I'm a god of medicine

Chapter 277 What's wrong with this bird man

Chapter 277 What's wrong with this bird man

Intrahepatic bile duct stone extraction and bile duct dilation are not considered major operations, but they are delicate tasks.

Sophisticated and naturally time-consuming.

On stage, Lian Xiangdong stood in the position of the chief surgeon.In the anesthesia area, Yin Wei's expression suddenly changed. Brothers, it's not that I, Yin Wei, didn't give you face, but if you let the old man perform the operation, can you still get off work on time?Will I still have time to go home and make dinner for my wife?

Yang Xi seemed to be deliberately teasing Yin Wei, and said to the host: "Don't worry, take your time, two hours, at 06:30, I just got off the stage and went to eat and drink."

Yin Wei's face became even more gloomy.Ma De, don't fool me with eating and drinking, eating and drinking with you guys, how can you have the happiness of going home and cooking for your wife?
Seeing this, Gao Yong smiled and said, "Should I call Chu Wei and explain?"

Yin Wei's panting became obviously louder.Grandma has a leg, and there is no good thing in the general surgery department, including the retired old man Ma, who always laughs at me for being afraid of his wife. Damn, what a fool, it's called love, okay?

The operation begins.

The chief surgeon, Xiangdong, seemed a little nervous, and it took three cuts to make a planned 15 cm subcostal incision.

As a helper, Yang Xi didn't make a sound at this time, allowing Lian Xiangdong to adjust himself.

This is the only way for a surgeon to grow up. Even Yang Xi, the first time he does not use the surgical skill card to perform the operation, he will be nervous.

It's not the first time for Lian Xiangdong to be the chief surgeon, but the surgeries he performed before were all unpopular appendix hernias and the like, but the surgery he's going to do today is a hard level 3 surgery. After arriving at the attending doctor, you are eligible to complete the operation under the leadership of the superior doctor.

Some tension is inevitable.

After the skin was cut, Lian Xiangdong didn't rush to the next step, but raised his head, looked at Yang Xi, and murmured as if talking to himself: "I'm not nervous, I'm excited."

Yang Xi nodded, and replied: "Yes, Brother Ji, you are not nervous, you are just too excited and need to calm down."

Maybe it was Yang Xi's affirmative tone that comforted Lian Xiangdong, or maybe Lian Xiangdong's soliloquy produced self-psychological hints. In short, in the following operations, Lian Xiangdong gradually calmed down.

Open the abdominal cavity and explore the common bile duct first...

Gao Yong's hook was not in place, and Lian Xiangdong subconsciously tapped the hook in Gao Yong's hand with the straight pliers.


Gao Yong was taken aback, realized the problem, and quickly adjusted his strength and direction, then he couldn't help being startled again, hey, what the hell, old man, who do you think you are?Do you really treat yourself as a dish?How dare you knock on Lao Tzu's hook?
On the operating table, the chief surgeon reminds the other party to pay attention by tapping on the instruments of the first or second assistant, which has a certain meaning of criticism. There is a lot of disrespect for the doctor's equipment.

Ma De, if that boy Yang Xi hits my pull hook, I will recognize it. Who made that monster's surgery level obviously higher than my own, but how old is your old man? Absolutely can't swallow it. When the operation is over, I'll see if I don't peel off a layer of his skin.

The detection of the common bile duct was a bit difficult for Lian Xiangdong, but it was not too big. He didn't need much guidance from Yang Xi, and he could still complete it independently.But when it came to the detection of the common hepatic duct and the detection of the left and right hepatic ducts, the difficulty was beyond Lian Xiangdong's control.

Yang Xi has never had surgery for intrahepatic bile duct stones before, but his mind is clearly filled with every word and every picture explained in "Huang Jiasi Surgery", combined with the experience after entering the system state. With this kind of feeling, how to operate each step of the operation will be generated and clearly understood.

"Don't worry, the operation skills here are like this..."

"Take a breath first, let me teach you how to get this stone..."

"Yes, that's it. Remember to control the force when expanding the biliary tract..."

Time is like a trickle, flowing silently, never stopping.

Before I knew it, it was past 06:30.

"Okay, it's perfect. You can flush the abdominal cavity and prepare to close the abdomen." Although every step of Xiang Dong's operation was completed under Yang Xi's strict supervision, in the end, it took Yang Xi a few more minutes. , Checked all the key points in the operation area.

On the opposite side, Lian Xiangdong, who was the chief surgeon, couldn't help shaking his hands again.

This time, it was really not because of nervousness, but because of excitement.

Rinse the abdominal cavity, place a drainage tube, and then close the abdomen. These steps are very familiar to Lian Xiangdong. Therefore, although his hands trembled uncontrollably due to excitement, there should be no problem in completing these steps.

After another 15 minutes, Lian Xiangdong finally finished the last stitch.

At this moment, Lian Xiangdong's performance was no longer as arrogant and reckless as when the previous operation was over. Instead, he stepped off the stage silently, went to a corner of the operating room, squatted down slowly, and covered his hands with his hands. Closing his eyes, he buried his head in his arms.

He rushed to everyone's shoulders, but couldn't help trembling.

"What's wrong with this bird man? Did he cry?" Yang Xi looked at Gao Yong with doubts on his face. "Boss, what did you do to your butt last night?"

Gao Yong thought about it seriously, and said, "It's okay. President Wu treated guests last night. Aren't you and Yin Wei here? After dinner, I'll go home."

In the anesthesia area, Yin Wei couldn't help but let out a thud.

But Yang Xi found the reason.

"Brother Yin, there is a lot of connotation in your laughter, um, I understand, you must have hurt the old man last night, right?"

Yin Weile said: "You're really sure. Last night, tsk tsk, it was such a pleasure... My brother even pleaded guilty, why don't you hurry over to get the injury check?"

Yang Xi shrugged and said with a smile: "Physical injury is nothing, what is important is spiritual injury. Brother Yin, the reason why the old man is crying must be because you failed to satisfy him last night."

Yin Weile said: "It doesn't matter, and tonight, let Boss Gao come tonight, the custody is an anal rupture."

Gao Yong didn't seem to understand that the two were playing hooligans, and he still responded solemnly: "I will definitely clean up this kid tonight, what the hell, dare to knock on my hook on the stage? I'm tired of him! "

At this time, Lian Xiangdong in the corner stood up, turned around, but he had a bright smile on his face: "Tonight, my old butt is treating guests, whatever you want to do, my old butt promises to welcome you with a smile and enjoy it to the fullest." .”

After a short pause, Lian Xiangdong added another sentence: "Ma De, my old butt is so cool today, it's almost bursting!"

(End of this chapter)

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