I'm a god of medicine

Chapter 323 The mastermind is certainly hateful, but the cannon fodder is equally hateful

Chapter 323 The mastermind is certainly hateful, but the cannon fodder is equally hateful

Principal Zhu's daughter is named Yihong.

It can be said that Zhu Hong is a daughter who inherited her father's career. She studied as a teacher at university, and found a job as an elementary school teacher in the provincial capital after graduation.Girls are actually quite good teachers. Apart from going to work early in the morning, there are few problems in other aspects.It is rare to get a taste of overtime work when the time comes, and you get paid every month. You never know that there are still wage arrears in this world. The most attractive thing is that there are two long paid holidays a year.

Therefore, girls who are teachers have always been popular in the blind date market.

Zhu Hong met her current husband Chen Yibo through a blind date.

When I met Zhu Hong, Chen Yibo was a standard diamond king. As the provincial agent of an international brand of medical consumables manufacturers, Chen Yibo's annual income must be calculated in millions.

Those who are in the medical consumables business may not have a medical background, but they have been dealing with doctors for a long time, and they are always more familiar with medical treatment than ordinary people.This kind of person is often a layman in the hospital, and pretends to be an expert when he leaves the hospital.

When the Zhu family's mother and daughter were talking on the phone last night, Chen Yibo was not very happy. It was obvious that he didn't take him as a son-in-law seriously.The father-in-law is sick, and it is still a fatal cancer, why not ask him to find a famous expert in the big hospital in the provincial capital to operate on him?What good results can there be from living in a small prefecture-level city hospital?

Under the influence of her husband, Zhu Hong is also full of opinions on her parents' behavior.Yes, if you say hello early, my husband can help make an appointment with Professor Su Dongming, who is admitted to the provincial hospital. If he can be admitted to the provincial hospital, Professor Su will perform the surgery himself. It is much higher than Jiangbei.

Rushing to Jiangbei with such emotions, she was only 5 minutes away from stopping her father. Zhu Hong was quite frustrated, but she could barely accept it. After all, the reputation of the general surgery department of the municipal hospital is there, although it is not as good as that of the provincial doctor. Professor Su, but it is not so bad that it is unbearable.

However, while waiting for the operation, Zhu Hong talked with her mother about the two-day hospitalization process, and Zhu Hong couldn't bear it anymore, so she lashed out at her mother.

What a joke!

Vice President Yang and his father have been partners for many years. No one will doubt this.Vice President Yang's son is doing his best to help his father's illness, which is also worthy of trust and gratitude.

However, let such a young doctor who has just graduated for a little over a year perform the surgery for his father... What does father think?What are you thinking, mother?

Are you two elders crazy?

Especially there is a 'medical expert' beside him beating the drum, saying that in order to pursue economic benefits, some hospitals don't care about the life and death of patients at all, and cheat as much as they can. He closed his stomach and stepped down, falsely claiming that he had done his best.

Zhu Hong collapsed even more.

Well, you Yang Xi, the lack of morality is actually on my father's head. Do you really think that I, Zhu Hong, am an ordinary patient who knows nothing about medical treatment and can only be bullied and deceived?

"Husband, contact Professor Su now, I will make that man surnamed Yang unable to eat!"


After hearing Zhu Hong's words, Yang Xi felt nauseated and wanted to vomit as if he had eaten a fly.

Grandma has a leg, the young master worked hard for two hours, and paid him 2 yuan, but in the end, you treated him like this... Just as I was about to sullen my face to express my displeasure, suddenly A flash of light flashed.

What are you doing!

Why are you getting angry with this guy?

A man was walking on the street, but was yelled at twice by a wild dog by the side of the road. Could it be that the man had to yell back to get even?
"Yes, yes, you are right!" Yang Xi smiled and said to Zhu Hong, "Don't say you don't believe that I can't do this operation, I wonder if I made a wrong decision at the beginning. , well, you hurry up and find someone to do an appraisal, I still have something to do, so excuse me."

Yang Xi arched his hands, turned around and returned to the operating room.

Zhu Hong roared resentfully from behind: "What attitude?!"

Just when Yang Xi walked into the door of the operating room, Zhu Hong's husband, Chen Yibo, also got in touch with Professor Su.

With Su Dongming's status, it is impossible to directly deal with these consumable suppliers. The only person Chen Yibo can contact is Dr. Sun Hao, a student of Professor Su and the secretary of the department.

An hour ago, Sun Hao received a WeChat message from Chen Yibo, Mr. Chen, but he was too lazy to respond, because all his attention was focused on the live broadcast of the operation called "Anesthesia Yinwei" in Xinglin Garden. superior.Sun Hao and Professor Su knew who this 'anesthesia Yin Wei' was, because he knew who the surgeon in charge of the live broadcast was, like Professor Su.

After watching the two-hour live video of the operation, Sun Hao's mood also changed from extremely shocked to extremely shocked to extremely admirable and finally to extremely jealous.

No wonder Mr. Su spent so much money trying to poach that Yang Xi. Fortunately, Yang Xi didn't give Mr. Su face. Otherwise, there would be no room for young doctors like them to develop in the General Surgery Department of the Provincial People's Hospital.

With the end of the operation, Sun Hao finally fell back to the ground as if he was on a roller coaster. After another 5 minutes of adjustment, he barely returned to normal. At this time, he remembered the message sent to him by Mr. Chen, the consumable supplier. WeChat.

"I'm sorry, Mr. Chen, I was undergoing surgery just now. Excuse me, what instructions does Mr. Chen have?" After saying these words, Sun Hao rested his hands on his forehead, and couldn't help recalling the operation process he had just seen.

After a while, Chen Yibo replied to WeChat, the wording was very euphemistic, but the meaning was very clear. His father-in-law had colon cancer, and he had just had an operation in the municipal hospital. The surgeon was a young doctor who had just entered the clinic for a little over a year. , He deeply suspected that the old man was cheated by the municipal hospital, so he wanted to ask Professor Su to make decisions for him.

Seeing the message from Chen Yibo, Sun Hao couldn't help being stunned.

Just had surgery?

Or colon cancer?
The municipal hospital in Jiangbei City?

The surgeon is a young doctor who has just entered the clinic for more than a year?

Isn't what he was talking about the operation that was broadcast live in Xinglin Garden just now!

Your Yin Wei from today can't be so careless in his life and work!
That's right, when you graduated with a master's degree, you wanted to stay in the provincial hospital. It was Professor Su's doubt that made your wish come to nothing. But seven or eight years have passed since that incident.
Do you have to use this method to amuse Professor Su?
In a moment of excitement, Sun Hao identified Chen Yibo as Yin Wei's cannon fodder.

The mastermind is certainly hateful, but the cannon fodder is equally hateful.

Without further ado, Sun Hao sent a voice message directly: "Mr. Chen, I'm sorry, after the department's research, it has been decided that from now on, the department will stop using all the consumables that your company represents!"

(End of this chapter)

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