I'm a god of medicine

Chapter 285 Palliative Care

Chapter 285 Palliative Care

Since it is an extruded operating table, the time to be on the stage cannot be fixed, and it depends on the completion of the previous operation.When it was almost 03:30, in the operating room, Wen Yanyan finally sent word that the operating table had been vacated, and arranged for nurses to pick up the patients.

The patient's preoperative preparations had already been completed, so after receiving the message from Wen Yanyan, Gao Yong, Yang Xi, and Lian Xiangdong, who had been waiting for a long time, went directly to the operating room.

Wen Yanyan is considered an old man in the operating room, and the most talented surgeon in the general surgery department was invited to perform the surgery for her acquaintance, so naturally, Yin Wei, the most talented surgeon, will be invited to personally supervise the anesthesia.

When the three of them changed into the operating room clothes and entered the rest room, Yin Wei was already waiting inside.

"Hey, Altman Yang is here, and you, Ultraman old man, do you two really regard yourself as the incarnation of justice? One day you won't be itchy if you don't fight monsters?" Yin Wei smoked , with a mocking look on his face.

Yang Xi pretended not to hear, and picked up a corner to smoke silently.

Lian Xiangdong smiled and said: "Then what, my old man is not a troublemaker, if you want to blame, you can blame Young Master Xi, he is the one who instigated me to fight with others."

Yang Xi rolled his eyelids and gave Lian Xiangdong a supercilious look.

Yin Wei snorted coldly, and said straight away: "Young Master Xi instigated you to eat Xiang, so you eat too?"

Lian Xiangdong replied without hesitation: "Eat! As long as Young Master Xi says something, you can bring it hot or cold."

Yin Wei was so choked that he rolled his eyes wildly, without saying a word, he picked up a slipper from the ground and threw it at it.

The most humble are invincible.

Lian Xiangdong took a slipper, then bent down to pick it up, held it with both hands, and reached Yin Wei's feet. After standing up, he looked around the other three people with a victorious attitude, and then went up arrogantly. a cigarette.It's just so cheap, what's the matter?Can't stand it?Surrender quickly if you can't stand it!
Yin Wei panted heavily, glaring at Lian Xiangdong, but he didn't move at all.

At any rate, he is still his own brother, if he can't be really violent, and if he can't hold back this cheap energy, then he can only admit defeat and surrender.

The patient has already been picked up, and Wen Yanyan came to invite him, which can be regarded as a step forward for Yin Wei.

"Let me tell you two, today's matter is over, but this is the first time and the last time. From now on, don't make troubles for nothing. Make your knife well and be your doctor well. Who is to blame for those messy things?" It's up to the two of you to take care of who will take care of it." After saying that, Yin Wei got up and went out.

Gao Yong threw away the cigarette butt in his hand, stood up, and said, "Hurry up, Yin Wei is quick, after we wash our hands, he's almost done."

In 10 minutes, Yang Xi, Gao Yong and Xiangdong stood on the operating table.

Wen Yanyan personally served as the itinerant nurse for this operation, so Yang Xi must be the chief surgeon, and Gao Yong can only be the first assistant.

Surgery for choledochal carcinoma is more difficult than radical gastrectomy, especially for lower choledochal carcinoma. Pancreatoduodenectomy is required, which is the Whipple operation that general surgeons have heard of. The operation is deep and difficult. The precision is high, and there are too many uncontrollable factors during and after the operation.

Fortunately, the patient's cancer was located in the middle and upper part of the common bile duct. It only needed to perform local resection of the cancer combined with cholecystectomy, dissection of the surrounding lymph nodes, and then choledochojejunostomy.

Yang Xi had warmed up the operation process in his mind beforehand. Although it was the first time he performed this type of operation, he felt that he did not need to use skill cards.

Take a transverse incision under the right costal margin, cut the skin and subcutaneous tissue, and promptly coagulate the bleeding point to stop the bleeding. Continue to separate the muscle layer downward to expose the peritoneum, and use mosquito forceps to clamp it twice to confirm that there is no adhesion of viscera under the peritoneum , cut the peritoneum and open the abdominal cavity.

A whole set of laparotomy was completed, just like flowing clouds and flowing water, flawless.

In the audience, the itinerant nurse Wen Yanyan finally breathed a sigh of relief.

Just yesterday afternoon, Dr. Ling Ranling from the General Surgery Department chatted with him during the surgery. I don’t know whether it was intentional or unintentional. He mentioned Yang Xi. Dr. Ling said that Yang Xi’s basic surgical skills are absolutely amazing. But he was too young and hadn't done many surgeries, but this person was naturally bold, and he dared to perform many surgeries without even seeing them. I'm afraid he would fall into this sooner or later.

Wen Yanyan couldn't help but tremble when she heard these words.

That's right, Yang Xi's surgical skills are naturally worth mentioning. Just a mastectomy alone can make Director Ma amazed. You must know that it is not easy to be recognized by Director Ma in this operation. , wanting to be praised by Director Ma, there is no other person in the general department except Yang Xi.

However, what Dr. Ling said is also very reasonable.When a surgeon performs an operation, his skills are his skills, and his experience is his experience. The two must not be confused.

Has Yang Xi ever had surgery for choledochal cancer?
I'm afraid this one is really his first one today.

He has no experience at all, so he...

Wen Yanyan was worried all day long, but she didn't dare to express her worries. After all, she was Director Gao who took the initiative to find her, and she spoke very bluntly. If she raised questions at this time, she would not only offend Yang Dr. Xi Yang, I'm afraid even Director Gao will be offended.

However, when Wen Yanyan watched Yang Xi's laparotomy with the cooperation of Gao Yong without taking her eyes off it, Wen Yanyan gained confidence in her heart.

The aura exuded by Dr. Yang, the chief surgeon, is really beyond the reach of ordinary doctors.

Without enough confidence and confidence, how can there be such a strong aura?

The laparotomy is completed, and the next step is to explore.

But when he saw the three people on the stage, including Lian Xiangdong who was pulling the hook, the expressions in their eyes became more serious.

Wen Yanyan couldn't help but tremble, could it be that this operation...

"Yanyan, the condition of your acquaintance is not very good. The tumor has infiltrated heavily outwards, and it has become a lump with the surrounding tissues. It cannot be cut with hard cutting." On the stage, Gao Yong sighed softly and turned his gaze to the stage Wen Yanyan, not without regrets, said: "Now there are two options, one is to switch to tumor reduction surgery, which can be cut as much as possible, and the other is to bury the particles and do internal radiotherapy."

Whether it is tumor reduction surgery or radioactive seed embedding, it is a palliative treatment.

And palliative treatment, as the name suggests, is nothing but a solution, and its prognosis is not worth looking forward to at all.

This is obviously a choice that Wen Yanyan is unwilling to accept.

Therefore, she almost subconsciously made a suggestion: "Why don't you invite Director Qin to take a look?"

As soon as the words were spoken, Wen Yanyan felt extremely regretful, but it was a pity that the water that was spilled by the words could not be taken back even if she wanted to.

Gao Yong's face changed slightly, and he couldn't help but glance at Yang Xi who was opposite him.

Yang Xi didn't even raise his head, just continued to explore the operation area.

(End of this chapter)

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