I'm a god of medicine

Chapter 273 That guy has practiced boxing

Chapter 273 That guy has practiced boxing
The directors of the two leading groups are both with high professional titles, and one of them is also the acting director of the department. If he can't handle the surgery, he will ask for help from a small doctor with no professional title, no education, and no seniority?

What a joke!
Whoever makes this suggestion deserves a beating.

Oh, forget it, that guy has practiced boxing, so we educated people can't always think of relying on force to solve problems.

"Doctor Yin, I don't blame you. After all, you have never been on the stage to perform surgery, and you have no experience in this field. The problem now is not the surgical technique, but the solution." Qin Gewei put on the posture of the director of the department , explained earnestly to Yin Wei: "The bleeding point should be a small vein in the presacral venous plexus. Without the specific location of the bleeding point, it is impossible to accurately stop the bleeding, and the only way to stop the bleeding is to use packing and compression."

Yin Wei is so ignorant, Qin Gewei has talked about this for the sake of it, but he still doesn't deserve his original intention and insists on lowering his moral bottom line again and again.

"I, Yin Wei, have never eaten pork, but I have seen more pigs running than anyone else. I suggest letting Yang Xi take a look. It's not that his surgical skills surpass the two chief directors, but I want to say that he is young and has a flexible mind, and he may be able to come up with a solution to the problem if he is not sure."

On the stage, Guo Keyuan's complexion was like Master Bao Zheng's, only missing a moon-shaped imprint on his forehead.

Offstage, Qin Gewei tried his best to control his emotions, and kept telling himself to pay attention to his image and maintain his demeanor.

Is he really unable to beat him, otherwise, I would have slapped him out long ago.

Is it still human?
Why have you never eaten pork but seen pigs running? Compare us surgeons to pigs, right?

No, this day should be comparing a surgeon who can't get off the stage to a pig.

I also distinguish that what I mean is not to say that Yang Xi's level exceeds that of the two chief physicians... Fuck, who can't understand this kind of irony and right words!

So fucking annoying.

"Right now, the amount of blood loss is three to four milliliters per minute. It's not a big problem. Second child, fill in more gelatin sponge, close your stomach and step down!" Qin Gewei couldn't stand the excitement, and sent Guo Keyuan a call to withdraw instruction.

During the four-and-a-half-hour process of packing and compressing to stop the bleeding, Guo Keyuan and the others were not idle. Two people were separated to complete the remaining steps of the operation in the upper and lower directions. Now, there is only one step left to stop the bleeding. , You can close your stomach and step down.

Guo Keyuan was obviously taken aback.

Not because of Qin Gewei's order, but because of Qin Gewei's address to him.

Before that, Qin Gewei told him that he was the second elder brother and the second elder brother was short, so why did he suddenly become the second elder brother?

Alas, being a department director is not the same as not being a department director. This little Qin's shoes... a little swollen!

In the face of major events, it is necessary to be informal. After being stunned, Guo Keyuan immediately carried out Qin Gewei's instructions.

He has been working in this operating room for four and a half hours, and he is already tired enough. If time can be repeated, he will definitely say to the patient lying on the operating table, no, I Guo Keyuan will never perform an operation for you, you should ask Gao Ming to go.

It stands to reason that the patient is from the general surgery department, and the director of the general surgery department has given a clear order, so Yin Wei, the chief physician of the anesthesiology department, should keep his mouth shut.

He does not need to share the responsibility, so he has no right to speak.

This is the rule.

However, rules always restrict those who are moral and well-behaved, and at this moment, Yin Wei seemed to be insane after taking the wrong medicine. Arrived in the corner.

"Three or four milliliters in one minute, two hundred milliliters in one hour, the patient's blood will be changed all over the place in one day, Director Qin, Director Guo, I'm sorry, I can't accept such patients in PACU, and I dare not accept them, Wang Bin If you are not at home, I, Yin Wei, have the final say in the anesthesiology department."

The patient is under general anesthesia, and the ventilator is needed during the process from abdominal closure to anesthesia recovery. Although there are ventilators in the emergency room of the general surgery department, none of the doctors in our general surgery department are professionals in this field. I don't know how to fiddle with it.

This side is still in the midst of contradictions and hesitation, but over there, Yin Wei is not relentless, and gave the two expert-level chief physicians an ideological and moral education class.

"Both directors, the blood coagulation mechanism of this patient is not very good before the operation. I would not have signed the anesthesia consent form if it were not for the fact that Director Guo came on stage in person. You will just step down like this. After the operation, you can only rely on supplements." Whole blood is used to maintain the patient's blood volume. In this way, the patient's blood coagulation function will also decline. If it is long, it can last for seven or eight hours. If it is short, it may be necessary to enter the palace for a second time before dinner. Why bother? Woolen cloth?"

"For those of us who are doctors, the sky is big and the earth is big, not as big as the patient's life. I know that it would be embarrassing for you two to let Yang Xi take a look at this situation, but what can you do?" Huh? In case Yang Xi really thinks of a good way to help the patient stop the bleeding point, isn’t it the best thing for the patient, for you two directors, for the general surgery department, including our hospital? But something?"

Yin Wei is really spoiled by the old horse these days!Do you still have elders in your eyes?Do you still have rules in mind?Can the brain still figure out the division of responsibilities between the anesthesiology department and the surgery department?
Don't say that you are just a senior attending doctor, even if you are promoted to the deputy chief physician or even the full chief physician, you have no right to point fingers at me in general surgery!

However, that guy has practiced boxing, so he really can't beat him!

Besides, what that bastard said did have some truth. Although he forcibly stepped down at this moment, he saved face for a while, but he couldn't restore the dignity he had when he entered the palace for the second time.

"Okay, then I'll follow your advice, second child. You should use more gelatin sponge and adjust the downforce. I can see that the signs of bleeding have slowed down. Maybe in another half an hour, the bleeding will be stopped. .” Qin Gewei confessed helplessly, then retreated to a corner of the operating room and sat down.

On the stage, Guo Keyuan smiled wryly.

This bleeding point really has character, what it was like at the beginning, and what it is still like now, there is no sign of slowing down.

And the gelatin sponge, which will expand when it encounters liquid, is indeed a sharp tool to stop bleeding. However, the small vein with the severed head is shrunk in the bone seam, how can you allow the gelatin sponge to oppress it?
Alas, forget it, forget it, Director Qin can do whatever he says, anyway, I'm completely screwed today.

(End of this chapter)

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