Chapter 266

Wu Hongmei couldn't be happy after eating Qin Gewei's moderate deflation. She left the general surgery department angrily and walked downstairs along the fire exit.

When I went down to the 6th floor, I happened to bump into Gao Yong who had just finished the operation and was about to return to the department.

"Director Gao, do you have time? If so, come with me. I just want to talk to you about the establishment of the Department of Oncology Surgery."

The dean ordered Gao Yong to make time even if he had no time.

After entering the dean's office, Wu Hongmei didn't talk to Gao Yong about the establishment of the department at all, but asked straight to the point: "What's the matter with Yang Xi? Why didn't you participate in the in-hospital selection of the doctor training skills competition?"

Gao Yong was speechless for a while.

It's really hard to answer!

It is said that Qin Gewei changed the rules set by Director Ma on the first day he took office, and Yang Xi disliked his bureaucratic style, so he refused to participate?
Or to be honest, Yang Xi insisted on taking Lian Xiangdong to participate in the competition, the rules set by Qin Gewei couldn't meet Yang Xi's requirements, so this kid just came and didn't participate?
No matter how you say it, it seems that you are a little petty on your side. If Dean Wu rises to a higher level, you can definitely assume that he, Yang Xi, lacks a sense of collective honor.

"Then what, this guy Yang Xi still has a bit of quack spirit. Our group had originally arranged for Dr. Lian Xiangdong to participate in the selection. Yang Xi didn't want to squeeze out the opportunity of Lian Xiangdong, so..." Time Urgency, the most suitable explanation Gao Yong can think of is that.

Dean Wu smiled faintly and said, "If that's the case, why would even the doctor abstain? Director Gao, you didn't tell me the truth, did you?"

Gao Yong was so embarrassed that he had no choice but to resort to his nirvana. Since he couldn't explain clearly, he just shut up and didn't answer.

When Dean Wu encountered Gao Yong's head-scratching, he was helpless for a while.

After a moment of silence on the sofa in the reception area, Wu Hongmei took the lead to break the deadlock. "Gao Yong, Yu Gong, I am the dean, and you will be the director of the department in the future. We are superior and subordinate, but Yu private, for the sake of Director Ma, you should call me sister, right? Now, we two Behind closed doors, let me tell you something private about my sister and brother. This competition for training doctors is especially important for municipal hospitals, and it is even more important for you, Sister Wu. Tell Sister the truth, how can you make Yang Xi willing? How about participating in this competition?"

Gao Yong couldn't bear Wu Hongmei's heartfelt words, so he had to tell the truth: "Dean Wu, I didn't lie to you. Yang Xi's unwillingness to participate in the selection was really because of his loyalty. Before Director Ma fell ill, Lian Xiangdong begged Yang Xi to take him to the competition, and Yang Xi agreed. But then Director Qin changed the rules, Yang Xi and Xiangdong could only have one of them participate in the competition, so the two They all chose not to participate.”

Wu Hongmei let out a long breath, and sighed: "So it's like this... Where is Yang Xi? Is he still undergoing surgery? You can ask him, if you have time, let him come and I will talk to him in person. "

Gao Yong took out his mobile phone and responded, "We both got off the stage together. At this moment, he should be in Corey."

Yang Xi is indeed in Corey, but he is not in a good mood.

Xu Xiannv's grandma was discharged from the hospital today, and Ling Shuai ran up and down on the saddle, really thinking of herself as her grandson-in-law.

It's just that it's fine, then Fairy Xu has nothing to do with Yang Xi, if Xu Rujin and Dong Ruoyao's mother and daughter are not troublesome, Yang Xi knows who she is Fairy Xu?
What was annoying was that Fairy Xu even came over to bid farewell to Yang Xi before she left. Well, let’s say goodbye as soon as we say goodbye. Now that we know each other, we are friends.

However, Xu Xiannv left a word to Yang Xi earnestly: "As a friend, I kindly remind you that for a doctor, technology is very important, but more importantly, medical ethics. I really should learn from Dr. Ling, come on, Yang Xi, try to stay in the municipal hospital, I am optimistic about you!"

Yang Xi was stunned on the spot.

What is he talking about?
What did you say to try to stay in the city hospital... What the young master wants is to try not to stay in the city hospital!

What's even more irritating is that Fairy Xu also made a gesture that was all for Yang Xi's good, so that Yang Xi had no choice but to turn back. Good men don't fight with women. In front of so many colleagues in the department, Yang Xi Xi can only accept Fairy Xu's kind advice with a smile.

At this moment, Gao Yong called.

Yang Xi answered the phone angrily, and immediately burst into anger: "The owner of the phone is dead, burn paper for something!"

Gao Yong still knew Yang Xi's personality very well. Although he didn't know who provoked this kid, this kid's anger was definitely not aimed at him.Besides, Gao Yong also trusted Yang Xi's self-regulation ability, so he didn't take Yang Xi's abnormality seriously, but directly notified Yang Xi to come to the Wu Dean's office.

"What's the matter? I won't go if I don't make it clear!" When he said this, Yang Xi had already guessed why Dean Wu would look for him.

On the other end of the phone, Gao Yong hesitated, but still told the truth.

On the side, Lian Xiangdong's ears were really sharp, and Gao Yong was able to hear clearly when he was talking on the phone in Dean Wu's office at a low volume.

"Young Master Xi, what should we do? Or you can agree to Dean Wu and leave me alone."

Yang Xi lit a cigarette slowly, and said: "Your old man is my Yang Xi's brother, and I agreed to take you to play together, unless your old man betrayed me, Yang Xi, otherwise, I will never have Yang Xi When you abandon your old butt."

Lian Xiangdong couldn't help being moved for a while. After being moved, he took a closer look, why did he feel something was wrong?Ma De, since when did I recognize you as a big brother?
But seeing Yang Xi's serious face, even Xiang Dong couldn't help shivering, alas, let's admit it, who made this monster's ankle thicker than my own waist.

"Let's go! Old man, go to meet Dean Wu with my brother. I don't believe it. Since she wants me to be Yang Xi, she won't make concessions to me, Yang Xi?"

Lian Xiangdong has black lines on his face, grass, what kind of pee is he, how can wind be rain, before he even said three words, he calls himself brother?
This is still a trivial matter, and the elders can completely laugh it off as a joke. The point is, you are a mud bodhisattva crossing the river yourself, why are you dragging my old ass to die together?
Lian Xiangdong's eyes moved slightly, thinking about it.

"Xi Shao, you take a step first, brother, I will clean up the colon, and then I will arrive."

After saying that, Lian Xiangdong grabbed a pack of tissues and ran out the door.

Ten minutes later, Lian Xiangdong, who thought that Yang Xi should have been in the elevator long ago, rubbed his numb legs and walked out of the bathroom crookedly. When he raised his eyes, he almost collapsed.

That Yang Xi was really patient, standing at the door of the office and looking at Lian Xiangdong with a smile.

(End of this chapter)

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