I'm a god of medicine

Chapter 36 I, Old Lin, Memorized This Pot

Chapter 36 I, Old Lin, Memorized This Pot

Obviously not!

Although Dean Lin didn't answer, he answered without hesitation in his heart.

Liuquan Town Hospital relies on the business guidance of municipal hospitals, not just the Department of General Surgery.Even if he hooked up with the Department of General Surgery of the Jiang Medical Affiliated Hospital, it would not work without the support of Director Ma, Director of the Department of General Surgery of the Municipal Hospital, Director Qin and the others.

Gao Chao glanced at Dean Lin, offered a cigarette, and continued: "I admit that this kid Yang Xi is really good at surgery, and he can even be described as a genius. I also know that Dean Lin is a talented person." Good leader, your only thought is to develop our town hospital. However, Dean Lin, I don’t know if you have thought about it, a surgical genius can’t save a town hospital, but it can completely destroy the hospital that you have worked so hard to build over the years. Foundation."

Dean Lin smoked silently, thoughtful.

Gao Chao said again: "Besides, as far as his surgical skills are concerned, the future is bound to be boundless, and how can the small temple of our town hospital keep such a great god like him? I dare say that when he takes When the doctor's license is reached, I'm afraid it will be the day he leaves the town hospital. Dean Lin, you have to think twice. Is it worth it to offend Director Qin, who has greatly supported us, for a genius who is destined not to stay? ?”

Dean Lin took a puff of cigarette, heaved a sigh of relief, picked up the teacup, and meditated silently.

Gao Chao then lit a cigarette, smoked twice, hesitated for a moment, raised his head to look at Dean Lin, and said again: "The other thing is that kid Yang Xi's personality, rebellious, unrestrained, unruly in speech and actions. But his brain always opens his mouth and acts rashly. In the hospital, he can scold Dr. Sheng in public, but outside the hospital, he can anger Director Qin regardless of the occasion. Given time, when his surgical skills improve again , and how much trouble will it cause you for the town hospital?"

The two sat together for more than half an hour in the spring, Dean Lin only listened but didn't speak, and never made a statement, but Gao Chao could see that Dean Lin's psychological defense had loosened.

The third knife was stabbed hard by Gao Chao the next morning.

It was Yang Xi's backer, Xu Rujin, the head nurse of the major surgery who enjoyed the highest prestige in the town hospital.

The conversation with the head nurse was very short, less than 10 minutes before and after. Gao Gao's wording was quite cryptic, but he basically expressed his attitude.Regardless of the result of yesterday's operation, Yang Xi's words and deeds are always inappropriate, and the current situation of the town hospital cannot be separated from the support of the municipal hospital, so I hope the head nurse can put the overall situation first. You can't protect Yang Xi. This has nothing to do with the nonsense between Yang Xi and Sheng Dajun. The starting point is purely for the benefit of the hospital. Maybe there is no need to terminate Yang Xi's employment contract, but it doesn't matter whether he can pass the doctor's exam or not. Should stay in the big surgery.

Xu Rujin took care of the children alone, so she usually didn't participate in the dinner at night, and because she was busy handing over work and arranging the relocation, she didn't know much about the hospital.After listening to Gao Ming's lobbying, Xu Rujin had nothing to say for a while.

However, after lunch, Xu Rujin still found Dean Lin.

The two have been partners for seven years, and they have already formed a tacit understanding with each other. The moment Dean Lin saw Xu Rujin, he already knew why Xu Rujin came here.

"It was Gao Chao who told you something about Yang Xi, right? Head nurse, please don't worry, I, Lin Tong'an, are not so soft on the ears, let alone Yang Xi has shown his surgical talent, even if he is just a For a mediocre person, I, Lin Tongan, would not use him to make deals with others."

Xu Rujin smiled lightly and said, "Dean Lin, you misunderstood. I didn't come to you to put pressure on you. I came to you for two purposes. One is to convey a word to you on behalf of others." , The administrative appropriation of Liuquan Town Hospital is related to the lives and health of more than [-] people in Liuquan Town, if anyone dares to interfere, you can go to him at any time."

Dean Lin's eyes lit up, and he thanked repeatedly.

Xu Rujin said again: "The second purpose is to ask you, no matter whether Yang Xi can pass the doctor qualification examination this time, I hope that Dean Lin can find a way to terminate the employment contract with him."

Dean Lin couldn't help being surprised.

What's the matter, head nurse?Are you deliberately speaking ironically?
Seeing Dean Lin's suspicious expression, Xu Rujin smiled and explained: "You know that Xiaoxi is the younger brother of me and our family's old Dong. When he graduated last year and looked for a job, we couldn't help him. He, but this year, I want to make up for it, I told Dean Li of the county hospital, and he is happy to accept Xiaoxi."

Dean Lin smiled and replied: "This is a good thing! Being able to enter the county hospital must have a better future than staying in the town hospital. I fully support it!"

Xu Rujin smiled wryly and said: "But, I mentioned it to him twice, but he rejected both of them without any discussion. Xiaoxi is a child who values ​​commitment and affection. He is grateful that you gave him a job and also supported him. He changed his favorite major, so he will not leave the town hospital on his own initiative."

Dean Lin said with emotion: "This child, isn't this stupid!"

Xu Rujin said: "So, I want to ask Dean Lin to take the blame. With this incident, the contract with him is terminated. He has no worries here, so he can only follow my arrangement."

Dean Lin hesitated a little, lowered his head and pondered for a moment, then raised his head and smiled suddenly: "Well, for the sake of our little brother's future, I, Old Lin, will take the blame."

Xu Rujin continued: "Then thank you Dean Lin, by the way, Gao Chao, how do you plan?"

Dean Lin showed a bit of bitterness, and said: "How else can I plan? Let me coax you first, Dr. Li is still studying, and Dr. Wu will not be able to stand up for a while. Sheng Dajun is just a helper. We have to rely on Dr. Gao for business."

Xu Rujin nodded, and said: "I will continue to help you follow up on the affiliated hospital, not only for general surgery, but also for other majors, we can also maintain close cooperation with them, as well as the county hospital, wait for me to settle there. When I get down, I will find an opportunity to talk to Dean Li, and it is best to persuade him to send some experts to our town hospital for outpatient rounds on a regular or irregular basis."

Dean Lin was quite excited and said: "Head nurse, how can you tell me how to express my gratitude? We have been working together for seven years, and I have been the dean for almost seven years. During these seven years, our town The income level of the hospital has increased from 600 million to the current [-] million, and your head nurse should take at least half of the credit!"

Xu Rujin smiled and said, "But I still became a deserter in the end, so I don't dare to take credit for it. I just hope that Dean Lin or colleagues in the hospital don't blame me, and Rujin is satisfied."

(End of this chapter)

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