I'm a god of medicine

Chapter 347 Treating You Like a Monkey

Chapter 347 Treating You Like a Monkey

Yang Xi fought with Fu Dashan all day and all night.

Seeing that the time was almost up and the heat was almost up, he showed his hole card.

"Oh, I finally understand why you keep staring at me, Prosecutor Fu, if I'm not wrong, what you have been suspecting is the 5 yuan in cash that Wang Jie handed over to me, right?"

Fu Dashan was already on fire, if Chen Jian hadn't been vaccinated in advance, he would have used eight or ten tricks on Yang Xi.But seeing that Yang Xi finally proposed the 5 yuan first, Fu Dashan was secretly relieved.

This battle finally saw the dawn of victory.

"Go ahead and say what comes to mind."

Yang Xi sighed, and said: "You have followed other people's ways. You have become their minions and cannon fodder, and you even put on an appearance of imminent success. I'm really ashamed for you!"

Fu Dashan couldn't help being taken aback.

Wocao, what's the matter?
The suspect said that the prosecutor who handled the case fell?
Just as he was about to pat the table, he heard Yang Xi go on to say: "Please bring me the doctor's mobile phone, and I will play a recording for you."

Fu Dashan was taken aback again.

The person who gave the money recorded the audio, and the person who received the money also recorded the audio. Both co-authors came prepared!

Yang Xi seemed slightly pleased.

Wang Jie in the past day always involuntarily turned his head to one side when talking to him in the dormitory. There must be a recording device hidden in the pocket on that side. Are you a rookie?

Does my new mobile phone have no recording function?

When Fu Dashan brought his mobile phone, Yang Xi found the audio, and after playing it, he explained: "He said he wanted to contribute something to the Liuquan Town Hospital where he used to work, so I naturally took the 5 yuan as his Donations to the hospital, Prosecutor Fu, I really didn't expect that collecting donations for the hospital would also be investigated."

Fu Dashan's face was ashen.

There is no good bird for both parties in this case.

On the one hand, they are deliberately digging pits to harm people purely, and on the other hand, they are using their strengths to fight against others.

However, you are fighting wits and courage, why do you treat the people's prosecutor as a monkey?

Fu Dashan held back the anger in his heart and asked Yang Xi to send the audio to his mobile phone through WeChat. While preparing to listen to it again, he ordered his subordinate Tong Xin to rush to Liuquan Town Hospital immediately to verify the whereabouts of the donation.

Tong Xin took the order and left.

After rushing to Liuquan Town Hospital, it took a full two and a half hours to finally confirm that the 5 yuan was indeed handed over to the hospital's financial account early the next morning on the day of the incident, and that the account was credited Write clearly, personal donation, donor, Wang Jie.

At eleven o'clock, after repeated checks and confirmations, Tong Xin finally called Fu Dashan, informed the result, and left the hospital.

And just after Tong Xin left, Dean Lin sent Gao Yong a WeChat message with a sneaky smile: Yang Xi is ready to call it a day.

Dean Lin's judgment is absolutely correct.

In an office on the third floor of the Dongshan County Procuratorate, Fu Dashan seemed calm as water, but his heart was churning like a volcano erupting.

The doctor Yang who was facing him was really not a thing. He knew it well, but he spent a day, a night and a morning with him. It can't even be said that he was playing with him like a monkey. He came for a walk as a husky.

However, this shameless bastard has no legal problems at all, so what can he do?You can't even swear, and you have to be polite to him.

If I really have liver cancer, I must be angry with this girl.

After receiving Tong Xin's call, Fu Dashan, who couldn't get angry, immediately reported to Chen Jian, and then came back to close the case obediently with Yang Xi.

At 12:30, after completing the case closing procedures, Fu Dashan had to personally send Yang Xi out of the house.

There was no way, Chen Jian explained, no matter what, the procuratorate had neglected its supervision, and it would be unreasonable not to be more polite to others.

When he came to the gate of the procuratorate, Yang Xi said the most striking sentence: "Procurator Fu, Wang Jie is really not a thing. If he wants to dig a hole, I will hack me, but I will treat you like a monkey. If you leave For me, we must thoroughly investigate the dean Hou who is behind the idea..." At this point, Yang Xi seemed to have slipped his mouth, and quickly covered his mouth.

But obviously, Fu Dashan heard the words of Dean Hou very clearly.

Yang Xi smiled and walked away.

Fu Dashan gritted his teeth, turned and walked back.

At this moment, Gao Yong arrived in his car, honked the horn, and stopped beside Yang Xi.

Opening the back door, Yang Xi fell headfirst on the back seat.

"Wow, don't let anyone mess with me, Boss Gao, drive slowly and let me sleep with him for two hours on the way."

After fighting with Fu Dashan all night, those people could take turns to sleep for a while, but Yang Xi stayed up all night solidly. If you want to say it, Yang Xi can continue to hold on, but there is still time at eight o'clock in the evening. In the live broadcast match, he had to cultivate enough energy to lead the municipal hospital team to crush the Quartet.

As soon as Gao Yong stepped on the accelerator, Yang Xi's snoring sound came from the rear seat.

In the front row, Gao Yong glanced at Lian Xiangdong with a bitter expression on his face, and Lian Xiangdong immediately returned a helpless expression.It takes 50 minutes to get there, and the pig in the back row needs to sleep for two hours on the return journey, so how slow do you have to drive?

"Old man, there seems to be a convenience store in front of you. Go and buy some bread and water. We'll have a meal in the car. I'll take you for a drive to enjoy the beautiful scenery of Dongshan County."

Lian Xiangdong nodded helplessly, other than that, he really couldn't think of any good way.

After driving around for an hour, he felt that driving back to the city should satisfy Yang Xi in terms of time. Gao Yong turned on the mobile phone navigation, and at this moment, Yang Xi suddenly sat up from the back seat.

"Go ahead, go to Liuquan Town, and ask Comrade Lao Lin to invite us to eat mutton."

On the co-pilot's seat, Lian Xiangdong responded: "Brother, it's almost two o'clock now, what kind of mutton are you eating? Why don't you hurry back and prepare for the game tonight!"

Yang Xi rubbed his face dryly, and said excitedly: "After so many years, your old man is finally willing to call me brother, no, this stewed mutton must be eaten, I can't find Lao Lin, I will treat you to Mrs. Xi."

Gao Yong then dissuaded him: "This extra round, plus the time to eat mutton, it will be four or five o'clock in the evening when we go back. I really don't have time to prepare for the competition. Master Xi, we can't eat it another day. ?"

Yang Xi replied dissatisfied: "But I'm hungry, you don't know, the food provided by the procuratorate is simply not for people to eat, besides, in the game at night, as long as the old butts perform normally, it is easy to crush them."

Lian Xiangdong's eyes moved slightly, and he shivered unconsciously.

What do you mean?
What does it mean that old butts can crush them with normal performance?

Didn't we agree?Although my old man took up the responsibility of carrying the flag, he just waved the flag and shouted, and took some bonuses to spend.

(End of this chapter)

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