I'm a god of medicine

Chapter 342 My Sir, Hello

Chapter 342 My Sir, Hello
Wu Ye woke up from the anesthesia.

All I saw were various medical equipment that I had never seen before.

She still didn't come to see me after all...

Poor Wu Ye, still intubated, unable to utter a single sigh.

The conditions of the Mine General Hospital are not as good as those of the municipal hospitals. Not only are PACU and ICU conflated in the mouths of doctors and nurses, but also their beds and functions are also integrated into one.

The nurse on duty in the ICU noticed that Wu Ye had woken up and rushed to take care of him. After checking that all indicators were normal, she pressed the call bell and called the doctor on duty.

Can be extubated.

"Doctor, where am I?" After the extubation, Wu Ye asked eagerly, regardless of the discomfort in his throat.

The doctor on duty replied: "This is the ICU. After your operation, you will undergo anesthesia and recovery here, and you will be sent back to the general surgery ward later."

Wu Ye has never been hospitalized, so he is quite unfamiliar with hospitals, but he has watched medical-themed TV series, and he knows that this ICU is not something that ordinary people can enter if they want to.

Maybe, she is guarding me outside...

Hope was rekindled in Wu Ye's heart.

"Doctor, are there any friends of mine outside?"

The doctor on duty said: "I really don't know about this, but I can ask for you."

After looking at Wu Ye's bed card information, the doctor on duty came out of the ICU and shouted, "Is there any family member of Wu Ye?"

No one responded.

The doctor on duty could only tell Wu Ye the truth.

Wu Ye smiled lightly, as if he hadn't expected it, but in fact it was expected. Although Police Officer Qian agreed to help him, but after all, his injuries were not serious, and it was not worth keeping him outside the ICU.

Half an hour later, Wu Ye was sent to the general surgery ward.

It is still a single room with good conditions.

However, the situation that not even a patient could see made Wu Ye even more lonely.

"Nurse, can you change the ward for me? This single room..."

The nurse on duty in the general surgery department rushed: "Are you worried about the cost? Don't worry, your hospitalization fee has been paid by the Municipal Public Security Bureau, and they asked us to give you the best treatment."

Wu Ye felt a little warm in his heart.

It doesn't matter if the money is not, he can still afford the one hundred and eighty thousand hospitalization fee, but this kind of heart is rare, at least, he didn't suffer the iron sand spray gun in vain.You can't ask too much of Police Officer Qian. He has a family, a family and a job, so he definitely doesn't have time to stay in the hospital to take care of him.

"Nurse, I'm not worried about money. I live alone in a single room...it's so lonely."

The nurse smiled slightly and said: "It's so late, other patients are also resting, and I changed the room for you, and no one will talk with you, you, go to rest quickly." The nurse adjusted the infusion drip rate , recorded Wu Ye's blood pressure and body temperature, then exited the room, and turned off the headlights, "Oh, by the way, the yellow button next to the bed is the call button, if you feel uncomfortable, you can call me .”

The light in the room dimmed, and Wu Ye was indeed exhausted after going through such a long anesthesia operation. Since it was a futile act, it would be better to bury his disappointment and loneliness and recover his body as soon as possible.

Just when Wu Ye was about to fall asleep, he suddenly heard the voice of the woman who was thinking about it day and night from the corridor outside.

"You ate my top foie gras and top steak, and drank my Lafite that I have preserved for many years. Let you accompany me to see what's wrong with him?"

A young man's voice responded: "Shh! This is a ward, and it's getting late, can you keep your voice down!"

That woman, of course, is Ye Qiuhe, and that young man, of course, is Yang Xi.

Two and a half hours ago, Ye Qiuhe sent out an invitation to Yang Xi and You Canghai. Yang Xi was really hungry and was really thinking about the foie gras and steak in Ye Qiuhe's shop, so he agreed to Ye Qiuhe's invitation.

I thought Ye Qiuhe would just call the store to make arrangements, but she didn't expect her to follow.The reason seems ruthless, but after careful consideration, it is reasonable.

"I'm an old man with experience. A single anesthesia recovery will take at least two hours, and I can't get in. Is it interesting to wait here? Besides, I didn't eat dinner, am I not hungry?"

After she was full, Ye Qiuhe sent Director You away and drove Jiang Yubei back, but asked Yang Xi to accompany her back to the mine general hospital.

If another friend made such a request, Yang Xi would gladly obey, but Ye Qiuhe... this woman is a full-fledged moth. If nothing else, she said that she was kidnapped by Director Yuan to go on a blind date last time, and she just asked her to mess up the situation and let her go. Liu Yiyi was enough, but she made such a big show that she almost had a psychological barrier. Whenever she met a female patient, she would think of dirty words such as 'touched' and 'entered'.

Have to guard against it!
But how could Ye Qiuhe let Yang Xi go so easily, she pulled and pulled, cheated, and dragged Yang Xi over.

"If you don't mess with me, can I speak so loudly?" The principle of a woman's reasoning is that she is unreasonable. Ye Qiuhe pouted and yelled at Yang Xi, then kicked open the door of Wu Ye's ward.

"Qiu He..." Wu Ye struggled to get up.

Ye Qiuhe cast a cold look at her, and shouted: "You lie down and don't move, if you dare to move, I will strangle you to death."

Wu Ye gave a wry smile, but obediently lay on the bed, not daring to move.

Ye Qiuhe took off her coat, threw it on the chair beside the bed, and then came to the head of the bed, stepped on the bed frame with one foot, looked down at Wu Ye, and said, "Master Qianlong sent Jiangbei eight characters, poor mountains and rivers, shrews and troublemakers, There is one thing to say, the old lady is actually a shrew, surnamed Wu, it's too late for you to regret it now."

Wu Ye smiled wryly again, and replied softly: "Qiu He, since I have made up my mind to come to you, I will never regret it in my life."

Ye Qiuhe snorted coldly, and continued: "My mother's breast cancer is called triple-negative breast cancer, and she can't live for five years. Do you dare to say that you don't regret it?"

Wu Ye said firmly: "Even if it's only five months, I don't regret it."

Ye Qiuhe sighed, shook her head, and said, "You are such a fool!"

Yang Xi leaned on the door frame of the room, and said with a smile: "You're dead, right? You're out of luck, right? I told you, it's not fun to play like this, so I don't want to listen!"

Wu Ye realized that there was someone standing at the door, and hurriedly greeted him, "Hi, how do I call you?"

Ye Qiuhe introduced carelessly: "He, my ex-husband."

Wu Ye was startled for a moment, then he raised his right forearm, which was not pierced with a needle, waved at Yang Xi, and politely said, "My husband, hello!"

my husband?
After Ye Qiuhe was stunned, she couldn't help snorting, and laughed out loud: "What, I'm talking about my ex-husband. His surname is Yang, and his name is Yang Xi. He is my chief surgeon and your life-saving benefactor!"

(End of this chapter)

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