Chapter 440
Most of the rumors in the market are rumors. For example, under high temperature, monosodium glutamate will decompose into cyanide, which is highly toxic. Therefore, eating monosodium glutamate is tantamount to slow suicide.

But some rumors have to be believed. For example, the city leader who loves basketball is about to be transferred.

It has been almost five years since the city leader came to Jiangbei as the top leader, and he is full of affection for Jiangbei, a hot land. However, the organization believes that he has been tempered and should make greater contributions to society, so he plans to do so after the Gregorian calendar year. Transfer to other provinces to take on more important positions.

In the remaining two months, the leader attached great importance to the public opinion of Jiangbei City, for fear that something would happen that would prevent him from drawing a perfect end to his position in Jiangbei.

Therefore, he specifically ordered his chief secretary to keep his eyes wide open, and report to him immediately if he found any bad signs, especially things on the Internet, and he must not take it lightly.

Early this morning, as soon as the leader arrived at the office, the secretary submitted a report.

After the leader saw it, his face was serious, he was really afraid of something, how could the comrades in this district court be so casual?Why can't we use our brains to think more about public opinion before making a penalty?
"Xiao Gong, what do you think about this matter?" The leader looked through the materials again, afraid that he might miss some important details, and at the same time asked his secretary casually.

Secretary Gong replied: "Leader, you have seen this Dr. Yang Xiyang before. A month ago, you gave him the award for winning the basketball league at Sanitan Kou and the municipal hospital at home." It is a taboo to express opinions in front of the leader, but the leader has to ask a question without answering, and Secretary Gong's response can be regarded as a textbook, not only answering the leader's question, but also avoiding the taboo of expressing personal opinions in front of the leader.

After being reminded by the secretary, the leader immediately recalled a young man who was not tall, not strong, not fair-skinned, and not good-looking, but very sunny and handsome, especially the guy in the basketball game. His domineering style is even more lovable.

"I remembered it when you said that. That guy is good, he plays basketball well, and he has team spirit. The opponent has committed so many rules on him, and I haven't seen him get angry." The leader pondered for a moment , continued: "You said in the materials that this young man did a good job in surgery, did you see it with your own eyes or did you hear it?"

Secretary Gong replied with a smile: "I don't know medicine, even if I saw it with my own eyes, I don't have the right to comment. That's right, I found out about this on the Internet yesterday evening, and you've been in a meeting, so it's inconvenient for me to report to you, so So I asked for leave and went to the municipal hospital to find out the situation. I found a total of eleven people to inquire about Dr. Yang Xi Yang, including seven doctors and four nurses. There are mixed reviews, but Yang Xi is recognized as a surgical genius in terms of surgical level, and three of them directly pushed Dr. Yang Xiyang to the No.1 position in the Jiangbei surgical field."

The leader frowned slightly, and said: "It's not that exaggerated, surgeons need to be tempered, even if they are talented, it takes time to grow, and Dr. Xiao Yang is so young, how can he be called No. What about .1?"

Secretary Gong said: "I couldn't believe it at first, but they took me to a professional website of their doctor called Xinglinyuan, where Dr. Yang broadcasted a few surgeries, and the comments on it... compared to Jiangbei Surgery. No.1 is too much." Then, Secretary Gong took out his mobile phone, poked open the Xinglinyuan APP that was downloaded and registered last night, found the account page of 'Anesthesia Yinwei', and handed it to the leader.

Ten seconds later, the leader lost his composure.

"I, Dajiangbei, actually have such a talent?"

"What's the surname of the dean of the municipal hospital? By the way, the surname is Wu, Dean Wu. She hides such a precious lump and doesn't report to me?"

"I have to ask her, such an excellent surgeon has been treated so unfairly, how can she, the dean, sit still?"

In front of his secretary, the leader no longer cared about his own image, he exclaimed and then added two questions, and finally stood up and walked around the office a few times.

"Call Dean Wu and ask her to come to me. I don't care what important things she has now. I must see her within half an hour." After a short pause, the leader changed his words again: "No , the work of a doctor is related to the life and health of the people, and human life is at stake. I can't delay the work of President Wu, I should go to see her in person. How about this, Xiao Gong, you can arrange it, preferably in the morning, squeeze me in Give me an hour, and in addition, make a few copies of this material for all members of the Standing Committee to read."

Ten minutes later, the deputy secretary in charge of politics and law saw the document that the top leader had already reviewed, and couldn't help feeling a little chilled in his heart.Although the boss just made a circle on it, the material was sent by the boss's secretary himself, and the members of the Standing Committee have a copy. What does this mean? You can understand it with your toes.

The work of the District Court is outrageous!

Prepare the car.

Inform President Zhao of the Intermediate Court to go with me to the district court for on-site work.

At 11:30, I was scolded for two full hours... Oh, no, it was the leadership's criticism.

After being criticized for two full hours, the president of the district court sent the two leaders away cautiously, turned around, returned to his office, and immediately roared.

Ma De, which bastard tried that medical malpractice case?
Fuck me!
I promise I won't hit you, even if you become incontinent.

Also at 11:30, Wu Hongmei returned to the office after finishing her work in the three internal medicine wards. Just after taking a drink of water and taking a breath, an uninvited guest was ushered in.

"Huang Shuji? You..." Wu Hongmei's heart trembled, she couldn't even say a few words of greeting, she quickly stood up and offered Huang Shuji her seat to pour tea.

Huang Shuji stopped Wu Hongmei, raised the mineral water bottle in his hand, shook it, and said with a smile: "Bring your own water! Come and sit, Dean Wu, we are old friends, you don't have to be polite, let alone restrained. Come, I just want to chat with you, Yang Xi from your hospital, Dr. Yang."

At the moment when Wu Hongmei was speechless due to nervousness, she thought of all kinds of possibilities for Huang Shuji to come in person, but what she didn't expect was that Huang Shuji's trip was only for Yang Xi.

Although a little surprised, Wu Hongmei immediately realized that Huang Shuji must have noticed the information about Yang Xi on the Internet.

"Huang Shuji, should I call Yang Xi over to meet you? He should have finished the operation by now."

(End of this chapter)

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