Chapter 32

Can you open the windows of the operating room?
By the way, can I fall to my death happily by jumping from the fourth floor?
Looking helplessly, Director Qin has taken off his surgical gown and surgical gloves, and is about to walk out of the operating room...

At this moment, Yang Xi gritted his teeth and made the final decision.

Young master, I would rather live on my knees than die standing up... Ah, bah, how can he speak his mind?The plot at this time should clearly be that the protagonist defies power and stands up without hesitation, pointing out the diagnostic errors of the big villain, saving the fate of the patient, and saving the reputation of the department.

"Then what, Director Qin, can you take a step to speak?" Yang Xi ran up his legs and caught up with Director Qin at the door of the operating room.

Director Qin was a little surprised, but he still stood still, turned around with black lines all over his face, and replied coldly: "If you have anything to say, just say it here!"

Yang Xi took a deep breath, I can't blame the young master, it was you, Director Qin, who joined forces with the little epilepsy to force the young master to do this!

"Actually, Dean Lin's diagnosis is not wrong, this patient is indeed..."

Director Qin didn't give Yang Xi a chance to finish his sentence at all, raised his eyebrows, sneered, and raised his voice an octave, scolding: "That's my fault!" At the same time, he raised his head and raised his voice again, He almost roared angrily: "Lin Tong'an, this is your doctor, isn't it? What the hell!"

Before Dean Lin could react, Director Qin kicked open the door of the operating room and walked away.

【Ding!Mood swings from Chief Physician Qin Gewei, charisma +58, and 1 chance to draw a lottery. 】

Yang Xi gasped.

Such a high value... It can be seen how angry Director Qin is.

Yang Xi clearly felt that if there were not so many people present, Director Qin might have stripped him alive.

The incident happened suddenly and the process was brief, Dean Lin couldn't react in time, and Gao Ming on the stage was also panicked and at a loss.

As for Wu Weihua and Sheng Dajun in the operating room, as well as equipment nurse Wang Juan, anesthetist Li Ying, and others, they all pretended to be calm. See, hear nothing.

Yang Xi shrugged his shoulders, with an expression of indifference, snorted lightly, and said: "A real big shot needs to have a city in his chest and a belly in his stomach to support a boat, and Director Qin's still a little bit off! "It's not that Yang Xi doesn't have any compulsions in his heart, but he's dead anyway, so it's better to die arrogantly, anyway, he has to leave a legend in the town hospital to be able to survive.

Dean Lin regained some sense, and asked, "Yang Xi, what did you say to Director Qin? It seems that Director Qin is so angry..."

Yang Xi responded with a smile: "I just want to tell him that the diagnosis made by the Linyuan Institute is not wrong. This patient is either a placeholder or a simple calculus."

Gao Chao said angrily: "You know what! Have you seen this patient? Have you touched the space of the common bile duct in this patient? Even if you have seen and touched it, what can you understand?"

Dean Lin waved his hand, persuaded Gao Chao, and said: "Huanhuo, Doctor Gao, I think the most important thing you should do now is to catch up with Director Qin. Alas, what should I say, you are better than me."

Gao Chao was stunned for a moment, then glared at Yang Xi angrily, then stepped back from the operating table, taking off his clothes and gloves while walking outside.

After Gao Chao left, Dean Lin let out a long sigh, and said to Yang Xi, "You... You say you, why are you so ignorant? You don't make me feel uncomfortable, don't you?"

Yang Xi differentiated: "Director Qin is obviously misdiagnosed. If we listen to him and send the patient to the municipal hospital, it turns out that it is still a stone. Tell me, when the time comes, will the patient come to our town hospital for trouble or go to the municipal hospital?" What about the hospital?"

After a short pause, Yang Xi continued solemnly: "Health depends on life, and life depends on it. When I step into the sacred medical school, I solemnly swear: I volunteer to dedicate myself to medicine, love the motherland, be loyal to the people, abide by medical ethics, and respect teachers." Be disciplined, study hard, be tireless, keep improving..."

Dean Lin interrupted Yang Xi impatiently, and shouted: "Stop being so talkative! You've made Director Qin so angry now, I'll see how you end up."

Yang Xi sighed: "As a doctor, I have to respect objective facts. Otherwise, I would be sorry for the trust of patients, the training of the hospital, and even more sorry for Director Qin's earnest teaching. If nothing else, just say One point, if this kind of low-level mistake spreads to the municipal hospital, how embarrassing Director Qin will be!"

Dean Lin shook his head helplessly, and said, "What you said was better than what you sang, but, the lower end of this patient's common bile duct is lumpy, what is it if it's not occupying a place?"

Yes, what is it if it is not a placeholder?

When Director Qin's diagnosis on the operating table conflicted with the system, Yang Xi had already begun to think about this issue.

"Inflammatory mass!" The only explanation Yang Xi could think of was this.

"Patients in rural areas are concerned about money. When they are sick or sick, they will support as long as they can. They will go to the hospital to see a doctor if they can't hold on. I guess this patient is also like this. He got stones a long time ago. , but refused to come to the hospital for treatment, listened to the concubine or the advertisement, and took medicine to dissolve the stone. Of course the stone cannot be dissolved, but the inflammation may be relieved. Over and over again, the inflammatory granuloma proliferates and forms a parcel, It also just explains why there is no typical right upper quadrant colic and radiating shoulder pain in this attack." Yang Xi said eloquently, as if a famous expert was analyzing and explaining the case to a subordinate doctor.

Sheng Dajun showed disgust, what the hell!It's just nonsense, so can Director Qin be wrong?
Wu Weihua's complexion was solemn. Between space occupying and calculus, he naturally tended to diagnose space occupying. However, Yang Xi's explanation was not unreasonable, especially... the B-ultrasound diagnosis level of the town hospital was really low. Can't even tell the difference between space occupying and stone?

Possibility exists, but not great!
"Dean Lin, I think what Yang Xi said makes sense, why don't you cut it open and see..." Wu Weihua dared to swear to God, by saying this, he definitely didn't want to take the opportunity to hug Yang Xi's thigh, he just came from an academic point of view Look at the problem.

Sheng Dajun hurriedly interrupted Wu Weihua, and said, "It can't be cut! If it's not a stone, it's going to be a big trouble!"

Dean Lin glanced at the two of them with a straight face, the meaning in his eyes was obvious, I am here, how can you two talk?
After the two of them closed their mouths knowingly, Dean Lin stared at Yang Xi for a few seconds, and then said in a deep voice, "Go and wash your hands, I will fight with you."

To be honest, Dean Lin also hopes that Director Qin made a mistake, otherwise, it will prove that the hospital's B-ultrasound is really bad. However, it has been less than five years since I bought that B-ultrasound. When he was still...

(End of this chapter)

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