I'm a god of medicine

Chapter 41 Small Bet on Pleasure

Chapter 41 Small Bet on Pleasure
Yang Xi picked up the cigarette in front of Hou Zhenpeng, lit one, took a sip of water, and continued calmly: "For me, a total score of less than 550 is called failure!"

Dean Lin turned pale with fright. Didn't this child lose his mind under the tremendous pressure?
Hou Zhenpeng also couldn't help trembling, the half glass of wine in his hand was accidentally spilled.

550 point?
No one in Jiangbei City has scored 550 points in the past ten years!
Do you dare to brag about such an awesome thing?
"Why, are you scared?" Yang Xi's smile was full of blades, clearly provocative.

Hou Zhenpeng rolled a bunch of skewers, took a sip of wine, calmed himself down, and said with a smile: "Well, I was really scared, the world is unpredictable, I didn't expect that your hospital would be changed into a mental hospital just because you haven't been to Liuquan Town for a year , Old Lin, you can do it!"

Dean Lin laughed out loud, using this to cover up his inner embarrassment.Yang Xi, this stinky brat, it's too unreasonable to brag about it, he's all in heaven, how can I give you back the favor of my uncle!

Yang Xi stared at Hou Zhenpeng with a cigarette in his mouth, and said with a half-smile: "Since you admit that you are afraid, then I can't say anything more. Originally, I wanted to make a small bet with Dean Hou, just for a little love. Now it seems that we can only give up."

Upon hearing this, Dean Hou's eyes immediately brightened, and he said anxiously: "Don't tell me, since the little brother wants to find some excitement, how can I, the big brother, not accompany me?"

Yang Xi smiled but said: "I don't plan to win you too much, how about a bottle of Moutai?"

Hou Zhenpeng lit a cigarette, glanced at Yang Xi, fixed his eyes on Dean Lin, and said with a sneer, "How vulgar is gambling? Otherwise, what about you? The town hospital is covered with banners and ribbons, congratulations to Liuquan Town Hospital, if you fail to score 550 in the test, how about hanging banners and ribbons on your Liuquan Town Hospital, congratulations to Dawu Town Hospital?"

Dean Lin was startled for a moment, and was about to say something, but stopped suddenly, and then seemed to think of something, suddenly smiled, and said: "You are the big brother, I will follow your arrangement."

Yang Xi pouted, and said, "It wouldn't be so exciting if you didn't bring any money... How about this, add an extra bottle of Moutai money to Dean Hou's bet, and I also want to show my sincerity, 560 points, a Jiangbei bet on Rao." City No. [-] Scholar, if I fail to achieve one of the two items, I will lose!"

Hou Zhenpeng didn't respond for a while, but looked at Dean Lin with a smile, his expression extremely playful.

Dean Lin pretended to be calm, and said, "Just bet, just bet, there's nothing to be afraid of!"

Hou Zhenpeng said slowly: "Empty talk has no proof, we have to use words as evidence..." Suddenly turned around and rushed towards the bar counter, shouting loudly: "Boss, borrow a pen and paper!"


Exams are so easy.

If it weren't for the restrictions imposed by the examination room regulations, Yang Xi would take at most 15 minutes to hand in the papers for each subject.

Rarely, the system is no longer cheating. It actually suspends the tasks of the day and temporary tasks, and the consumption rate of life points has also been reduced to a low level of consuming 4 point every 1 hours.

The exam papers are the first to be handed in, and the answers are never correct after the exam. Sometimes I either play games or doze off... This kind of relaxed state is normal in the eyes of the hospital colleagues.

Give up!

Dean Hou saw it in his eyes and beamed with joy.

Dean Lin who was not far away was also observing, but he was indifferent.

These two old guys seem to have their own thoughts, and they didn't tell anything about the bet on Friday night.This is not difficult to understand. During the exam, the most important thing is for candidates to be emotionally stable. One thing more is naturally better than one thing less.

However, when the exams were over on Sunday afternoon and the two hospitals staying in the same chain hotel were about to leave by car, Dawu Town Hospital burst into laughter. Soon, Liuquan Town Hospital's side Someone heard the wind.

"Yang Xi made a bet with Director Hou of the Dawu Town Hospital that he could score more than 560 points in the test and win the first prize in Jiangbei City. If he failed to do one of the things, he lost the bet."

"I heard that the bet is not small. Except for a bottle of Moutai, whichever side loses, they have to hang up banners and ribbons to congratulate the other side."

"Is this kid Yang Xi crazy? He is bragging, but he wants us to accompany him and get slapped in the face. Is there any reason for him?"

"The people over there said that the betting agreement was signed, and our Dean Lin signed it. Alas, I really don't know what Dean Lin thinks."

According to the rumors, someone with good deeds approached Dean Lin to verify it in person.

Dean Lin looked annoyed, and excused that he drank too much that night, so he followed Dean Hou's words in a daze.

The car from Dawu Town Hospital arrived one step ahead, and the prospective doctors of Liuquan Town Hospital, who continued to wait for the bus, burst out of collective honor in your words, and decided that Yang Xi was only focused on bragging and hurt Liuquan Town Hospital Honor's behavior is really bad, and they unanimously demand that Dean Lin should punish Yang Xi severely.

Dean Lin smiled wryly and remained silent.He also participated in the betting agreement, and even signed it in black and white, and only punished Yang Xi...it can't be justified!

It was the fourth time for Li Xingzhou from the Second Internal Medicine Department to take the doctor's qualification examination. Among all the people, except for Dean Lin, he was the oldest and the most qualified.

At this time, Li Xingzhou felt that he was duty-bound, so he stepped forward without hesitation. "Everyone, don't make things difficult for Dean Lin. The grievance has its head, and the debt has its owner. The matter was caused by Yang Xi, and he should bear the responsibility."

Another person stood up and reminded: "By the way, where is that kid Yang Xi? Why didn't you see him after the exam?"

Everyone heard the words and looked around subconsciously.

Only if Dean Lin didn't move at all, I wouldn't tell you little brats that Yang Xi was deliberately dismissed by me.

After a while, when Yang Xi comes back, don't be cowardly, and join hands with Yang Xi, the more fierce the better, then I will find an opportunity and a reason to fulfill the head nurse's request. ...

However, when Yang Xi came back with a bag of hot duck in oil and happily gnawed on a duck leg, he suppressed everyone's anger with just one sentence.

"Wow, I have more than 7000 yuan left in this bank card, plus the August salary bonus of 1 yuan, let's make up a whole number of [-] yuan, whoever is not convinced, let's take a gamble !"

Everyone looked at each other in blank dismay, no one dared to stand up and accept the move.

Dean Lin was afraid that the scene would become cold, so he quickly provoked: "There are more than 400 of you, and each of you can't even get [-] yuan. Are you afraid that he will go crazy?"

400 yuan is really not much, and with Dean Lin's support, this group of people became bold again. Except for two girls who don't like to make trouble, the remaining 25 people, including three or five people who usually play with Yang Xi Good buddies, they all stood by Li Xingzhou's side and made a bet with Yang Xi.

Yang Xi lit a cigarette and stared into the distance with infinite emotion.

The young master is indeed a black-hearted person, whose money is not hard-earned money?Isn't it a bit mean and shameless to put the hard-earned money of colleagues into your own pocket so easily?
(End of this chapter)

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