I'm a god of medicine

Chapter 386 Is It That Difficult To Admit A Mistake To A Child?

Chapter 386 Is It That Difficult To Admit A Mistake To A Child?
"You don't need to say thank you for what you have to do." Yang Xi waved his hand and continued: "What I want to tell you is that the teratoma you are worried about is not a big problem, but the mental health problem of your children that you have ignored That's the big problem, don't blame me for being alarmist, if you don't change your ideology, your daughter will end up in ruin sooner or later."

The girl's mother panicked: "No way, the night before yesterday, our girl just couldn't think about it for a while..."

Yang Xi snorted coldly, and said: "Without accumulation, how can there be a moment?"

The girl's mother froze.

Yang Xi continued: "It can be seen that the two of you are people with a bit of culture and status, so you only want to train your child into the kind of talent you want, and the various remedial classes are not underreported, right? Son You have almost squeezed out all of your play time, right? A child who is almost driven crazy by you, gets sick, but still has to be misinterpreted and humiliated by you. Who can think about it for a while? This time, she was lucky Saved, so, what about the next time? Will there be any luck?"

The girl's father finally realized the seriousness of the problem, and lowered his head and whispered: "We also treat her well. Besides, her mother and I don't understand medicine. Seeing her belly bulge, so..."

Yang Xi showed contempt on his face, and said: "I don't know if you two have ever gone to school, and if so, how did you graduate? In short, since I was in the first grade, I have been instilled by the teacher with a concept that commits crimes. It's not terrible to make a mistake, what's terrible is that you don't know how to repent after making a mistake, and you still have to try your best to find a reason to explain it. As far as what you said just now, I can only say you..." Yang Xi pointed at the girl's father and said very severely: "Despicable! Shameless! The whole society is scum, scum!"


After scolding, Yang Xi only felt that his whole body was extremely transparent. At this moment, the person he was pointing at was not the girl's father, but Vice President Yang, an excellent educator who is well-known in Dongshan.

The girl's father was shocked suddenly, and stared at Yang Xi blankly, without saying a word for a long time.

And the girl's mother was finally woken up by the scolding, and began to cry.

Yang Xi picked up the cigarette lighter again, pulled out one, put it in his mouth and lit it.

The girl's father was silent until Yang Xi smoked half of a cigarette, and finally said, "Doctor Yang, what should we do?"

Yang Xi rolled his eyes at the man, and snorted coldly: "If you make a mistake, correct it. Do you need others to teach you? If you hurt someone, you should go to her to apologize and ask for her forgiveness. Isn't this the most basic common sense? ?”

The man took a deep breath and fell silent again.

The vast majority of parents always put on a high-spirited look when their children make mistakes, holding various weapons in their hands, knocking, clapping, or pumping, and greet their children as much as they want, with righteous and awe-inspiring expressions in their mouths. Hoo, I hit you, it's for your own good.

But what about the other way around?
Parents did something wrong and misunderstood their children. How many people can sincerely apologize to their children and admit their mistakes?
One percent?


Even one ten thousandth!

Better parents will coax their children when they are wronged, at least they should make up for the children with some delicious food and drink.Ordinary parents would just chuckle and come up with a "famous saying" that is astonishing in the past and present: Dogs don't think their families are poor, and their children don't think their mothers are ugly. How can a child be angry with his parents?

As for the worse parents, their attitudes... refer to Vice President Yang and Teacher Zhou.

"Is it that difficult to admit a mistake to the child?" But seeing the man's hard look, Yang Xi couldn't help but feel bored again, took another puff of cigarette, put the cigarette butt in the ashtray, and waved his hand Said: "Do whatever you want, the same sentence, I have no right to intervene in your family's family affairs, what I said just now, you can accept the best, if you can't accept it, you have the right to treat me, Yang Xi, as farting. "

The man suddenly raised his head and looked at Yang Xi with fiery eyes.

"You're right, good scolding! Doctor Yang, thank you, you made me understand a truth, we as parents often teach our children to learn to respect others, even if the other party is just a beggar, as long as they don't steal or grab, that's okay. It is worthy of respect. But we just forgot to respect our own children, we were wrong, really wrong, I will go to my daughter to admit my mistake and say sorry to her."

Yang Xi nodded in relief.

Sir, why is Vice Principal Yang not as open-minded as the girl's father?


The man picked up the woman who was still sobbing, and walked out the door.

On the side, Lian Xiangdong handed over a box of lunch, and said tauntingly: "Young Master Xi is mighty, with your level of intervening in family conflicts, you are comparable to the director of the street office. I admire you so much."

Rarely, Yang Xi didn't reply, but hurriedly opened the lunch box, hungry!It's already a little over, and I'm so hungry, I don't have time to talk nonsense with Lian Xiangdong.

"Xi Shao, take care of the house tonight. Lao Gao just called and said that he had collected two appendices for Lao Te and waited for him to practice knives. Lao Te is a lazy donkey who goes to the hall to piss and pee. let's go."

Yang Xi took two mouthfuls of rice, and asked vaguely while chewing: "How did you get there? In Boss Gao's car?"

Lian Xiangdong replied: "It's too expensive to drive, I will take the bus with Lao Te."

Yang Xi swallowed his food, took a sip of water, and said, "Don't go to the station, take a taxi and go to Erhuan North Road. There are too many cars there, so stop at the beck and call."

Lian Xiangdong said: "I know! Lao Gao has already made it very clear on the phone."

Dai Hui solved his physical problems, returned to the doctor's office, and greeted Lian Xiangdong to set off quickly.

Yang Xi couldn't help but confessed: "Is there a surgical atlas? If not, I'll borrow...for the money. I'm a teacher. If I suffer a little, I'll suffer a little. I have a set of "Huang Jiasi Surgery". I'll sell it to you with a [-]% discount."

The whole book was memorized in my mind word for word. The paper version of "Huang Jiasi Surgery" was almost like waste paper to Yang Xi, and it was sold at a [-]% discount, so I could save about [-] yuan at least.

Before Dai Hui could speak, he took a step ahead to Dongdong, saying: "[-]% off, if you sell it, you will sell it, if you don't sell it, you will be knocked down."

Yang Xi looked at Dai Hui and said, "I'm talking to Lao Te, don't care about your business."

Dai Hui received the hint from Lian Xiangdong's eyes, so he smiled wryly: "Brother Ging told me that when I transferred to another department, I bought a set of "Qian Li Abdominal Surgery", although it is not as good as "Huang Jiasi Surgery". "It is comprehensive, but it is enough for my current level."

Complacent, Lian Xiangdong spread his thumb and little finger apart, and said, "[-]% off, pay with one hand and deliver with the other. After passing this village, there is no such shop!"

Yang Xi sighed, and replied: "Have a compromise, [-]% off?"

Lian Xiangdong immediately slapped Yang Xi, "Deal!"

(End of this chapter)

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