I'm a god of medicine

Chapter 280 Close the door and put the boss high

Chapter 280 Close the door and put the boss high
"Are you scared?" Seeing that Lian Xiangdong hesitated, Yang Xi resorted to aggressive methods.

To be honest, Yang Xi is not a nosy person either.

Driving away one or two medical care providers will not do anything to improve the overall medical environment and medical atmosphere. Moreover, if you drive him away head to foot, he will be able to switch with colleagues from another hospital.

Calling the security guards to arrest him is not an option either.The hospital does not have the power to detain and judge Yituo, nor does the security team hired by the hospital. If Yituo is arrested, they can only call the police.

Let's not say how long it will take for the police to arrive, but only say that after the police arrive, they will never let the person who arrested the doctor breathe a sigh of relief.

It is a necessary process to go to the clinic to record a statement. The key is to wait two hours after the statement is recorded, and before you return to the hospital, you will find that the medical care provider has resumed work.

You can be depressed, you can be angry, but you just can't reason, because the police also follow the rules.

Without evidence, why do you believe that they are medical care?
Is it because he is wearing a white coat?

Damn, people say you are a veterinarian in a pet store, so you can't wear a white coat?
Besides, which law convicts Yito?Summarized into the crime of deception, it can only be determined after the deception has occurred!

Moreover, the victim can only report to the police. What if the doctor or security guard in your hospital reports to the police?Did someone lie to you?

Therefore, for the security team hired by the hospital, they can only turn a blind eye and close their eyes. When they see it, they go out, and they come back after turning a corner. They can only sigh and come back when they come back. Lie They are not my relatives anyway.

For doctors, no one is too lazy to meddle in their own business. They are busy with essential work all day long. Who would have the time to go to the police station to record a statement.

However, when Yang Xi saw that the dizzy patient who had been targeted and fooled by Yituo was about to follow Yituo out, he couldn't help feeling a little impulsive.

In the year of working in Liuquan Town Hospital, Yang Xi has not seen many patients who were cheated out of their money by the medical trustees in the city but did not receive treatment at all. medication, leading to further aggravation of the condition.

"If you're scared, I'll do it myself!" Impulse is the devil, and the devil can fascinate the soul, so Yang Xi couldn't bear to see with his own eyes an honest, innocent and kind-hearted countryman being deceived by a doctor.

"Am I afraid? Who else have I been afraid of in my life except you, Young Master Xi? I will take the lead and you will be behind." Lian Xiangdong swung his arms and rushed forward before Yang Xi.

Even Xiangdong may not be able to compare with Yang Xi in terms of speed, flexibility, or explosive power, but he has a thick body and a bit of brute force.When he was playing basketball back then, Yang Xi also took a liking to this feature of Lian Xiangdong, so he specially arranged for him to open the way for him to block bullets.Not to mention, those opponents who deliberately bumped into Lian Xiangdong would end up with a hidden loss in all likelihood.

Rushing to the doctor's support, Lian Xiangdong put his arms around the doctor's neck, then tripped his feet, exerted strength with his arms, and put the doctor's support on the ground.

"What the hell, I've been here pretending to be a doctor for several days, and I finally caught you kid!" Lian Xiangdong was smart enough to pretend to be a plainclothes policeman to avoid retaliation by these people.

Yang Xi, who followed up, smiled wryly in his heart, brother, I didn't really mean to do it when I said that I would fuck him!Threatening him, and ruining his good deeds, is also a shot at him.

But the matter has come to this point, Yang Xi can't say much, so he can only explain to the patient first: "Uncle, you have been cheated, this person is a doctor, do you know?"

The uncle shook his head blankly.

The doctor who was placed on the ground was flustered for a while, but soon discovered a loophole.

After the police arrest people, don't they have to handcuff them immediately?But why didn't this plainclothes show his handcuffs for so long?

The doctor calmed down, secretly put his hand into his trouser pocket, and reached for the phone.

Anyone who works in this line of work is organized and disciplined. There is a smart phone in the outer pocket as a facade, but in the trouser pocket, there is always a functional phone. texting.

Yang Xi talked all kinds of things, so he gave the patient uncle a half-knowledge.Persuading the patient uncle to continue queuing up for registration, Yang Xi freed up time to ask the doctor: "I think you are a first-time offender, so I will let you off this time. I hope you can wake up, repent and turn over a new leaf, Officer Ding." , let him go!" Yang Xi was also careful and didn't say Lian Xiangdong's real name.

Lian Xiangdong let go of his hand.

The doctor got up from the ground and fled in desperation.

At this time, the security guards hired by the hospital came in a hurry.

"It's okay, let's go away, just a doctor's appointment, and I have already driven him away." Yang Xi looked at the direction where the patient uncle was leaving, and sighed in his heart, that's all the young master can do, you Ah, if you are really confused and insist on being fooled again, then there is nothing the young master can do.

It wasn't a big deal, and things seemed to calm down when the crowd of onlookers dispersed.

Yang Xi and Xiangdong went to the general surgery clinic on the second floor.

When Japan should not be Gao Yong's outpatient clinic, but Director Ma's breast surgery specialist clinic, Director Ma suddenly fell ill and went home to recuperate after the operation. This specialist clinic can only be filled by Gao Yong.

The patient is an expert, and came here early in the morning to queue up for registration. As soon as he heard that Director Ma was ill, the expert clinic was replaced by Director Gao. Four-fifths left immediately, and the remaining one-fifth was registered online The money came and clamored for the hospital to refund the money.

One can imagine how leisurely Gao Yong was this morning.

After closing the door, he talked for ten minutes, explaining Dai Hui's matter clearly.

Dai Hui had come to look for Gao Yong, but Gao Yong was busy at that time, because he was familiar with him, Gao Yong was not polite to Dai Hui, and he didn't even let Dai Hui finish his sentence, so he sent him away directly, leaving only a word for Dai Hui, He said that when he was free, he would call him to come to the general surgery department for a detailed discussion.

"Let's talk about it carefully, Dai Hui is a nice person, so let's make it so."

How could Gao Yong refuse to follow the evildoer's words?There are 30 beds in the oncology surgery, even if they are not full, the four doctors are not enough. Besides, Dai Hui is really smart, and he should be a good surgeon.

"Boss, if you are idle, you are idle. Why don't you take advantage of this meeting and settle the matter!" Yang Xi looked at the time and felt that even Xiangdong was almost delayed, so he took Lian Xiangdong with him. Walked out of the breast surgery specialist outpatient room.

Going downstairs, Yang Xi suddenly felt something was wrong when he was walking out of the gate. Looking forward, several dubious characters were running towards him.



"Go upstairs, close the door, and let the boss go!"

Yang Xi got involved with Lian Xiangdong and plunged into the fire escape.

(End of this chapter)

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