I'm a god of medicine

Chapter 398 It's Not a Shadow, It's a Sun Shadow, the Shadow of the Sun

Chapter 398 It's Not a Shadow, It's a Sun Shadow, the Shadow of the Sun

However, Chi Xiang's whole night of nervousness was in vain.

After a meal of hot pot, Yang Xi didn't give him a nickname, nor did he tease his name.

Lian Xiangdong was quite surprised, what a good material, Chi Xiang... Chi Xiang, how did Xi Shao change his ways?After thinking about it, it suddenly dawned on her that classmate Xiao Chi wasn't qualified enough to be molested by Xi Shao.

That's right, because the relationship is not in place, Xi Shao is too lazy to talk to him. Looking around the world, besides Gao Yong, Yin Wei and his old man, who else can be molested by Xi Shao at will?

Among them, his old butt was molested the most by Xi Shao. What does this mean?
My old man has the strongest relationship with Xi Shao!
With this thought, even Xiang Dongdun felt proud, and I would like to emphasize again that in the future surgical world, Xi Shao, the boss, and me, whoever refuses to accept it, should report their names.

Chi Xiang failed the postgraduate entrance examination when he graduated from undergraduate, so he had to go back to his hometown and sign a contract with the city's traditional Chinese medicine hospital.Today's traditional Chinese medicine hospitals are all selling dog meat under the banner of traditional Chinese medicine, but they are doing the work of western medicine. Every year, more than [-]% of the new medical students who sign contracts are from western medicine, and those medical students who study traditional Chinese medicine, Almost lost the employment channels that can give full play to what they have learned.

In the hospital of traditional Chinese medicine, Chi Xiang worked in general surgery for two years and performed quite well, so he was recruited by the urology department. After getting familiar with it, he took on the duty of attending urology department as a four-year resident doctor.

It's hard not to be proud of such an experience.

The fact is also the same, when Lian Xiangdong entered the clinic and began to learn appendectomy, Chi Xiang was quite ashamed of Lian Xiangdong.

How difficult is appendectomy?Brother, you can cut it off in half an hour casually with your eyes closed. If you want to cut a stomach, that's a bit interesting, but if you want to cut a stomach, it's the fastest for you even Xiangdong. It must be two years later...

And Lian Xiangdong's reply was pale and powerless, and he only said one sentence in reverse, aren't you just jealous that your buddy has been admitted to a graduate student!

However, there was an unforeseen situation, and one day, Lian Xiangdong showed off to Chi Xiang, saying that today he had a very difficult ectopic appendix. One step is to make great strides towards the Nascent Soul stage, and one year later he will definitely become a fairy.

Chi Xiang obviously didn't believe it.

Awesome who can't blow it?The operation procedure for ectopic appendix is ​​clearly written in the book, and according to the scriptures, high school students can also speak vividly.

However, not many days later, Nalian Xiangdong bragged again, saying that he was already able to independently cut stomachs, let alone intestines.

This is very dangerous.

Occasionally bragging about being awesome once in a while is called adjusting the boringness of life, but wrapping one's future in bragging, then this person is equivalent to a useless person.

Out of brotherhood between bunk and bunk, Chi Xiang and Lian Xiangdong had an in-depth chat on WeChat.

As a result, he was slapped in the face by Lian Xiangdong.

"Go to Xinglin Garden, pay attention to 'Anesthesia Yin Wei' and watch his recent surgery video. After watching it, let's discuss whether I Lian Xiangdong is bragging."

If Chi Xiang didn't look at it, he could see that the pride he had accumulated for four years was wiped out in an instant.

The chief surgeon in the video is astonishing!

Compared with him, what can I count as?

And the person that day looked like he was younger than himself.

It's no wonder Lian Xiangdong's progress is so fast. Anyone who has such a brother and has him guiding the operation on the stage will have a hard time not wanting to become a fairy!

Since then, Yang Xi has become a lingering shadow in Chi Xiang's heart, yes, it's not a shadow but a shadow, the figure of the sun.

The day before yesterday, that is, on Tuesday, Lian Xiangdong called Chi Xiang suddenly, saying that their oncology surgery department had started and they were planning to recruit more people, and asked if Chi Xiang was interested in coming to hang out with him.

When Chi Xiang heard this, his heart skipped a beat.

Although, as long as he worked in the Chinese Medicine Hospital for another year, Chi Xiang could get the staff he dreamed of, but compared to being able to perform surgery with Yang Xi and get Yang Xi's guidance, the staff suddenly became tasteless.

There is only one question, as an undergraduate, can he be hired by an old tertiary hospital like Jiangbei Municipal Hospital?
Even Xiangdong assured that as long as Young Master Xi nodded, the dean would nod, and as long as he nodded to the east, Young Master Xi would definitely not shake his head.

Chi Xiang believed that if the hospital has such a heavenly man, it will be held in the palm of the head of the hospital. As long as the request is not too much, the head of the hospital will definitely agree to it with a smile.But the awesomeness of the last mouth...

Chi Xiang could only ask for leave with the mentality of giving it a try, and rushed to Jiangbei.

did not expect……

It surprised me that……

That Lian Xiangdong really has face in front of Yang Xi, as long as he nods, Yang Xi will not shake his head, really he is not bragging.

Chi Xiang couldn't hide his excitement while eating hot pot and looking forward to his future.It's a pity that Yang Xi doesn't drink alcohol, otherwise, he would have to go out and bring back two bottles of authentic Feitian Moutai.

After dinner, Chi Xiang was still unsatisfied, and invited Yang Xilian Xiangdong and Dai Hui to take a bath and relax.

There was no need to meet Yang Xi's eyes at all, and Lian Xiangdong directly refused.

Matt, that's too much!Don't you think that you can push your nose to your face after living in a bunk bed with my old man for four years. My old man has never had a chance to face Xi Shao naked. What kind of onion is your uncle?To be able to accept you is already my loyalty, and I want to get closer to Xi Shao?

Get out of the way and get in line!
Chi Xiang bypassed Lian Xiangdong and looked directly at Yang Xi.

Yang Xi smiled lightly, and said, "Old man's opinion is my opinion."

Lian Xiangdong immediately raised his head to the sky and exhaled a puff of thick smoke.All right, for the sake of your ignorance of the market, let me spare you for a while, and let the head of the secret service teach you how to behave when you come to the tumor surgery department.

On the side, Dai Hui sensed what Lian Xiangdong was thinking, and immediately gave Chi Xiang a playful glance.

"If you don't take a bath, then go sing?" Chi Xiang was still in a state of extreme excitement, and he didn't take the threats from Lian Xiangdong and Dai Hui into his heart at all.


Lian Xiangdong is happy in his heart, you flattery can be regarded as being on the horse's hoof, Xi Shao occasionally hums a few words, the tune is like a highway, there is not even a bend, let alone ups and downs up.

Sure enough, Yang Xi's face changed suddenly.

"You guys chat first, I still have something to do, let's go first."

Without waiting for the three people to react, Yang Xi walked away.My grandma is so lazy, she was so busy eating, she forgot to go to the supermarket to buy grapes, and if she didn't get grapes, she would be wasting the whole night. Compared to this week's task, is there any point in taking a bath and singing?

Five steps combined into three steps, Yang Xi galloped all the way to the supermarket, and wrapped up the last two grapes.

Back in the dormitory, I washed my face, opened my posture, and started practicing immediately.

(End of this chapter)

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