I'm a god of medicine

Chapter 269 Xinglin Garden Live

Chapter 269 Xinglin Garden Live

Wednesday, Gao Yong's surgery day.

Three sets of laparoscopy in the morning and two sets of large surgery in the afternoon.

In general surgery, Qin Gewei used laparoscopic techniques to carry out many operations, but Gao Yong's operation was relatively simple. As long as it was laparoscopic surgery, it was most likely cholecystectomy.

Based on the experience of the operating room, when arranging laparoscopic cholecystectomy, generally only three sets are arranged in the morning. It is estimated that each operation takes about one hour and more than 10 minutes. :08, even if everything goes well, it will be twelve o'clock at noon when it ends.

Director Ma was away, so Yin Wei naturally focused on Yang Xi. When he learned that Gao Yong intended to hand over all three laparoscopic surgeries to Yang Xi, Yin Wei volunteered to be the anesthesiologist in this operating room. .

"Xi Shao, come, brother to discuss something with you." Yin Wei, who had finished the pre-anesthesia talk the previous afternoon, came up to inspect the patients before eight o'clock. After the inspection, he found him in the general surgeon's office. Yang Xi. "You have to perform well on these three laparoscopes this morning. The two of us should cooperate well and try to get them all within two hours. How about it?"

Yang Xi blinked and replied, "If I don't agree, will you beat me?"

Yin Wei responded with a straight face: "That is a must."

Yang Xi sighed, and said: "Then you still come to ask me a question, just give me an order, I can't beat you, and I'm afraid of being beaten, what else can I do besides being wronged?"

Yin Wei stared and said: "You can still play tricks, kid! It's settled, brother, I'll make preparations now, put three laparoscopes in two hours, put them on the website, and keep them stunned."

Two hours is 120 minutes, divided by three, each operation is four 10 minutes.

Complete a laparoscopic cholecystectomy in four 10 minutes...

It seems that the difficulty is not great.

In the general surgery department, there are at least three people who can say with confidence that as long as there is no moth, I can cut off the gallbladder within four to ten minutes.

But among them, there is suspicion of stealing the concept.

The four and 10 minutes mentioned by the three guys who dared to shoot their chests refers to the pure operation time, that is, the patient has been anesthetized properly, the assistant has finished disinfecting and laying the drape, and the chief surgeon starts timing from the first cut to the last stitch. time spent in .


Does the anesthesiologist take time to anesthetize the patient?

Doesn't it take time for surgeons to wash their hands and dress?

Does it take time to disinfect the patient's surgical area and lay surgical towels?

Counting all these, if you want to complete three laparoscopic operations within two hours, then the pure operation time left for the operator will definitely not exceed half an hour.

"Brother, can't you just let my brother go? Today's first laparoscopic surgery is the second one that I, Yang Xi, have done in my life. If you need experience or technology, you still have to give it to me." Such a great pressure..." Yang Xi treated each other with the truth, talking about grievances and sorrow, almost tearing up.

But this move was ineffective against Yin Wei.

"Come on, you, don't act with brother. After finishing this job, I'll ask your sister-in-law to cook Dongpo meat for you. How about it?"

Recalling the Dongpo meat cooked by Chu Wei, Yang Xi's mouth was full of saliva, and he swallowed a big mouthful of saliva, but he couldn't find any reason to refute. "Then... well, brother, I will promise you to give it a try, alas, you say you are a big boss, why is your vanity still so strong?"

Yin Wei didn't answer, but clenched his fist and shook it in front of Yang Xi.

Yang Xi immediately changed his words: "Of course, I can still understand you. After all, this is to promote the hospital and for the collective benefit."

Only then did Yin Wei put down his fist, nodded in satisfaction, patted Yang Xi on the shoulder, turned and left.

Looking at Yin Wei's back, Yang Xi couldn't help but shook his head and sighed, and said to himself: "There really isn't a good person who gets close to that old bastard, old horse."

Before that, in the laparoscopic surgery of Gao Yong's group, Gao Yong was the chief surgeon, Feng Hu was the first assistant, and the two bed doctors Zhang Yao and Lian Xiangdong took turns to carry the guns.But today, with Yang Xi leading the knife and Gao Yong assisting, Feng Hu would definitely not want to become a gunslinger.Zhang Yao also found an excuse, lied that he was unwell, and hid far away.

Lian Xiangdong is duty-bound, so he can only come forward.

After checking the room and quickly processing the doctor's order for the day, at [-]:[-], Gao Yong, Yang Xi, and Xiangdong entered the operating room.

Yin Wei has been waiting for a long time.

"Don't smoke. From the time you change your clothes, take a look at the end." Yin Wei switched the SLR camera in his hand to video mode, handed it to a student next to him, and asked: "Wait for the three of them When you come out of the locker room, let's take a close-up of the face first, Ma De, if you mess up, you will lose the face of these three people first."

Yang Xi asked in surprise: "Brother, what are you singing, what play are you singing? Does it take so much trouble to record a surgery video?"

Yin Wei snorted, and replied: "Brother started the live broadcast, stop talking nonsense, hurry up and work!"

Yang Xi put on a surgical cap and mask, grabbed the operating room underwear, walked to the locker room, gouged out Yin Wei's eyes as he walked, and muttered viciously: "I will go to practice boxing tomorrow, and after practicing the hammer Damn you."

At [-]:[-], Yang Gaolian and the three surgeons finished changing their clothes, and over there, Yin Wei's live broadcast on the Xinglinyuan website officially started.

The nickname of Yin Wei’s account registered in Xinglinyuan uses his real name, but he added a profession in front, called “Anesthesiology Yin Wei”, which fits Yin Wei’s personality traits very well. On the Internet, they dare to treat each other with their real names.

Now, 'Anesthesia Yin Wei' is quite well-known in Xinglin Garden. The video of breast cancer surgery uploaded two weeks ago caused quite a stir. Although there is no follow-up work after that, it is not Affect the rapid growth of the number of fans of 'Anesthetic Yin Wei'.

With [-] fans, you can activate the live broadcast function, and the number of fans of 'Anesthetic Yin Wei' has exceeded [-].

If you have resources, you have to use them, and you can't waste them in vain. In addition, these days, many fans have been talking to Yin Wei, threatening him to quickly come up with a new video, or he will definitely take off his fans.

Ever since, Yin Wei came up with the idea of ​​conducting a live broadcast of surgery.

With a hasty start and lack of experience, Yin Wei did not do any publicity in advance, so that when the live broadcast started, there were only less than 10 people in the live broadcast room, and half of them were Yin Wei's colleagues from the Department of Anesthesiology of the Municipal Hospital. .

The rest of them are probably young doctors who just got off the night shift in another hospital. They are homeless. They are either in the dormitory or in the duty room of the department. Before they catch up on sleep, they watch the live broadcast for a while. effect.

(End of this chapter)

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