I'm a god of medicine

Chapter 352 Let them show their faces too

Chapter 352 Let them show their faces too

Director Lan finished speaking enthusiastically, and the old director of Jiang Medical Affiliated Hospital announced the official start of the competition.

In the first round, there are [-] questions, each with ten points. From the moment the host starts to read the questions, each team can answer quickly. Points will be awarded for correct answers, and no points will be deducted for wrong answers. However, each representative team has only one chance to answer each question.

This arrangement is intended to mobilize the intense atmosphere of the scene, thereby increasing the ratings.

"The first question, all teams please listen carefully to the question, the patient reported that the stool was bloody for more than three months..."

There was a large screen in the middle of the arena, and the speed at which the questions appeared on the screen was almost in sync with the speed at which the host, Kong Dexing, was reading the questions. Just as Kong Dexing was reading out the patient’s statement, a team pressed the answering machine and sent out a message. There was a pleasant 'ding dong'.

"The representative team of the Third Municipal Hospital please answer." Kong Dexing put down the question board in his hand, and faced the representative team of the Third Municipal Hospital with a smile on his face.

"Colon cancer, or rectal cancer!" A member of the city's third hospital representative team stood up and answered firmly.

Kong Dexing smiled and said, "Is it colon cancer or rectal cancer? You can only give one answer."

The man whispered to his teammates and chose the latter: "Rectal cancer!"

Lian Xiangdong couldn't help turning his head to look at Yang Xi, right?

Yang Xi snorted coldly, shook his head slightly, what the hell!

At this moment, at the top right of his line of sight, the intelligent diagnosis program scrolled out twenty or thirty kinds of diagnoses, and the probability of each diagnosis was no more than 5%. Answering now is purely blind.

"The representative team of the Third City Hospital has lost the right to answer the questions. Please continue to listen to the questions for the other four teams." Kong Dexing said simply, and directly judged the representative team of the Third City Hospital as a background wall. "Patient Xiaoming, male, one year and one month..."

There was a burst of laughter at the scene.

One-year-old boy suffers from rectal cancer?

City Third Hospital, you really dare to think about it.

"When Xiao Ming was 8 months old, he had blood streaks in his stool, which turned into blood samples. The local county hospital diagnosed him with 'bacterial enteritis'. He was treated with cephalosporin, probiotics, Smecta and other drugs for a week, but his condition did not improve."

With the lessons learned from the Third Municipal Hospital, the other four teams were very cautious. Although one person always slapped the answering machine, no one had the urge to press it.

On Yang Xi's side, the diagnostic options given by the intelligent diagnostic program have been reduced by more than half, but among the remaining ten or so items, the probability of diagnosis of none of them is obviously beyond the average range.

"Two months after the onset of the symptoms, Xiao Ming's stool bleeding was obviously severe, blood clots were seen from time to time, accompanied by oral redness and swelling, and there were three small ulcers in the oral mucosa. The local hospital diagnosed as follows: 2. Possibly abnormal digestive tract; 1. Allergic diarrhea Co-infection. So it is recommended to take it orally..."

"Ding dong!"

Kong Dexing turned his head to look at the representative team of the Central Hospital, and said with a smile: "The representative team of the Central Hospital please answer."

A buddy from the Central Hospital stood up, cleared his throat, and replied, "I am allergic to milk protein, leading to necrotizing enterocolitis."

This diagnosis... There were many pediatricians in the audience, and some of them couldn't help but nodded. Yes, although this disease is rare, judging from the clinical symptoms and medical history, this diagnosis is extremely likely.

Big ass!

Among the diagnosis options that Xiao Ye saw, although this diagnosis has not been deleted, it is also ranked last, and the possibility of diagnosis does not exceed 5%. Wait for death!

Kong Dexing looked at the buddy at the Central Hospital regretfully, and picked up the question board again: "The other three teams, please continue to listen to the questions."

"When the patients came to our hospital for treatment..." Kong Dexing was slightly startled when he read this, and then explained with a smile: "It needs to be clear here that all the cases in this competition are real cases, but the cases involved in the topic Our hospital or this hospital refers to the Nanjiang Provincial People's Hospital, the unit that issued the question, not the Affiliated Hospital of Jiangxi Medical University."

After clarification, Kong Dexing continued to read the question: "When the patient came to our hospital, he asked about the medical history and learned that the child had repeated eczema at birth, mouth ulcers ten days after birth, and refused to breastfeed. A large abscess was formed, and the abscess ruptured to form a sinus..."

The Jiang Medical Affiliated Hospital team seemed very hesitant at the moment.

Read the questions further down, it must be the results of various examinations, and as long as you read the results of the colonoscopy examination, the answer will be revealed.At this time, there are still three possible diagnoses discussed by them, should they rush to answer?
At this moment, Yang Xi stabbed Lian Xiangdong's waist from behind.

Lian Xiangdong was shocked, and immediately took a picture of the answering machine.

Kong Dexing turned to the representative team of the municipal hospital: "Please answer the municipal hospital."

Yang Xi stood up slowly.

"This reflects the importance of inspection equipment and inspection methods. In fact, if you give this little patient a colonoscopy earlier, the condition will have been clarified a long time ago..."

Kong Dexing's complexion is not good, Ma De, is this my line, okay?What big tail donkey are you rushing at?
"The municipal hospital representative team, please give your answers directly." When the camera turned, Kong Dexing immediately changed his expression and interrupted Yang Xi with a smile.

Yang Xi smiled lightly, facing the camera, and said calmly: "The colonoscopy shows that the intestinal mucosa of the child must have multiple, large areas of erosion, ulcers, and bleeding. The diagnosis is also very clear. Inflammatory bowel disease. Inflammatory bowel disease The disease is divided into two types, ulcerative colitis and Crohn's disease, and oral ulcers were mentioned twice in the child's medical history, so my diagnosis answer is Crohn's disease, because only Crohn's disease The disease will involve the entire gastrointestinal mucosa of the patient."

Kong Dexing was just about to sink his face, but this kid always grabs Lao Tzu's lines and doesn't give him a look, he doesn't know that Lord Ma has three eyes, but when the camera turns, he has to smile .

"The answer is correct, plus ten points for the municipal hospital team!"

In the auditorium, Wu Hongmei in the first row turned around and couldn't help but palmed Gao Yong in the second row.

Well done!

Our city hospital is so domineering.

Not only do you have to answer the questions correctly, but you also have to grab the host's lines.

Gao Yong was even more excited, raised his butt, put his mouth close to Dean Wu's ear, and said excitedly: "Principal Wu, this is just the beginning, I bet, next will be Yang Xi's performance alone Moment, the other four teams, hmph! They are all puppets accompanying the prince to study."

Wu Hongmei nodded repeatedly.

That's right, I thought of a piece with my mother!

However, the two of them were a little too happy.

It cannot be said that Gao Yong's judgment was completely wrong, but it was more than half wrong.

It's just because Yang Xi, who is used to being poor, always feels a little uneasy when he thinks that his assets may exceed one million after tonight.Otherwise, the young master earns less charm points, and leaves some opportunities for the old Potato spy chief and the others to show their faces?

You can try it!

So, Yang Xi grabbed Lian Xiangdong's ear and whispered: "Old man, you are the one to answer the next question, and I will tell you the answer, just repeat it to the camera."

(End of this chapter)

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