I'm a god of medicine

Chapter 288 Damn Ectopic Appendix

Chapter 288 Damn Ectopic Appendix

On Friday, Gao Yong's group originally planned to have four operations, but Wen Yanyan's aunt had already performed the operation on Thursday, so there were only three laparoscopes left on Zhang Yao's bed that day.

It's not easy for Yang Xi to interfere with Zhang Yao's operation on a patient in bed.

"Xi Shao, if you are idle, you are also idle. Why don't you go for a stroll in front, maybe you can get back one or two emergency surgeries." Last night, Lian Xiangdong took an overnight train to complete the medical records in bed, so, This morning, he had the courage to take the initiative to harass Yang Xi.

Although Lian Xiangdong achieved self-breakthrough the day before yesterday, the fetus was removed, and the bone was replaced. Those emergency operations should not be too much of a challenge for him, but he is about to be assigned to tumor surgery. It's unlikely to have these basic surgeries again, even Xiangdong still can't bear it, and wants to take advantage of these last few days to get more surgeries like this.

In addition, Director Ma has retired, and no one can control the emergency surgery department in front of him. The number of emergency operations in the general surgery department has dropped sharply, especially on night shifts. up.

"Without the cover of an old horse, you dare to go to other people's land to grab food? Isn't that just looking for a beating! Forget it, old man, if you want to be addicted to surgery, go to Liuquan Town with me on Saturdays and Sundays, Safekeeping can make your old butt tired and vomit." Yang Xi didn't talk too much, the reputation of the top medical doctor has already spread in the local area, and the free surgery activity has established a reputation for Yang Xi's surgical skills. Then, during the holiday, Da Wu The accident in Liuquan Town made the reputation of Liuquan Town Hospital to a higher level. Now, patients are coming here in droves, and the dozen or so beds in the Department of Surgery in Liuquan Town are simply not enough.

"This...you don't understand." Lian Xiangdong put it off rather awkwardly, and took a cigarette in his mouth.

Yang Xi hurriedly took out the Zippo, clanked it, stabbed it again, lit it, and lit a cigarette for Lian Xiangdong.

"Genuine ZIPPO? Damn, Xi Shao, it's awesome, bring it here and let me appreciate it."

Yang Xi smiled, um, the old man still winked, much more reliable than that boss Gao with well-developed limbs and a simple mind.

After taking the lighter and playing with it, Lian Xiangdong explained: "The great leader Mao Zedong taught us that an enemy's enemy is a friend. Xi Shao, we are no longer general surgeons. In this regard, you You must keep it in mind!"

Yang Xi followed with a Sanwu in his mouth, took back the lighter from Lian Xiangdong, lit it, and quickly put the Zippo into his pocket.Then he squinted his eyes and looked at Lian Xiangdong, thinking, what this guy said made a lot of sense.

At the beginning of next month, the Department of Oncology Surgery will be opened. Although the Department of Oncology Surgery can be regarded as a branch of the General Surgery Department, and it can even be said that the two departments are in the same line, they are in a competitive relationship after all in terms of business and do not want to be enemies. It doesn't work either.Since the establishment of the emergency surgery department, Director Ma has never looked at it seriously. Over the years, under the continuous beating and repairing by Director Ma, headed by Director Yuan and assisted by Director Yuan, the small life is quite miserable.

For a clinical department, it is rare for a month's bonus to exceed the hospital's average bonus, but zero bonuses happen from time to time.

This hatred that has been accumulated for many years will definitely erupt completely after Director Ma retires... Well, this is indeed an excellent time to show favor to the emergency department.

"That's right, old man, I didn't see it, you still have some style, okay, after smoking this cigarette, let's go over."


Director Ma's retirement due to illness is indeed a great news for emergency surgery.

Without the constraints of his old man, with the unique advantages of emergency surgery, wouldn't that be a complete freedom of self.

In the early hours of this morning, Ou Zhen, who was on the night shift, let himself go, and he still hasn't been able to get it back.

Damn appendicitis.

Damn ectopic appendix.

As a result, Ou Zhen came to the stage at six o'clock in the morning, fiddled with for an hour and a half, and doubled the length of the incision, but he didn't even see the shadow of the appendix.

At [-]:[-], Cai Zide, the director of the emergency surgery department, rushed over and went straight to the operating room without saying a word.

If the patient is a male, then it is unlikely to be the most confusing diagnosis of ectopic pregnancy or adnexitis.

The course of metastatic right lower quadrant pain is clear and typical, the signs of McBurney's point tenderness and rebound tenderness in the right lower quadrant are clear and reliable, and the diagnosis of acute appendicitis should be correct.

The question is, what about the appendix?
Who the hell hid it, or did it have a soul playing hide-and-seek with the doctor on purpose?
After Cai Zide came to the stage, he worked hard for more than half an hour, but also failed to pull out the hidden appendix.

To be honest, Director Cai is indeed a master in the field of emergency medicine, but when it comes to emergency surgery, if he is placed in the general surgery department, perhaps even Ling Ran is qualified to be his teacher.

And the generals under him, such as Ou Zhen, are at a level that is a little bit better than Lian Xiangdong in early September.

The reason why Director Ma wants to suppress emergency surgery so ruthlessly is that the department's interests are one aspect, and the doctor's surgical level is also one of the factors.Director Ma believes that the current structure and level of doctors in emergency surgery cannot guarantee the safety of the operating room.

However, Director Cai always believed that whether it is general surgery, thoracic surgery or orthopedics, those emergency surgeries are not very difficult, and practice makes perfect, as long as the doctors under him perform a few more times, it is enough to settle these minor emergency surgeries.

There are as many soldiers as there are leaders, and Ou Zhen also thinks the same way. When he was in the general surgery training, he could take any intern with him, such as appendix, hernia, and intestinal obstruction.

But he overlooked one point, the same technique, sometimes its difficulty is vastly different.

How to do it?

On the operating table in the emergency operating room, Director Cai made a difficult move.

Calling General Foreign Affairs and asking Director Qin for fire support may be the only way out right now.But in this way, emergency surgery can only lose face, and it will no longer have the face to compete with other general surgeries for patients.After sending away Ma Yanwang, when the general practice ushered in the dawn, he offered Director Qin to the position of Yan Wang alive, but it was a result that he, Cai Zide, and all the doctors in the emergency department could not accept.

But what if you don't accept it?

Wouldn't it be better to just hang the patient on the table like this, or just cut off something and use it as an appendix?

This is not impossible to consider.According to legend, the Department of General Surgery of the Affiliated Hospital of Jiangxi Medical University encountered a patient with a congenital absence of appendix but was misdiagnosed as appendicitis more than ten years ago. In the end, a piece of omentum was cut off to serve as the appendix.However, in that case, many chief directors met on the operating table and confirmed that the appendix was absent.

If I follow suit here, will I be able to pass the test of director Zhang Yingchun of the pathology department?

(End of this chapter)

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