I'm a god of medicine

Chapter 437 Retro Ceremony, High Fives

Chapter 437 Retro Ceremony, High Fives

Liuquan Town?
What a ghostly place?
Can you find it on the map?
Faced with Xie Zhonghua's doubts, Yang Xi explained: "It is a small town with simple folk customs and beautiful scenery. When I graduated from university, I couldn't find a job unit. It was Liuquan Town Hospital that accepted me. That is to say, without Liuquan Town and Liuquan Town Hospital, I would not be the Yang Xi I am today."

Xie Zhonghua sighed and replied: "I understand, you are a person who knows how to repay you. Such a person deserves my respect."

Yang Xi smiled and said, "Don't compliment me first, the most important thing you need to do now is to answer my question. Are you willing to accept the conditions I just proposed?"

Xie Zhonghua asked back with a smile: "Aren't you worried that what I just said is purely bragging?"

Yang Xi said: "Worry!...but I'm willing to take a gamble, in case you're not bragging?"

Xie Zhonghua said: "Congratulations, you made the right bet. I also want to bet that you, Yang Xi, can easily defeat the surgical robot controlled by Professor Chen Renran."

Yang Xi smiled and said, "Then I can only say I'm happy with you."

Xie Zhonghua was a little surprised and said, "Are you sure?"

Yang Xi snorted and said, "Not very much, absolutely. Thanks to the peak equipment you sent, I can peel six grapes in 10 minutes, and I can guarantee a 100% success rate."

Xie Zhonghua's eyes instantly changed from surprise to surprise.

Peeling six grains in 10 minutes is equivalent to peeling one grain in less than 2 minutes. Compared with Professor Chen Renran's estimated time of three minutes to three minutes and ten seconds, I don't know how much better it is.To say that winning is all for the other party's face, and to express it objectively, we can only use the word 'crushing'.

"So, what about stitching? What I mean is to stitch up the peeled grape skins so that no water leaks." Xie Zhonghua explained with gestures and descriptions: "At this promotion meeting, Professor Chen Renran proposed that more Perform a grape skin suture, I think, if you are sure, even this one content will overturn him."

"Sewing?" Yang Xi reflected on the thickness and other characteristics of the grape skin, shook his head, and said, "It's not that difficult. Although I haven't tried it, I think it should be easy to take off."

Xie Zhonghua was very excited. He clenched his fist and waved it vigorously in the air a few times. At the same time, he shouted: "God help me! Let me meet a surgical genius like you... No, I want to talk to Larson Mr. renegotiate, [-] million is far from enough, starting with [-] million is my bottom line for thanking Zhonghua."

Yang Xi responded with a sneer, and said: "Mr. Xie, please don't be too happy, you haven't agreed to the conditions I put forward!"

Xie Zhonghua said excitedly: "Is the condition you proposed still considered a condition? Why would I refuse you? Don't say that Liuquan Town is a small town with simple folk customs and beautiful scenery. Even if you ask me to set up the headquarters in a bird Where there is no shit, I, Xie Zhonghua, will never frown."

It was Yang Xi's turn to look suspicious.

Nima, is the young master so valuable?Not to mention whether the folk customs of Liuquan Town are simple, nor whether the scenery of Liuquan Town is beautiful, but how to attract high-tech talents in such a small place is a big problem.

Therefore, it was not Yang Xi's original intention to ask Xie Zhonghua to set up the R&D headquarters in Liuquan Town. It was just a negotiation technique he used to set a frighteningly high price, and then waited for Xie Zhonghua to bargain. , If Xie Zhonghua can finally agree to invest 800 million yuan in Liuquan Town to build a related industrial chain, he will be satisfied.

Unexpectedly, Xie Zhonghua agreed to such a harsh condition so easily.

Among them... there is fraud?
Sensing Yang Xi's doubts, Xie Zhonghua said with a sincere face: "Don't doubt my sincerity. Although it is said that those who do big things don't care about small things, the word integrity is not a small thing, but a big thing. I also know that you are What are you worried about? Don’t worry. I think I should be able to find a suitable solution to resolve this conflict, but the premise is that Liuquan Town, as you said, must pay attention to supporting our cause, and the venue, transportation, communication, water and electricity and other supporting facilities must also be indispensable. .”

From the moment he entered the coffee shop, Yang Xi focused on Xie Zhonghua's subtle movements. When a person is bragging or lying, he must have varying degrees of guilty conscience. However, from the beginning to the end, Yang Xi The subtle reactions of Xie Zhonghua observed by Xie are all normal.

In other words, the person in front of him is either a very honest person, or he is a master of lying and deceiving people.

However, having said that, what can Xie Zhonghua deceive himself?

Challenge the surgical robot, this kind of thing is exciting, don't say he thanked Zhonghua for the invitation, even if he didn't, then Yang Xi thought of creating his own opportunity to try it.

Fight to fame.

What a temptation!
Maybe you can get more than a dozen or 20 points of charm, which can be converted into cash wealth, which is several million miles.


If he wins the bet, wouldn't Vice Minister Dong, who is in charge of talent introduction in Dongshan County, have to follow behind him only to carry his shoes?How could Vice President Yang have the face to say that he is not as good as Vice Minister Dong?
With a total investment of [-] million yuan, an extremely high-tech enterprise intends to settle in Liuquan Town, not to mention the mayor of Liuquan Town, Shu Ji, even if he is the number one or second in command in the county, he is still a fool. Do you serve tea and water for yourself?
If you lose the bet...

No big deal.

The comrades from the county talent office didn't receive it well!

Liuquan Town's leadership service awareness is not in place!

You can grab a lot of reasons casually, and you are afraid that you will lose face because of this matter?
Yang Xi took a deep breath and slapped Xie Zhonghua.

"I don't want to sign any agreements and contracts with you. Those can only restrain gentlemen, but not villains. I believe in your character, Mr. Xie, so let's have a retro ceremony and swear by high five!"

Xie Zhonghua extended a slap cheerfully, and slapped Yang Xi three times in succession.

Yang Xi suddenly changed his face, and said: "It's broken, you haven't asked me if I'm free on the 1st and 2nd of next month."

Xie Zhonghua suddenly became nervous and asked, "Are you free?"

Yang Xi immediately smiled and said, "Of course."

Xie Zhonghua couldn't help being startled, is this a trick?It feels like being tricked.

Yang Xi was having fun.It's okay, Mr. Xie, just get used to it, how can you be my brother Yang Xi and not be played by Yang Xi?
It's out of order!
After being stunned, Xie Zhonghua was also happy. He recruited a surgical prodigy without spending a dime to act as a thug in the start of his career. What if he was teased twice?
(End of this chapter)

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