I'm a god of medicine

Chapter 410 Follow the trend, take advantage of the trend

Chapter 410 Follow the trend, take advantage of the trend
However, the addition of all these good news can hardly offset the displeasure in Yang Xi's heart.

What the hell.

I can't change my cheating pee.

This week, the task assigned to Yang Xi was still peeling grapes.

Three 10 minutes to peel eighteen grapes.

At first glance, it seems to be the same as last week's task, divided into 10 minutes, isn't it still six pills.

But if you study carefully, you can find the difficulty.

Peeling six grains in 10 minutes, as a task performer, can complete the task as long as these six grains are fully utilized, but if it is extended to peeling 10 grains in [-] minutes, the task performer is required to perform [-] consecutive operations. There can be no difference.

This difficulty has increased by more than a little bit.

It's just a matter of difficulty, that's all, Yang Xi should be said to have already gotten used to this kind of torture from the little lunatic.And the terrible thing is that last week, Yang Xi ate enough grapes to feel like vomiting when he saw grapes, and this week, he will continue to eat those peeled grapes. One catty a day is not enough, two catties and three catties It seems to have reached the standard, not to mention trying, just thinking about it is already flooding with stomach acid.

On Sunday, Yang Xi thought of a way, that is to squeeze the peeled grapes into juice. For this reason, Yang Xi spent tens of dollars more when buying grapes in the supermarket, and bought back a simple Juicer.

However, the grape juice tasted just as miserable.

On Monday, in the morning, he took Lu Haoming and Xiangdong to perform two operations. Before eleven o'clock, he stepped down and returned to the department. He accepted two cases of acquaintances in this hospital. After lunch, Yang Xi began to think about it. The problem of the origin of the grapes.

The easiest way is to just throw away the peeled grapes.

But doing so will hurt Yang Xi's heart.

This has nothing to do with being stingy or not, it's purely a question of values, wasting food is the most shameful behavior, and Yang Xi is so noble...well, just reluctant, so what?
Another way is to give the peeled grapes to the nurses in Corey.

But doing so, Yang Xi will be very worried.

I'm worried that people will treat him as a psychopath.

That's right, who would be a normal person to spend time peeling grape skins?After peeling the grapes, but still not eating the grapes, it is not because of mental problems, how can I explain it?

After hard thinking, the appearance of a little girl who smiled heartlessly and foolishly appeared in front of Yang Xi's eyes.

Well, there is.

Carrying the grapes he just bought and his suitcase, Yang Xi entered the duty room.

Two hours later, just after work in the afternoon, Yang Xi took out his mobile phone and dialed a number.

"Xiao Jiang, what are you doing?"

"I'm answering Teacher Yang's call!"

"Then what were you doing before answering Teacher Yang's call?"

"I'm waiting for Teacher Yang to call!"

"Then what are you going to do after talking on the phone with Teacher Yang?"

"Put your phone back in your pocket!"

Yang Xi cursed Ye Qiuhe inwardly.That's right, it was that little rich woman who brought Xiao Jiang to the wrong place. The original Xiao Jiang was so cute and silly!

"Then what, Teacher Yang specially bought some grapes to thank you for being a driver for Teacher Yang last time. If you are free, come to the 18th floor quickly. If you are late, I am afraid that people will eat them all."

"Okay! I'll come up right now."

Three minutes later, Jiang Yubei appeared in front of Yang Xi.

After another 3 minutes, the skinless grapes that Yang Xi spent two hours peeling disappeared.

"Is there anything else?" Jiang Yubei smacked her mouth and rolled her eyes a few times.

Yang Xi hurriedly used her body to block the remaining grapes that hadn't been peeled.

Jiang Yubei suddenly screamed, pointing to one side of the wall, and shouted in horror: "Gecko, I'm most afraid of gecko!"

Yang Xi subconsciously turned around and searched intently, where did the gecko come from?

Jiang Yubei took the opportunity to pick up the grape that was blocked by Yang Xi, giggled and said, "I'm lying to you, Mr. Yang, you are too naive."

When Yang Xi came to her senses, Jiang Yubei had already run away with the grapes giggling.

In the world, the saddest thing is that the eye of the eagle is pecked by the eagle, the face of the monkey is scratched by the monkey, and the teacher is stepped on by the students and crushed by the way.

"Okay, for your grandfather's sake, Teacher Yang will let you off for now, dare to have a next time...Hmph!"

Jiang Yubei had already run away without a trace, and Yang Xi could only grit her teeth at herself.

Unless it can't be arranged, under normal circumstances, surgery is not scheduled to be performed in the afternoon. This is not to say that the condition of the surgeon is better in the morning than in the afternoon, and it is not because the doctor needs to rest and work.

It is because the anesthesia method of surgery requires the patient to keep fasting for enough time. The night before the operation, they are not allowed to eat that kind of indigestible food, and on the morning of the operation, they cannot even drink saliva. The operation was arranged in the afternoon, and one can imagine how sad the patient felt when he was hungry and thirsty.

No one can say for sure what the future of oncology surgery will be like, but now, when patients can't fill the department, surgery can only be arranged in the morning, so there is no need to make patients suffer more up.

The result in exchange is that the morning is very busy and the afternoon is very idle.

When you are busy, you will long for leisure, but if you really have nothing to do, you will panic again.Yang Xi thought about it seriously, and felt that he should find something to do for himself, so he went out, planning to go to the supermarket and buy some grapes.

As soon as he reached the elevator door, he was blocked by Yin Wei.


"The supermarket opposite, buy something."

"I'll go later, I don't have much time."

"What's the matter?"

"Tomorrow's live broadcast."

Yang Xi couldn't help but shivered. The live broadcast of the surgery is the real thing. It is important and urgent, and it must be put first.

Back in the office, Yin Wei continued: "The application for the live broadcast of the in situ recurrence surgery after sigmoid colon cancer surgery was rejected by the website, and only tomorrow's laparoscopic cardia cancer surgery was approved, and the time was also limited...Damn, one Helping the kneeling clan, he is so disgusting."

Yang Xi squinted and said with a smile: "Then how long have they approved it for you?"

Yin Wei said angrily: "We were only given an hour and a half, from 10:30 to [-]:[-]. The one next door to Mala, Su Dongming is really ruthless!"

Yang Xi said with emotion: "A master is a master. Such a schedule not only ruined our plan for a joint live broadcast of two operations, but even affected the live broadcast of a single cardiac cancer operation."

Yin Wei sighed and said: "Isn't it? The operation starts at 08:30, and the live broadcast won't start until [-] o'clock. What will the audience think? They won't think that the website is deliberately making things difficult, but they will only think that we are not sure about it." , deliberately leaving half an hour for myself to contingency."

Yang Xi smiled and said: "Don't worry, don't get angry, just follow the trend and take advantage of the trend. Let's delay the operation for tomorrow by half an hour."

(End of this chapter)

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