Chapter 27

At five minutes to ten, Yang Xi strolled to Xu Rujin's house.

"Come on, let uncle give you a hug and see what uncle bought for you." Yang Xi took out a small toy that he bought for his niece on the way.

When the niece was born, Yang Xi happened to live in Xu Rujin's home during the winter vacation of his sophomore year.During that Spring Festival, Dong Junhui made every effort to give his daughter a nice name.Mr. Yang, who teaches mathematics, and Mr. Zhou, whose wife teaches junior high school physics, are both educated and uneducated. They suggested many names, but none of them fit Xu Rujin's liking.

In the end, it was Yang Xi who named her niece Ruoyao.

Mother Ruojin, daughter Ruoyao, and both Jin and Yao mean beautiful jade.

Dong Ruoyao, four and a half years old, threw herself into Yang Xi's arms, first kissed Yang Xi loudly on the cheek, then put her arms around Yang Xi's neck and said coquettishly, "Uncle Xiaoxi, will you take me out to play?"

Yang Xi picked up Xiao Ruoyao, flew around twice, then kissed Xiao Ruoyao's forehead, and said: "Can't we play at home? Look at the toys that Uncle Xiaoxi bought for you!"

Xiao Ruoyao pursed her lips, poked the tip of Yang Xi's nose, and said disdainfully, "Are you childish, Uncle Xiaoxi, Balabala Little Demon Fairy is already out of date, okay?"

Yang Xi laughed and said, "Then Ruoyao, can you tell Uncle Xiaoxi, what toys are not out of date?"

Xiao Ruoyao pulled Yang Xi's ear, put her mouth close together, and said mysteriously: "Gundam!"

Xu Rujin walked out of the kitchen with a plate of washed grapes, and said angrily, "Yaoyao, don't let Uncle Xiaoxi buy you Gundam!"

Xiao Ruoyao opened her eyes wide and said in surprise, "How do you know? I'm so quiet."

Xu Rujin snorted, put down the grapes, turned and went back to the kitchen.

Xiao Ruoyao said aggrievedly: "Uncle Xiaoxi, Yaoyao really likes Gundam, but mom won't buy it for you. Tell me, what should I do?"

Yang Xi sat on the sofa with Xiao Ruoyao in his arms, and said with a smile, "Let's eat grapes first, and when the grapes are finished, Uncle Xiaoxi will take you out to play, and then..."

Xiao Ruoyao continued with a high spirit: "Accidentally picked up a Gundam?"

Yang Xi suppressed a smile, nodded solemnly, and said, "Well, that's right, I did accidentally pick up a Gundam."


Dong Junhui has worked in Liuquan Town for nine years. He has grown from an ordinary civil servant to the head of a town. Under his leadership, the economic level of Liuquan Town has been counterattacked from the last in the county to the time when he left office. At the time, it was already ranked third from the bottom in Dongshan County.Although there is still a gap of nearly [-]% compared with Dawu Town, which ranks first next door, the people of the town are very grateful for such achievements.

After all, Dawu Town is too evil. It became a star town in Jiangbei City 30 years ago relying on underground coal. 30 years later, although the coal resources have long been exhausted, the people of Dawu Town have already completed their wealth accumulation , and successfully achieved industrial transformation.

Dong Junhui was very unwilling when he was transferred from Liuquan Town. He made a request to the organization, hoping that the organization would give him three more years so that he could lead the whole town to overtake Dawu Town.The organization would definitely not accept Dong Junhui's narrow local concept, so he had to accept the organization's decision and went to another township to serve as the town secretary.

In the first month of this year, the results of the evaluation of talent introduction work in all districts and counties of the city came down. Dongshan County ranked first in the bottom of the five districts and four counties in Jiangbei City. The county leaders were severely criticized by the city leaders at the meeting.In order to change the backward situation, the county leaders fixed their eyes on Dong Junhui.

In mid-March, Dong Junhui was appointed Secretary of Gengji Township and Deputy Director of the County Talent Office.After getting to know Dong Junhui for a period of time, in mid-August Dong Junhui was removed from the post of Secretary of Gengji Town and appointed as Deputy Director of the Organization Department of the Dongshan County Party Committee and Director of the Talent Office.

Yesterday, Dong Junhui handed over the work in Gengji Town, taking advantage of this Sunday, he wanted to go home and take a look.After all, the work in the future will be even busier, and there are not many opportunities to return to Liuquan Town.

Before seven o'clock, Dong Junhui ate a piece of bread and drank a bottle of mineral water, and then drove away from Gengji Town.At five minutes past eight, Dong Junhui drove to the boundary of Liuquan Town.Walk around and see the orchards in the East Village, the vegetable fields in the West Village, the development zone in the south of the town, the incubator in the north of the town... It took a full two and a half hours to fulfill my wish and come to Liuquan the street of the town.

From a distance, I saw a young man holding the hand of a little loli, happily walking towards his home.

Yang Xi originally wanted to buy a genuine Gundam for Xiao Ruoyao online, but he couldn't see Xiao Ruoyao's desire, so he took Xiao Ruoyao to the street and bought a gundam for more than 100 yuan. High imitation products.Xiao Ruoyao doesn't understand the difference between the genuine one and the high imitation, anyway, the one printed on the box is indeed a Gundam, which can already make her bursting with joy.

Holding the hand of Xiao Ruoyao who kept jumping all the way, as soon as he walked out of the street, he heard a car honking behind him. Yang Xi turned his head and looked, his face suddenly darkened.

Xiao Ruoyao recognized her father's car, hugged Gundam, and happily went up to it.

Dong Junhui lowered the car window and greeted Yang Xi: "Get in the car, it's so hot, there's still a long way to go!"

Yang Xi twitched one corner of his mouth and snorted coldly: "The grassroots dare not sit in Mayor Dong Da's car."

Dong Junhui smiled and said, "I'm not the mayor anymore, okay?"

Yang Xi snorted again, and said, "Damn the grassroots, I forgot that Mayor Dong Da had been promoted to Secretary Dong Da, and asked Da Secretary Dong to forgive me."

Dong Junhui touched the head of Xiao Ruoyao who just got into the car and sat in the passenger seat, drove the car to follow Yang Xi, and then said with a smile: "It's not right to be called Secretary Dong, I have been out of office for a month."

Yang Xi got angry when he heard Dong Junhui's name, not to mention that they were face to face, seeing Xiao Ruoyao had already boarded the car, Yang Xi simply turned his head and walked in the opposite direction, I can't afford to mess with you, we will hide from you Sorry?

But at this moment, Xiao Ruoyao poked her head out of the car window and shouted: "Uncle Xiaoxi, Yaoyao wants to be hugged by you."

Yang Xi immediately faltered.

Dong Junhui is indeed not a thing, but his wife and children are his only relatives. Don't say that Xiao Ruoyao's words were not taught by her father. Even if they were, then Yang Xi couldn't hurt Xiao Ruoyao's heart .

Opened the rear door and got in the car. Before she could sit still, Xiao Ruoyao, who was on the passenger seat, crawled over and plunged into Yang Xi's arms. Without saying a word, she hugged Yang Xi's face and kissed her first. I took two bites.

"Uncle Xiaoxi, don't be angry, let mother take care of him when you get home!"

Yang Xi burst into joy immediately, patted the driver's seat, and taunted: "Did you hear that? Master Dong, this is the voice of the people!"

(End of this chapter)

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