctor, and Huajian's business will definitely take off in the future.

"President Lin, I thought about it just now, and I feel that investing in your hospital is not a bad idea..." Although she had made a decision in her heart, Zhu Lin still did not let go of her superior tone.

Dean Lin smiled and sighed softly, and secretly glanced at Yang Xi, observing that the kid didn't seem to have heard Zhu Lin's change of words at all, so he understood in all likelihood.

"Let's talk about it! It's not a trivial matter to get radiotherapy. The allocation certificate alone is enough to get it, and you have to pass the environmental impact assessment and apply for medical insurance. There are too many troubles. I have to go through each item first, so as not to save us. It’s settled, if the certificate cannot be obtained, isn’t it a waste of effort!”

These words happened to be the reason Zhu Lin used to suppress Dean Lin at the beginning, but she did not expect that Dean Lin countered her.She couldn't slap herself in the mouth, so Zhu Lin could only follow Dean Lin's words and said, "That's fine, then I will wait for your news at any time."

(End of this chapter)

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