I'm a god of medicine

Chapter 275 Take a Mirror for the Sacrum

Chapter 275 Take a Mirror for the Sacrum

"What time is the next patient scheduled?" Yin Wei asked.

Yang Xi looked up at the wall clock on the wall. It was five past four, and the last surgery took only one hour and twenty minutes, ten minutes faster than expected.

"04:30, 10 minutes over there is enough." Yang Xi figured out that this arrangement would still leave him 5 minutes to smoke.

Lian Xiangdong's expression on the side suddenly changed, he was in a hurry, the two Zhenggao experts couldn't get it done for five hours, how can you fix it in 10 minutes?
Awesome, you can brag, but you can't brag like that, right?

If it blows up, it won't be your face, but the face of the tumor surgery group in the future!

Looking at Yang Xi again, his face was indifferent, not like bragging at all.

Well, I admire you for your tough mentality, but why are Yin Wei and Gao Yong equally calm?
Fuck, these three shameless bastards must have something to hide from me!

Lian Xiangdong's judgment was correct.

It's just that the three guys didn't deliberately hide it from him, but when the three guys got together to plot at noon, they didn't even catch up when they went back to the dormitory for an afternoon nap.

Seeing that Yang Xi and Yin Wei had gone out, Lian Xiangdong looked at Gao Yong, and Chi asked, "Director Gao, why don't you go and see?"

Gao Yong said with a disdainful smile, "What's so interesting about that?"

Lian Xiangdong said: "Old Qin and Guo Lao Er have worked together for five hours, but Yang Xi can settle it in only 10 minutes?"

Gao Yong smiled and walked over, patted Lian Xiangdong on the shoulder, and said, "Come on, smoke a cigarette in the lounge, and I'll tell you about Yang Xi's moves. After I'm done, I'll take care of it, so you won't be interested in watching it."


Yang Xi and Yin Wei entered the operating room for rectal cancer surgery.

As soon as he entered the door, Yang Xi asked with a smile on his face, "What's the matter? Haven't it been done yet?"

Qin Gewei faced out the window with his hands behind his back, as if he hadn't seen Yang Xi come in at all, let alone heard his question.

Guo Keyuan couldn't hide on the stage, so he had to tell the truth: "The root of the presacral venule was broken and shrunk into the bone crevice. The stuffing and pressure couldn't reach it, and the patient's blood clotting mechanism had problems, so blood clots couldn't form."

Yang Xi nodded and said, "Isn't that simple? If you spot the bleeding point, use the electric coagulation knife to burn it a few times and it's over?"

Guo Keyuan replied patiently, "The small vein is shrunk into the bone seam on the back, so it cannot be seen from the front."

Yang Xi laughed out loud.

Qin Gewei heard the irony from Yang Xi's laughter, and couldn't bear it anymore, so he turned around and said in a deep voice, "Dr. Yang, you are here for your help, not for your help." Come and see the joke."

Yang Xi widened his eyes, stared at Qin Gewei, shrugged, spread his hands, and replied in a surprised and disdainful tone: "Director Qin, why do you have such an idea? To see a joke, you don't have to come to see it live Ah, how cool would it be to hide on the side and give full play to your imagination? The reason why I couldn't help laughing out loud just now was because I thought you shouldn't have suffered such a big crime. Tell me earlier, that's not Have you stepped down to rest a long time ago? Take a look at Director Guo, how tired he is."

Qin Gewei clenched his teeth and squeezed out a sentence: "If you have any good ideas, just say it, don't talk so much nonsense."

This kind of attitude, which appears to be business-like but is actually bullying, is very effective for most people, but it is completely ineffective for Yang Xi.

Not only was it ineffective, but it also touched the weakest chord in Yang Xi's heart. Isn't Vice President Yang and Teacher Zhou just putting on such a posture all day long?

"Director Qin, what you say is unreasonable. I put aside the operation over there and came here to help you, but you questioned me as a joke as soon as you opened your mouth. I have no choice but to explain to you. You said so much nonsense about me, this is simply not giving people a way to survive!" While speaking, Yang Xi had a look of grievance.

Qin Gewei's face turned red and white from the choking, but he couldn't speak a word.

On the stage, Guo Keyuan smoothed things over and said, "Doctor Yang, Director Qin is also impatient, you, it's better not to worry about it too much. Wash your hands and go on stage, and teach us any good methods."

This is polite, but the purpose is quite insidious.Being on stage means doing something, and once you do it, you have to take responsibility for the surgery.If you can stop the bleeding point, then everyone laughs, and everything is fine. If you can't stop the bleeding, hehe, I will keep you Yang Xi can't eat and walk around.

How could Yang Xi fail to understand?

However, what he wanted was to go on stage and do it himself, otherwise, he would just tell them the solution to the problem, and at most he would lose the judgment that his brain is really good.Now that he has raised his arms and stretched out his hands to give them two slaps, then these two slaps must be thorough.

On the side, Yin Wei pointed at Yang Xi's wrist, indicating that the time is almost up.On the way here, these two guys have already allocated the 10 minutes. They took 5 minutes to bicker and liven up the atmosphere, then used 10 minutes to wash their hands, and finally left 5 minutes for surgery to stop the bleeding.Only 10 minutes of hand washing time is planned, not because Yang Xi is playing a big game, but because the municipal hospital has adopted a new hand sanitizing product, which shortens the standard hand washing time to 10 minutes.

Now that the planned 5-minute bickering time has run out, Yang Xi has nothing to say, just turn around and go out to wash his hands.

Yin Wei, on the other hand, took advantage of the time when Yang Xi was washing his hands, and went to the operating room dedicated to the ENT department, and took out a sterilized surgical instrument.

In the lounge, Gao Yong replaced the sacrum with clenched fists, and explained to Lian Xiangdong the method Yang Xi thought of.

"It's like the sacrum. There are many bone seams in the loose front end, just like the finger crevices on my fist. After the small vein was broken, it retracted into the bone seam, and the bone seam faces downward. Come here." Look, from your angle, can you see the three finger slits on the back of my fist?"

Lian Xiangdong shook his head.

"The sacrum can't be reversed as easily as a fist, so Guo Laoer and Qin Laogui can't find the bleeding point, and the broken blood vessel is hidden in the bone seam, no matter how you stuff it and press it It’s not possible to get it, and the patient’s blood clotting mechanism is not good, so it’s reasonable to not be able to stop the bleeding.”

Lian Xiangdong couldn't help asking: "Then what method did Yang Xi think of?"

Gao Yong chuckled and said, "Take a mirror on the sacrum."

"Mirror?" Lian Xiangdong was puzzled at first, but then he seemed to think of something, and a dazed smile appeared on his face. "Wo Cao, it's so simple? With this method, my old buttocks can also find the bleeding point!"

Gao Yong smiled and said nothing.

(End of this chapter)

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