Chapter 297

Sunday, sunny and crisp.

All the guests invited by Liuquan Town Hospital were smiling and chatting happily.

Only Yang Xi.

Disgruntled, unable to hide his annoyance.

In fact, when I got up at seven o'clock in the morning and had breakfast with Director Ma, this guy was still talking and laughing, but after eight o'clock, it was like a different person.

Eight o'clock, eight o'clock on Sunday morning, that is the time when the system dispatches this week's tasks.

That's right, all of Yang Xi's annoyance and unhappiness came from this week's mission sent by the cheating little maniac.

The tasks assigned by the system at [-] o'clock that day are exactly the same as last week, not even a single punctuation mark has changed.

How could Yang Xi not be angry?

But no matter how angry she was, she could only endure it.

Although he didn't use skill cards much last week and didn't consume extra life points, the 168 hours of natural consumption in a week also reduced his life value balance to less than 800 points.

Yang Xi, who has never seen money since he was a child, has long developed the personality of a miser, and the characteristic of a miser is that when he is small, he will be safe and panic when he is small. Seeing that his life value has dropped from dozens of points The high point of [-] points fell to less than [-] points. Apart from being angry, Yang Xi felt inexplicable panic.

Then surrender.

A man can stretch and bend!

Take a step back today in order to take a step forward tomorrow, and when the young master squeezes out the value of your little lunatic, he will definitely throw you into the pigsty and see how you still behave.

Although the groundbreaking ceremony was quite lively, it didn't last long. It started at nine o'clock in the morning and ended at ten o'clock.If the county magistrate participated in the event, it must be clean and honest. After the ceremony, the guests also received souvenirs worth dozens of yuan and left on their own.

Back at the municipal hospital, Yang Xi had no other thoughts. He plunged into the dormitory and began to gnaw his teeth on the nearly thousand-page "Practical Oncology" e-book.

When I was flipping through this book last Friday, I directly found the chapter on breast cancer and started to study. The indicators, indicators, receptors, and receptors in it made Yang Xi dizzy.But today, I started reading from the first page. The general introduction to oncology in the book explained various basic knowledge of cancer and attracted Yang Xi at once.

You can skip lunch.

For dinner, just order a takeaway.

From 11:30 noon to 01:30 night, I was so sleepy that I put away the e-book.

When the shift was over early the next day, acting director Qin Gewei announced an extremely correct but unpopular regulation. From now on, smoking in the doctor's office is strictly prohibited, and anyone who violates it will be fined 100 yuan each time.

Afterwards, Qin Gewei made a further explanation, saying that Director Ma was there before, and although there were many opinions in the hospital, it was inconvenient to impose a smoking ban on general surgery because of Director Ma's face, but now Director Ma has retired , no one can bear the pressure from the courtyard, so I hope everyone can tolerate and understand.

This is true.

Looking at the entire hospital, the general surgery department was the only one that made the doctor's office smoky. It's not that the hospital didn't want to take care of it, but no one dared to speak out. Without the order of Director Ma, there was a "group fight", how could anyone dare to follow in the footsteps of Vice President Yan?

But now that Director Ma has retired and the general surgery department has lost its amulet, it will be much easier for the hospital to rectify the general surgery department. Instead of being criticized by the leaders, it is better to make corrections by yourself first.

Therefore, although the new regulations promulgated by Qin Gewei were unpopular, there were no voices of opposition.

Ward rounds after the morning meeting, doctor's orders after the rounds, and preparations for surgery in the operating room after the doctor's orders, the surgeon's unshakable trilogy every morning.

Last week, each group made up almost all the debts owed during the National Day holiday. Therefore, the operations arranged on Monday were basically new patients received in the second half of last week. Gao Yong's group only arranged for this morning. There are two laparoscopic operations, one is a patient on Yang Xi's bed, and the other belongs to Lian Xiangdong.

At 10:30, the two operations were over, and Yang Xilian and Xiangdong returned to the big office on the 8th floor.

"Xi Shao, do you have a feeling that it's not a good taste, we two stay here as if we are guests at someone's house." After entering the office, before sitting down, Lian Xiangdong habitually took out a cigarette .This guy did two first aids in a row just now. Although he was almost scolded to death by the surgeon Gao Yong on the operating table, he finally completed the operation under Yang Xi's constant reminders and guidance. He was in a state of excitement at this time. The smoking ban issued by Director Qin early in the morning has already been thrown aside.

Yang Xi is also a guy with little brains.Lian Xiangdong's performance on stage has improved greatly. The reason is that the so-called laparoscopic surgery practice equipment that he imagined out of thin air was given to Lian Xiangdong. That set of simple equipment is idle.

This gave Yang Xi room to imagine, why couldn't Dean Lin also purchase a set of laparoscopic surgery equipment?There is no rule saying that township hospitals are not allowed to carry out laparoscopic surgery. Besides, after becoming a municipal hospital branch, Liuquan Town Hospital is no longer a town hospital level. In theory, the projects that municipal hospitals can carry out, Liuquan Town Hospitals are also eligible.

Just thinking about these thoughts, Yang Xi also forgot about the smoking ban. When he saw Lian Xiangdong being handed a cigarette, he took it casually. At the same time, he took out his Zippo, lit it, and handed it to Lian Xiangdong.

As soon as the two brothers lit their cigarettes, Ling Ran got out of nowhere.

"What's the matter with you two? Director Qin just finished talking about the ban on smoking in the morning. Do you two have no ears or what?"

Ling Ran's words were not pleasant, but the truth was on the bright side, Yang Xi and Xiang Dong had no choice but to quickly put out the cigarette after hearing it.

However, Ling Ran was persistent: "Don't think that you two will be in the oncology surgery department in a few days, and you can ignore Director Qin's words. Let me tell you, as long as you are still in the general surgery department for a day, you two will be fine." You have to abide by the rules of general surgery. Stop talking nonsense, a fine of 200 yuan, pay for it!"

Yo, what the hell are you, an onion!

Seeing Ling Ran's domineering appearance, Yang Xi was furious.

Even Xiangdong went too far, directly took out his wallet, clicked out four hundred-yuan bills, and photographed them in front of Ling Ran.

"I don't need that much, two cards are enough." Ling Ran put away two cards, and threw the other two back to Lian Xiangdong.

Lian Xiangdong slapped the banknote in front of Ling Ran again, and replied with a sneer: "I will smoke another one with Master Xi later!"

 Take a breather, the monthly pass will be delivered tomorrow.

(End of this chapter)

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